Versatile Mage

Chapter 2165 School Magic Competition

Sharjah was innocent because she wanted nothing more than to defuse the controversy that was initiated by herself. The food here was not prepared by their students. She was just helping the lead mentor Yuji carry this pot.

As a result, the mentor Moyevan was also a player who did not follow the set of cards. On the one hand, he walked down the steps, and on the other hand, he had to hit his own little palm with a ruler to show off the arrogance that a mentor deserved.

“Okay, thanks for the tutor's understanding.” Sharjah nodded, reluctantly accepting the result.

Prince Bambo and the lead teacher Yuji Hui's face were both a little black. He wanted to give this young Chinese mentor a little Marvel. Who knows, on the contrary, he fueled the prestige of others. He looked at the proudest student in the Holy School of Ojos, Sharjah, and behaved like a little intern girl in front of him. They had no taste in their hearts!

Sharjah is like the most sophisticated and noble Persian cat in the Sacred Academy of Ojos, including many mentors who want to draw the attention of this blue-eyed Persian cat with their own charm, or get a slight lazy response from her. Few people can do this, but the vast majority of people who are attracted to the elf-like temperament of Sharjah, who try to conquer her, end up becoming cat slaves.

But the new Chinese mentor, with a lesson, turned the arrogant, lazy, adorable Persian cat into an obedient little golden hair.

“Forget it, Sharjah is always like this, always very curious about fresh things at first, and enthusiastically goes after them, and when he discovers their inner secrets, he abandons them.” Prince Bambo spoke to himself.

Sharjah, as heartless as a cat.

“Three Chinese mentors, you must have heard about the student competition. So, in order to reflect the teacher's assessment of teaching, we rate it according to three aspects.” The lead teacher, Yuji, turned to this topic.

“Tell me more.” Movan said.

“Bringing us together today is also about ratings. We are divided into three major topics, the first entitled Magic Theory. We make a comprehensive assessment based on the attendance of students, and simply put, the assessment is higher for the more students in the classroom who are listening to the instructor. So the next nine theoretical tutors will start weekly and may even overlap. ”

“The second subject is entitled Demon Class. We at Ojos Sacred School have always had strict requirements in demonic classes and never liked to confine ourselves to books, graphics, oral presentations, what we needed was practice. So, demon instructors, you need to balance field trips with student safety issues. There is an overwhelming majority of the world's demonic varieties in the Andes. You need to talk about demons. Their properties, abilities and habits must be real. We will rate students' feedback and demons' categories. ”

“The third lesson, entitled Battle of Magic, involves all sorcerers and magicians, and requires mentors to teach them practical experience and practical skills. The third topic was very simple, with nine teacher camps choosing nine students to fight. The competition on this subject will be open throughout the Americas.” The mentor, Yuji Hui, said in great detail.

Open all over America!

This is a very solemn competition, it smells like Nine Kingdoms fighting skills!!

Movan likes this, but this time it's not personal, but to teach the students below him to win this glory, it's just as exciting!!

His own student, Bull B, is the most glorious teacher!

It's better than taking first!!

“I have a question.” Bran's concubine spoke at this time.

“Go ahead.” Yuji is two people when he smiles, when he treats Bran's concubine and when he treats Movan.

“There are some theoretical topics and demonic subjects, there will be some overlap, including the field experience of fighting subjects and demonic lessons will also overlap, so must the lectures be completely separated?” asked the concubine.

“You can start classes together. For example, theoretical and demonic subjects are put together. Theoretical mentors are responsible for explaining theory. Demonic mentors are responsible for explaining demonology. We will score separately. However, the number of courses is limited. For example, there are only 10 theory classes and 10 demon classes. If you put them together, they will consume one section each.” Yuji replied.

“Well, I see.” Bran nodded and stopped talking.

Bran's concubine asked exactly what Movan was asking.

If he talks only 10 theory lessons, Movan feels like he's going crazy. His knowledge of fusion magic can last up to two or three knots. If he's finished, Movan really has nothing to stop this group of high-caliber students.

Perfect, you can take it with other classes, it's easier to fool around!

“Also, for the foreign course, our first 1 course students are free, but the next 9 sections will be charged in full. All student fees are paid to the instructors in Ojos gold coins, and all teaching equipment, venues, security personnel, and we at Ojos Sacred College collect gold coins, so the instructors are asked to measure the way they teach based on the amount of gold coins.” The lead teacher, Yu Shihui, said.

“Prior to the National Fight for the Americas, we allowed students to wager gold coins, and if they needed more gold coins, we allowed our students to challenge students from other camps, and we allowed the entire Holy College of Ojos, including outsiders, to participate in guessing, and the gold coins obtained would be attributed proportionately to the mentors.” The lead mentor, Yushie, continued.

Allow gambling!

The whole school and the outside world are also allowed to participate!!

This Holy School of Ojos is against the Convention of the Magic Society!!

The Magic Society categorically forbids magicians from fighting, let alone gambling. Even more exaggerated, the whole school is allowed to participate, it's a big gambling contest!!

The Holy College of Ojos, with its own nationality...

Play whatever you want!!

“The initial gold coin for each camp is 1000, distributed by the mentors themselves. ”

Gold coins, not coins made of gold, are known in the Americas as the currency of the Holy College of Ojos.

Every student enters the school will receive a certain amount of gold coin, which can be consumed freely within the boundaries of the Holy School of Ojos, eating, drinking and having fun, buying classes, buying magic, buying resources, in short, you can fall into a trash by entering here, but you can also make yourself a person by accumulating gold coins!

The Holy College of Ojos is a small kingdom that enforces its own laws, but what makes people laugh. Their gold coins can be converted to US dollars, 1 coin to US $1,000!