Versatile Mage

Chapter 2099: That's a Giant


Crete Island in March is still raining a little warm, and at this time the bleak ocean is not as holy as it was in summer. Instead, it looks a little dusty, but it is in this month of alternating rain and sunshine that you will actually see an interesting scene on Crete Island in the Aegean Sea:

That is a very beautiful demarcation line formed by the rain curtain, with hazy, misty seas and islands on the one hand and blue and green with sunshine and warm winds on the other.

Several old farmers worked diligently to weed out trees in a dark green olive grove that ran close to the rain curtain by the sea.

Rising sea levels have had some direct effects on olive farmers, adding several species of sea worms that specialize in eating olive leaves, which are as transparent as water and always appear in the morning, and which, if not carefully observed while lying on the leaves, are thought to be a drop of dew water.

The common fruit trees are solved by natural spraying drugs. Every other time you spray the non-toxic potion, the olive trees can grow well for a whole year. The roots are not rotten, the leaves are not bad, the olive fruits are hung in large pieces. One is a pure green onion. By the harvest season, the finest is used to make the finest green olives. Most of the others are used to make olive oil. Merchants around the world will compete to buy it later.

However, once new insects emerge and the spray cannot be solved, the olive farmers themselves will have to remove them and scratch them.

How big are the olive groves, how expensive are the artificial ones, and what's more, this transparent insect is hard to see, and once the rain mist comes through, this job isn't done at all!

“While there's sunshine here, it's just a few. I heard that some little magic dealers are still acquiring this clear insect we haven't seen. We don't have much from the owners of the forest, so we can make an extra fortune anyway.” A woman farmer with a hood said.

“Why don't we put the fruit in our woven bags and they sell better than those disgusting bugs.” The young man with freckles on his face said.

“Shelby, don't do this again. They're gonna put you in jail. ”

“Hmm, always told us to do that, and we didn't get paid any more. How could I stay in a place like this if it wasn't for the girls from the forest owners?” The young man named Shepard threw tweezers at his fingertips and sat directly under the tree to rest.

“Hurry up, Rain Clouds will be here soon, and we will never find these goddamn Transparent Bugs again. If we don't get three bags full, we won't get paid today!” The foreman's woman and farmer said.

Shepard snorted at the couple's words.

He doesn't understand why someone who works so hard at work can't grab less than three bags and the forest owner won't pay?

According to his many years of experience playing in woodlands, farms, estates, monasteries, as long as you find a good reason to tell them that the work is difficult to accomplish, they won't give less than a penny.

If you sit under the tree and get the same amount of money from the sun in March, why bother to climb between the olive trees, come down all day to ensure that your back aches for a long time, it's quite a delay to bundy with the girls at night!

“There's still half an hour, I think we can make it, Shelby, Shelby... oh, never mind, you're getting cold.” Women farmers are too lazy to talk about this idle guy.

Shepard didn't hear either, napping directly under the trees or plenty of sunshine by the sea. In another month or two, it was the most popular time to travel to Crete Island. At that time, he would take a sailboat and put on his sexy swimming pants, show off his abs, and there would be countless tourist girls from other countries who would send guns on their own, often without having to spend money... and even make a lot of money!

Feeling this warm sunshine, the sooner Shepard hopes to come to the Aegean Sea, there are too many women between the ages of 16 and 56, and I don't know why they all want to go with the local young people, probably too repressed in their countries of origin and their families.

Think about it, there was a hint of coolness coming from your cheek, and Shepard showed some discomfort.

I thought we had half an hour before the rain clouds arrived. How did the sun disappear all at once? March was still cold and he couldn't even take a nap in the wild without the sun, and he began to suspect that God was up against him.

“Let's get this over with. It's cloudy and the rain is coming!” Shepard shouted.

Nobody answered, Shepard was even more impatient.

Are these people a bunch of machines, working so hard to live a wealthy life, funny, just give yourself an olive grove like this, you don't have to do anything to be rich. Okay, life has nothing to do with work.

“If you don't leave, I can go. Without the sun, how can we see those clear bugs...” Shepard continued.

The dark green olive groves are incredibly lush, and I don't know why, the wind suddenly disappears.

There is no wind on the island, which is a rather strange thing, unless it is in a perfect haven, or there is a big storm coming.

“Where have you been? ”

Shepard walked a little inside and suddenly found an empty area in the olive grove in front.

Vacant land is not very big, just like a basketball field, where a forest owner won't waste half a dozen pieces of land, and where at least seven of the finest olive trees can be planted.

“Whoa!! What kind of idiot knocked the machine down? How did it all come down to scum?” Shepard finally discovered that the empty space was actually a pit, and the pit overflowed with water and turned into a mud pit.

And in the mud, all the remains of the olive trees, were crushed to pieces.

Moving forward, about five minutes later, Shepard still hadn't seen anyone else, but he found another mud pit just like the one previously vacated on the basketball field.

But this time in the mud pit, not only are there fragments of the olive tree floating, but there are also bright red and red colors, which look more like meat sauce... it's not animal because animals don't wear clothes.

Shepard's nerves began to tighten, and he started running back to his little run.

But the more he thinks about it, the more he runs!

All of a sudden, a bright ray of sunshine falls, a little shaky.

Weren't the rain clouds already overwhelming? Why is the sun falling again?

Shepard raised his subconscious head and looked through the dense olive leaves...

The next second, his whole body was like touching a high-voltage wire, the five dirty hearts stopped, his whole body couldn't help but tremble violently!!

It is not the rain cloud that blocks this olive grove sun at all!!!

That's a... a giant!

As the giant moved its mountain-like body toward the town, the Olive Mountain Forest regained its sunshine, but Shepard, fearful, sank completely into the darkness and fell into a giant abyss like a fallen sky.

In front of it, humans are not as transparent as the olive leaves!!