Versatile Mage

Chapter 2105: Sea Giant

Movan doesn't even know what's in that guy's box, but it's going to send that disturbing cold touch, and it's definitely not going anywhere clean.

These guys are hunters?

Doesn't feel much like it, even if the members of the Wu Church on Crete are disgusting, hunters don't have to choose this secluded place.

Generally speaking, they would come here, either doing something less serious, or some indulgent young man throwing a party!

Nor did those people have any doubts about Mofan, Zhao Manyan and Mubai living here. There were also a number of Chinese students who worked as part-time workers in Europe. It was perfectly normal for a few young people to run a small hotel in any country.


At the southern tip of Crete, there is an island full of orange coconuts.

It's just over two or three hundred kilometres from Africa, and once the whole island starts to shine, a big coconut with an orange glow will hang all over it.

The island is small, only five kilometres long, and the shortest is a white sandy beach that can be swallowed by the tide at any time.

“Did you notice that?” Jinyao Knight Kang Bin asked.

“Of course, do you doubt our ability to Tours?” Tours looked at Kang Bin, the Knight of Golden Yaw, and asked with some dissatisfaction.

I don't know why, it's so uncomfortable to see an Asian face now. The captain of the Golden Yaw knight assigned to Tours is an Asian face. For the time being, whatever nationality and identity he is now, the Oriental face, which is almost as long as the European face, can't really compare to the nose beams, eyes, facial contours… they're like a bunch of monkeys that haven't evolved completely.

“My men don't mean that, so I'm setting up a cordon now.” Jiang Bin said.

This orange coconut island is inhabited by a village that is seriously isolated from the rest of the world, just like what happened in the same Crete district. No one in the village knows that they are still living their lives and still waiting for those orange coconuts to mature.

Jiang Bin found that no one in the village had gone to Bihai City to hide, and his eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

“Which official is in charge here, don't you know if Titan Titans could reappear at any time!” Kang Bin asks his men.

“The subordinates asked that notice of evacuation had been given, but the village did not know what the reason was, as if it were unwilling to leave. It's probably too remote for them to realize how dangerous the Titans are.” A silver moon knight said.

“You follow Lord Tours, I'll ask.” Jiang Bin said.

Now that local officials are becoming increasingly unreliable, 89 out of 10 realize that Crete is in an extremely dangerous state of war, so they don't know which safe inland city to flee to and enjoy!

Jiang Bin followed the winding road to the village. The village has no access to cars. The more fashionable means of transportation are small battery cars. The roads are muddy due to rain before.

It is true that the island's villages are far too backward and pristine, but there are too many countries in the Mediterranean where most young people go to cities, villages like this, which depend on some kind of fruit tree for their livelihood, especially those surrounded by sea water, are largely abandoned and called deserted villages.

“Old man, didn't your village get notified that you should pack your bags and go to Bihai City. Now that Crete is on alert for war, your village is no longer as safe as it used to be.” Kang Bin met an old man sitting under a tree peeling his coconut shell and asked.

The old man did not understand the language of Kang Bin completely. Kang Bin had to tell him his lame Greek language once again. Who knew the Greek native language? The old man could not understand either.

Jiang Bin was helpless. He walked inside and found that the evacuation notice had been hung at the entrance to the village. The text was also very clear.

He visited several other houses and found that all the elderly people left in the village were over 50 years old. Jiang Bin finally found an international speaker who was not always present in the village, but came here to collect orange leaves.

“Ah, there are asylum papers on it??” Old Devon, in his fifties, was full of surprises.

“Hanging at the entrance of the village… But what happened to the local leaders, shouldn't it be ensured that the villagers have left before completing the task, how can they hang such a paperwork on it and go away?” Jiang Bin was a little angry.

“I'm really sorry, there are not many people in this village who can read and they don't understand the official Greek language. I also came here today to take away some green coconuts and prepare them for sale in Bihai City State...” said Old Devon, surprised.

“Don't you know something like this happened?” Kang Bin was confused.

In an age of information like this, how can it be conveyed like ancient times?

“I haven't had a transport bill in a month, but for people like us, there's no cell phone, no TV, no computer to live on.” Old Devon said.

“Then tell the old man in the village that we, Lord Tours, are experts against Titan Titans, who has caught some unusual breath here.” Jiang Bin said to Old Devon.

“Okay, I'll notify them one by one, hopefully their ears are fine.” Old Devon nodded and realized how serious things were.

Looking at old Devon walking with his crutches to every resident's house in the village, Kang Bin could not help but show some bitterness.

These seniors, perhaps, have been forgotten by society as a whole.


Almost an hour later, Old Devon gathered the elderly in the village, and Kang Bin found the elderly carrying a large bag of luggage, not to mention what to say.

“Captain, Crete's military said their helicopters couldn't be sent to the island and we need to find another way to move.” The Blue Star knight in charge of liaison said.

“Bastards, don't they know there's another village here?” Kang Bin was a little angry.

“Captain, Lord Tours has asked you to come by and say that Titan Giants are likely to show up and need your assistance in the fight.” The Blue Star Knight whispered.

“The people here are not evacuated clean and cannot serve as a battlefield… you go to town now and ask them to send a boat immediately to pick up the old people here.” Jiang Bin said.

“Captain Kang, the town's administrators have been evacuated to Bihai City State. ”

“Then find me a summoning magician. Go! ”