Versatile Mage

Chapter 2023: No Forgiveness

Movan is also anxious, why can't the dead spirits equip themselves with a cell phone, have to communicate in such an ancient way, so to go to ancient times, and wait for the Nine Ghosts to send the message to the underworld, those bastard referees already put people in the death row of the court!

“Oh, I'll tell the king now.” Nine Phantoms immediately put away the smile about to be displayed, and the entire body of the phantom quickly disappeared into the spirit card.

Movan was anxious and did not know what to do, as if he could do nothing but tell the emptiness of the matter.

I hope Shao Zheng can use his wrist to delay the pace of those members of the Court more quickly so that they can reach the holy city of Europe.

“I spoke to the king.” Nine Phantoms later suddenly came out, and the voice frightened Movan.

“What do you say?” Movan said.

“I don't know...”

“What do you mean, you don't know? ”

“I just sent a telegram to the king by a little means. How do I know what happened? After all, the woman you said was a matter of the king's life. Perhaps the king had no love for her long ago. We beat old Egyptians like him to death. If the king's eyes look at him, he needs to unify the underworld. There is no need to make a big fuss for a little woman. The court is not easy to mess with.” Nine Ghosts said.

“Is that what you think? After the Ninth Phantom, stop hitting the boss, he won't like you.” Movan said.

“Bullshit, I was born with beautiful qualities. After I died, it was a star meteor. How could that Qin Yuer compare to me? In the time I became queen, you ancestors were all my little pussies!” Nine Ghosts said.

“What queen, you martial arts? Don't be ridiculous, I've seen your tablet...” Movan said.

“Who told you that there is only one queen in Chinese history, can you believe those damned history books!” Nine Phantoms' Qi suddenly faded, he said.

“Please stop playing and tell me what the boss is going to do.” Movan said.

“What else can I do, hmm, I really don't understand what you're telling the king about this isn't hurting him? Do you really think that the court will make such a big move for an ice talented woman? If the court is really going to deal with Qin Yuer's heresy, why not get rid of it on the spot and bring it back to the holy city of Europe? Please use your brains!” Nine Phantoms later did not cheer up, "he said.

Movan listened and his whole heart sank.

The style of conduct of the court is intuitive execution. If they did use the prohibition later, the news received at this time is that Qin Yuer died. They took Qin Yuer back to the holy city with such great effort...

“But how do they know the emperor is the king of the dead?” Movan doesn't understand.

“Movan, if the world were as simple as you think, there wouldn't be as many wars in history.” Nine Ghosts said.

“Are you saying that the Diocese, the Court of Cassation and the Holy See also collude?” Movan said.

Knowing that the emptiness belongs to the King Qin, I am afraid that only the members of the Black Holy See are available. Han Silence, Xiao Hung Wang and May Meng, they will never give such amazing news to others.

“Is it necessary to collaborate? The Diocese and the Holy See leave their prominent place and power unattended to self-destruct and collude with the Holy See? It would be perfectly normal for the people of the Holy See to serve them. This does not in any way affect their duty to eradicate the Holy See, nor does it contradict the exchange of information on a matter.” Nine Ghosts said.

Has the Holy See exchanged certain information with the Diocese and the Holy See?

“Hoof is not an oil saving lamp either, we push them so tight in the underworld, how do you think he can not use the conspiracy of the sun to do something disgusting?” The Nine Ghosts continued.

“So whose conspiracy is this?” Movan asked.

“Well, how come you haven't figured it out yet? No one conspiracies, just the presence of kings that threaten their unbreakable institutions, the underworld, the Magic Society, the Temple of Patnon, the State, the World Alliance… can temporarily shake hands if they feel a threat from the same person or force, whether the Court of Heaven or the Holy See. Did you forget how your father-in-law died?” Nine Ghosts said.

“My father-in-law isn't dead, oh, I thought you said Mu Zhuoyun, I wish he'd lived a few short years... Are you talking about Wentai?” Movan said.

“Who else could he be but a heretic? Did he do anything to hurt God? What else did he do besides glare at the interests of too many people? The Court of the Holy See has not done him yet. How can it be that only the Court of the Holy See is the only one who wants to destroy him? The Court of the Holy See is only the lead sheep. The people who want him dead to contribute to it are acquiesced to as long as other forces do not come forward to oppose it. So whether you're black or white, send to hell. A veil that doesn't even recognize the soul, where there's so much power to say that the Son collapses, she's just smart enough to use the people she thinks of.” Nine Ghosts said.

Movan looked at the Ninth Phantom and didn't think that the Ninth Phantom had been squatting in her own spirit card all day, watching someone else burn her incense and knowing the world's major events. There's a computer in this temple that can climb the wall.

“In sum, it was a conspiracy against the emperor, and the Court did not wish to see such a person present, and Hoof was using his divine technique to fuel it, and the Holy See provided information about it…" Movan sorted out his thoughts.

“Include your own country. Not everyone wants Shao Zheng to claim power. Although it is your credit to calm down in Gudu, everyone now knows that you are Shao Zheng's people. Inland stability, coastal prevention, all under the auspices of Shao Zheng, he blocked the interests of too many people and made other parliamentarians look like waste, so dealing with the king is also equivalent to giving Shao Zheng a head start, then there is no time to take into account the inland Shao Zheng can only divide power.” Nine Ghosts said.

Movan's heart is trembling.

“Is this true?” Movan asked.

Try hard to settle the ancient capital, let the agitated dead enter the underworld during the most dangerous period of the whole country, and suppress the death of the Egyptian dead spirit who has been delusional to invade the land. If Shao Zheng is the known leader of the protectorate, then the general instructor of emptying is the ruler of the underworld.

The disaster in the Pyramid of the Underworld in the North River was not announced, but without the Chief Instructor, the whole North now doesn't know what kind of hell scene it will be, how many more cities will be there, and how many more people will be able to live comfortably and safely in the city?

And to destabilize the balance on the tip of the cliff, it's also likely to include some of the mafias in your country...

If so, there is no forgiveness for this kind of person!!