Versatile Mage

Chapter 2083 Kunlun Yazhu

The wind system is strong, but it is definitely not the ancestral base card.

His ancestors' position in heaven today is largely due to the fact that he can have an entire four cursed sacrificial bodies, each meaning that he can acquire the power of the sacrificial demon.

The next thing the ancestors want to make sacrifice to heaven is a great demon who sacrificed two ancestral parents to take down, in Kunlun Snow Valley, that battle ancestor to heaven still remember!

“Movan, since you walked past Tianshan, you should know that there is a supreme and powerful creature in Tianshan...” Ancestor to heaven seems to want Movan to lose clearly, not to forget to speak when calling the cursed sacrifice.

However, in Movan's view, the ancestors are more like showing off to themselves and to people around the world.

“I guess you're talking about Tianling White Tiger?” Movan is not in a hurry. Since it is a proper duel, let the opponent feel what it means to achieve all-round repression. Movan gives Joe all he can. If it is normal, the only voice the opponent can make is scream!

“Yes, Tianling White Tiger, but do you know that there is a mountain system in our land, which is called King Ten Thousand Years?” As Ancestor spoke to heaven, a yellow beast had appeared on his body, wild enough to cast out the cylinder visible to the naked eye!

In Tianshan, the White Tiger of the Sky Ridge is a sacred name, like the Spirit of Heaven, which gives people symbols like Rachel.

But in the Kunlun lineage, there is another demon dynasty that makes the whole country more unscrupulous than the Undead Empire!

Kunlun Demon Country!!

Dunhuang Big Tribes, their ancestral origin is Kunlun!

Qinling Demon Nation, they are a branch of Kunlun Demon Nation!

The swamp hybrid of Dongting Lake still comes from the demon of Kunlun!

The Kunlun demonic kingdom has always ruled the largest and most powerful demonic group in the entire Shenzhou land, dispersed in many of the country's cold-blooded and ferocious demonic masses, half of which are separated from the Kunlun demonic kingdom!

Kunlun demon country, China's largest demon country, the world's top ten demon empires ranked seventh!

Don't underestimate this seventh ranking, such as Sahara, Far South Ancient Continent, Bermuda and other uninhabited areas, basically outside the borders or far away from where human life lives, while Kunlun Mountain crosses half of China, even some towns and villages are in the Kunlun Mountains system, too close to Kunlun demonic country!

The altitude of the Kunlun Mountains varies greatly, the weather tens of thousands, from snow peaks, plateaux, mountains to forests, basin valleys, marshes, really any demon can be fertile, tens of millions of raptor beasts form countless demon tribes, also collectively referred to as the Kunlun Demon Range, Kunlun Demon Nation...

And it is always the head of the Ten Thousand Demons, just like the Tianshan White Tiger - Kunlun Zuhu!

Going to Tianshan, Movan still has a lot of knowledge of the demonic origins and demonic history in China, so he knows that Kunlun Zuhu is the king of Kunlun Wan demons, the most dominant demonic race!

So Joe came all the way to heaven, and the first thought in Movan's mind was the head of all demons!

“Roar!!!!! ”

Indeed, just when Movan still had a few skepticism, the ancestor suddenly ripped open his whole face to the sky, and a piece of blood appeared in the rugged tiger face pattern. His entire face bones protruded outward, becoming three-dimensional, and becoming an evil appearance of a human face combined with the tiger face!

The Kunlun Tiger is yellow, like the ancient emperor, even the exuded demonic smell is completely different from the cold smell of the vast majority of demons. When that wildness and the noble demon's breath spread, it makes all creatures tremble unconsciously, including humans.

All life has an instinct to heal, and some races have an instinctive fear of natural enemies, such as rat snakes, rabbit hawks, hair erection and cold tremors once natural enemies are discovered!

The beast of all demons, the ancestors of Kunlun, is called precisely because the Kunlun Tiger is the natural enemy of all living beings, including the highly intelligently evolved human race, which also has such instincts in the face of the Kunlun Tiger!

“Your ancestors really want to raise younger generations, at all costs!” Congressman wishes Meng saw the yellow animal gas spill out, already guessed the majority, and look at the stunning change of ancestors to heaven now, it is even more certain!

It's just, is it really appropriate to use this kind of power in a game like this? This kind of capability can only be used to kill or injure!

“At the head of the national disaster, our ancestral family was also heavenly. I was going to let Xiang Tian practice in the holy city for a few years before returning to the country to assume the responsibility of a Chinese magician, but the situation is serious and I had to return early. If you want to return, how can you carry the flag of a young man's life? If you want to carry the flag, you must have the ability to admire all the arrogant talents. It doesn't seem too much to take out this card against Movan, who calls himself the world's number one?” Zubo touched the beard and said proudly.

Zubo is naturally the father of Zubo Tian, who just entered, but when the big leaders of FeiBird City saw this skinny middle-aged man step in, they stood up and invited him to the throne.

Ancestral family Sanxiong, one of the internationally renowned Zuhuanyao, has always taken great care of Ancestral Heaven due to the lack of grandchildren.

Zubo, Vice President of the Palace, is second only to Chief Ponglei and has a great influence in the country. Members of parliament can be seen lining up to greet him in front of his compound every New Year's Eve.

Ancestral family Sanxiong, both of whom see Ancestral to Heaven as the pearl of the palm, plus Ancestral to Heaven itself has the natural talent perfectly suited to family abilities, such a person estimated that on the cultivation of casual dessert, achievements can throw away dozens of streets of those who strive hard.

“It was a grown Kunlunya Zuhu, our ancestral family of more than forty wildlife experts has been tracking for four years, in order to make it our ancestral goddess, my two cousins sacrificed themselves in subjugating it, unlike other dude, he has always been obsessed with power and has always worked very hard to cultivate it, he is the only one in our ancestral family who deserves Kunlunya Zuhu. Movan does have that much strength to force us to use this card to the heavens, but he is too exaggerated to act at half an inch, such a person can do great things, but can also screw up big things, unstable.” Zubo squinted his eyes, and that delightfully self-righteous deity did not seem to bear any burden for the victory of this duel!

“Madam Vice-President, how did you get into that? We haven't even unified the Congressional Group yet.” Sincerely,

“Talk too much, talk too much, watch duel, watch duel.” Zubo laughed.

Other parliamentarians and officials can hear a misty water, but what else is at stake here? Is there some kind of decision that has not yet been made public?