Versatile Mage

Chapter 2081 is also a Divine Inquisition

Shadows are more often directed at targets, bringing repression and fear to specific people, and in the eyes of those around them, nothing more than a black object swallowed people up, and what happened inside could not be felt at all.

Thunder is different. This thunder dances wildly over the heads of thousands of people. The bursting sound from the sky is breaking the eardrums. Lightning strikes some large particles in the air and creates terrible sparks. Electric sparks crackle and flash. It smells more intense burning smell. Let alone ordinary people. Even magicians who have been repaired will feel death threats!

Movan's previous remarks did provoke anger. It's impossible for anyone with a slightly normal mind to make enemies of the world, but now when people look at Movan, they feel an extremely dangerous signal!

Stay away, stay away!

The deputy mayor was a better preparer, deliberately arranging a protective boundary between the battlefield and the viewers. Generally speaking, this boundary is only opened if something more difficult to control occurs in the battle to protect those watching the bustle. After all, the money consumed to start such a broad boundary is calculated in seconds.

As Mofan's lightning field gets scarier and scarier, the junction of this automated detection hazard factor has lit up a light green halo, completely covering up those watching the battle, like a light green umbrella of transparency!

“Isn't that horrible? It feels like we don't have boundaries. All of us are going to be bombarded to pieces of meat.” In the crowd, a middle-class lightning cadet said.

It's also Thunder, Movan's is the real Thunder Man, compared to most of them Thunder is like sweater static!

“Otherwise, wouldn't it be a problem to call youngsters' strongest thunder magicians?” Someone said a fair word.

The strongest thunder is the magician, and Movan, who possesses the divine imprint of praise, really does not have much controversy, and Movan's thunder system is the one whose ancestors are most frightened to heaven!

“Shield Qigong! ”

Joe felt the pounding thunderbolt on his head, and he used his own white and dark wind.

When the wind disperses, the white wind forms one gas vortex shield after another. The gas vortex shield is probably just the size of an ordinary man's shield, but there are hundreds of them. The hundreds of gas vortex shields run along an ancestor-centric orbit. As these gas vortex shields run faster and faster, they become a giant white clock shield. All the gas vortex shields are the lattice parts of the entire air clock shield.

“All defenses are set in front of me. Don't waste your energy, Ancestor.” Movan looked at his ancestors and said proudly.

“Enough of this bullshit, show me what you can do!” Ancestor said to heaven.

Movan floated a derogatory laugh.


Ancestors choose defense?

He's afraid it's brain digging!

“Didn't your intelligence dealer ever tell you that the only way to fight someone like me is if you don't let me do it and give me a chance to do it, which means the fight is over?” Movan said.

“You may still live in the battle of those elementary school students, and never compare your tyrant's wild thunder to my white, dark wind!” The ancestors are also very confident in heaven.

“By the way, I haven't had a few sandbags in a long time that made me feel better!” Movan gave a wild look.

The opponent's defense gives Movan enough time to accumulate, and the biggest disadvantage of thunder is the need to accumulate thunder power, just as a combat machine needs to recharge.

“Thundercrow! ”

Constellating a star palace with constellations, Movan's skill uses the magic of the star palace, and the thunder that the entire vast star palace can provide to Movan is even more frightening!

The pale black thunder struck out of the clouds, and the lightning body stretched out its raven wings in the air, consisting of countless forked lightning bolts. More Hidden Black Thunder flies out, like a swarm of migratory birds suddenly flying under the clouds...

These ravens are made up of hundreds of twisted lightning bolts that shed white light on the clouds, and the whole darkened Old War City flashed just like the sea level with such a dazzling light!

Hands flashing, like a little flesh in the famine, the ravens of thunder floating in the sky toward their ancestors on the sea!

These ravens have no spirituality whatsoever, and in Movan's hands they are a bunch of suicide bombers, and each raven has only been destroyed!

The first raven dropped, and when it bombarded the ground, lightning flashed like a spider web in the air and at sea level. As more ravens crashed, the bigger spider thunder weaved an electric field that covered almost half the old site of the war city!

The unprovoked disappearance of the sea level is a sea cave, the old city building has become a blasting scorched earth, from the floating reef hunting grounds to the Battlebuilding area of Bailin, even this 100 meters above the sea level is filled with thunder feathers scattered after the impact of thunder crows, still with terrible killing power!

Ancestor glared at the sky and watched his gas vortex shields collapse. It was like a bunker. All the steel defenses were added to the outside, but after all, the enemies couldn't hold swarms of suicide bombers, and the stronger defenses would be stripped apart and blown apart by one layer...

“Your thunder...” Ancestor slides backwards to the heavenly body, the white and dark wind carries the impact of thunder, but he still has black smoke all over his body, and lightning broken wounds on his chest, arms and legs.

“How could your Ray be so destructive!” Joe's hair was blown to the sky, talking and breathing black air out of his mouth.

“My White Ghost Wind will not lose to your tyrant Thunder, my fix is stronger than yours, how can your Thunder break my wind system defense!!” The ancestors were angry and ashamed.

Ancestor Chosen Defense, his confidence in his white and fierce wind.

The Shield Qi Palace is also a very powerful wind system defensive magic to the ancestors. He has contrasted with some rock system and light system magicians. His Shield Qi Palace is even more powerful!

Thunder systems do penetrate many defenses, but penetrate metallic artifacts, are some substantial objects, his gas vortex shield will not be penetrated, there is absolutely no such thing as restraint!

Why, exactly, could his thunder break his proud wind system defense?

“Didn't you say yourself that your wind and my ray have been praised by God?” Movan was not in a hurry to attack again. Instead, he was patient enough to explain to Joe, "but God's Imperial Praise also looked on his face, and those like me who were bright, upright and handsome gained more. My praise to God is twice as good! ”

Thunder doubled its power base, and Movan Dafan told Joe that it was no secret anyway.

To be honest, Movan means, "My Ray is better than you. Are you sad?"