Versatile Mage

Chapter 2101 Anti-Magician Church (top)

When we got to the muddy spot, suddenly the clothes ran up on their own and ran at an alarming rate towards the collapsed woods.

“Come here, come here, run for what?” Movan grabbed the getaway clothes directly with his mind.

“Please, please, please!!” The muddy man cried out.

“This man is afraid that he has done too much wrong. He doesn't want to see us. He begs for forgiveness here.” Zhao Manyan said.

Zhao Manyan's fingers bounced, and a small drop of water beads appeared on this muddy guy.

“Wow!!!! ”

When the water beads touched this muddy man, they scattered heavy water flowers, almost knocking everyone else over.

Rinse people clean, turns out to be a young man in his 20s, a disillusioned look, can see that he has witnessed some horrible images that he has never seen in his life.

“Looks like we have a witness.” Movan said.

“Well, he's probably out of his mind. Take him back to the city first.” Mulberry said.


Bihai City is the largest city on Crete, just in the middle of the whole island. Due to the plethora of bays and safe havens, those sea-dependent locations become tourist sanctuaries, and every year in April and May, more visitors start to visit.

It is now some cold March, mostly inhabited by the islands and the cities themselves, but after the horrific event of Green Bud Island being trampled into the sea, the entire state of Bihai City has fallen into a state of war alert.

The Knights didn't like Movan very much. Movan greeted Poseidon and said he had found a survivor. Poseidon didn't really care. The survivor wasn't the only one. Anyway, he had brought it to us according to the instructions above. How to deal with the Titan Titans is their own business.


There are many more outposts in Bihai City State, including many magicians in the sea, and the alarm will be sounded as soon as a slightly unusual wave is raised.

Looking for a place to eat, Movan wasn't really used to European flavors, but the scared guy smelled bacon and soon became sane.

Full of food and drink, this survivor is much better and is still picking his teeth there with his fingernails.

“Scared the shit out of me. I thought you were giants.” Shepard took a long sigh of relief.

“Did you see the giant?” Movan asked.

“Of course, it's right in front of me, there's... there's a Tiber Mountain that tall, and there's a footprint that's as big as a basketball field. Oh, my God, how can there be such creatures in the world, and if they can grow up like that, what's the point of our existence!” The Shaper tone is a bit exciting, "he said.

“Aren't we magicians?” Mulberry said.

“What magician, don't joke, magician is absolutely impossible to beat the guy I saw, it's so... it's like ancient magic, we're all mortals.” Shepard said.

“Forget God or man, can you tell us everything you know that we are here to hunt Titan giants?” Movan said.

“Hunting Titan Giants?? Hunting You're the funniest magician I've ever met!” Shepard pulled his voice.

Shepard's voice is loud and can be heard throughout the restaurant.

And at this point, several people dressed in a red dress came over and looked disgusted.

They surrounded the table, and one of the bald-headed men with the turban leaned against Mulberry, then scraped his throat and threw up his sputum directly on Mulberry's plate.

Mu Bai, Mofan and Zhao Manyan were all stunned.

Shenma situation??

What's wrong with this guy?

“Better get out of Bihai City State, you filthy magicians!” The headscarf man said.

After that, they swung towards the outside of the restaurant.

Watching them leave, Zhao Manyan asked, "You're not weak enough to deal with this kind of gangster, are you? ”

Mu Bai only came back to God for half a day. Why did he eat here himself? He was disgusted.

“I'll take care of it. I love this kind of thing.” Movan stood up and folded his fingers.

“They don't seem to have any magic on them. Don't go too far.” Mulberry warned.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, he” Shepard said hastily.

“The Wu Church? What the hell is this? Is it a good background?” Movan asked.

“Alas, for your help... let's go, I'll take you to my grandmother's old house, or I can tell you what I saw, but if you don't mess with the Wu Church people, I want to stay on Crete.” Shepard said.

“Movan, forget it, listen to him. The restaurant doesn't smell appetizing anyway.” Mulberry said.


Shepard won't be staying with his grandmother until summer, and the house is a little old and simple on a hill by the sea, where he can earn a lot of money each year by collecting rent.

After his grandmother died, he was the owner of the house, and he worked part-time at random, and he was kind of full of clothes.

“See, that's the busiest Cui Hai in the summer, which could have made a fortune this year, and now something so terrible is happening, I'm afraid not many tourists dare to come.” Shepard sighed.

“Don't worry, there are billions of people around the world, so many young people who are dying, and often more people come looking for stimulus | excitement where something big has happened.” Zhao Manyan said.

“That would be great… feel free to call yourselves at home, and I guess you won't necessarily find a hotel tonight.” Shepard said.

“I don't understand. Who have we offended?” Movan asked.

“The restaurants? ”

Shepard shook his head with a smile and sat on a haystack mat, saying: "It's because you're magicians, you don't even know the Wu Church. ”

“We have only heard of the Black Holy See.” Movan said.

“The Uzbek Church is no different from the Black Holy See… Well, essentially, the Uzbek Church is legally protected in Europe and even in the Americas. In the last year or two, disasters have been spreading all over the world. In fact, in the relatively early years, there was an ecumenical Church. They have always admired the ancient gods. They felt that there should be no magician among mankind. The magician was simply overdraining the world, drawing powerful forces from nature to anger those demons, and the ancient gods started a demonic war to sanction mankind.” Shepard said.