Versatile Mage

Chapter 2170: Watch Shit Know Demon (Bottom)

Fifty students heard this phrase, it was very uncomfortable in their hearts, someone immediately stood up and said with a hint of collision: “Your phonetic system is higher than Sonny's, of course you can hear it, you are a teacher after all! ”

“Who told you that your mentor Mu 'er is a phonetic?” Zhao Manyan finally spoke.

“Instructor Mu is not a phonetic system, how do you know there is a mountain beast 500 meters away?” Sonny was surprised.

Mubai did not answer immediately, and he asked the team to continue to follow him.

In the end, Mulberry said it didn't do much good. When he finally arrived at the bush, Mulberry didn't wait for the mountain beast to attack. He directly put on an ice-covered hearth and froze the bush into a large ice sculpture!

None of the students had discovered the existence of the mountain beast yet. When they ran up to check it out, they found that there was a mountain beast seven meters long in the ice sculpture. It was crawling in the dense bush, and that ugly face had some confusion, and they didn't seem to understand how they knew they were hiding here!

When they saw the mountain beast, the students shrugged, so close, they didn't even sense its existence. If they didn't feel it, wouldn't someone have been attacked?

“I am not a phonetic magician, nor have I heard the heartbeat of this mountain monster. But judging if demons are nearby, you can use this...” Mubai pointed to the bushes with his fingers and said, "Many demons' stools are nutrients for dwarf vegetation, and when you see that many vegetation pieces appear scattered, you should realize that there are one or more mountain beasts that have been moving around this area for a long time. ”

“Right, right, right, as Mentor Mu said in his previous lesson, the distribution of dwarf vegetation can determine if you have stepped into the territory of a lone demon, and can accurately determine the size of that lone demon based on the area covered by each dwarf vegetation!” A student said hastily.

The size of the faeces is related to the moisture extent of the soil, and the dwarf vegetation will also grow after the next rain, covering the corresponding area.

This is a technique that an old hunter can accurately master. Students who have just walked out of school may find it strange and disgusting to study demonic excrement, but this technique works very well and most settled demons cannot escape this law of excrement!

“When we first entered here, the shrub distribution was sparse, and gradually the shrub began to increase, indicating that the biologically active area was here.” Mulberry went on to explain.

“But these are just speculations?” Sonny still doesn't understand.

“When you speculate that a large organism is moving in the vicinity, that information is sufficient, that vigilance increases when you act, and that observation of your surroundings becomes more vigilant, which is enough to save your life.” Mulberry said.

“Indeed, indeed! ”

“Yeah, I'm most afraid of being attacked by demons. Those things that can't be seen come out of my side all of a sudden, and I can't even use magic. I've heard that 60% of seniors die of fate.” Adorable Pauline said.

“Professor Mu, I'm sorry I didn't listen to your class. However, I would like to know how you can determine its exact location without using phonetic magic.” Sonny was sincere.

“Mosquitoes.” Saga, president of the student council, who hasn't spoken in a long time, said softly.

“Well, mosquitoes. Every shrub is a mosquito colony, just a little bit of a sense of the mosquito distribution around here, which shrub is haunted by no mosquitoes, basically judging that the mountain beast is lurking.” Mulberry continued.

The students surrounded Mubai and stood still when they heard it.

So this is it!!

“Whether you look at the distribution of shrubs or perceive mosquitoes haunting, this is something that beginner and intermediate magicians can easily do, even ordinary people can do. So if you can master all sorts of demonological techniques and walk in the wilderness, you can save your lives.” Mubai emphasizes that it has begun to rise.

Together with the slight admiration of a large group of students around him, Mu Bai's mentor Halo is more bright, but Sony in the phonetic system is more groundless.

Watching Teacher Mubai's image get bigger in the eyes of the students, Mufan can't help but start biting his teeth!

Shit, a seven-star hunter master of his own, if he lets himself teach demonology, he can also make these students obedient to the post, in the end by Mulberry this shitty man out of the wind!!


After some rounds of outdoor explanations from Mubai and Zhao Manyan, the 50 students basically added to the trust of the two mentors, all of whom took notes seriously, without the slightest disregard.

Movan was forced to do his security work, and there was nothing to hang out with Miyamoto Singh.

Miyamoto Singh is also a security guard this time. He said that he was here to make money outdoors quickly. In fact, he was not comfortable. He was afraid of any accidents in the outdoor classes of these three young mentors.

“Let's go this way, the knowledge of the mountain beast is almost over, and the course time is not over, so why don't you take us to touch something a little bit more, it's an extra gift from our mentors.” Movan said.

“Mentor Moyevan, you can't just take the students there, probably over the gorge, but close to the mountain people's boundaries of activity. Several mentors in this lecture are very admirable, and now you can get a unanimous positive review if you go back...” Miyamoto rushed to stop the noise.

“Ah, cross the earthworm ditch!! ”

“None of the outdoor classes I attended had that threshold, but I heard some of the great seniors followed their mentors across Earthworm Grove. ”

“There are mountain people over there, I hear it's very scary!! ”

Earthworm Trench is a boundaries, about three quarters of the students in the school have not crossed the earthworm trench!

Outdoor classes across Earthworm Trench usually cost over 300 gold coins, and often only good students are selected by those mentors, who really don't have much opportunity to go across Earthworm Trench.

“Well, we're going to go over there and take a look, and for a mentor of our class, it's just too humiliating to tell you a little bit about a hillbilly beast like this little demon beast. Oh, you can choose for yourselves, if you want to continue with us, then stay in formation, if you don't want to go, you can follow Counsellor Miyamoto back.” Mulberry said.

Shin Miyamoto's face went dark at once.

I knew these three Chinese mentors wouldn't split up!!

“The three mentors, first of all, went beyond what you initially set out to teach, and the security personnel actually increased several times, but now if you insist on going, the school won't stop you, just hope that something unexpected will happen, and the mentors will take full responsibility.” Miyamoto Shin said very seriously.

“We'll take full responsibility.” Mulberry said.

“If demons want to kill our students, they have to step on the bodies of Teacher Zhao Yanzhu from me first!” Movan slapped Zhao Manyan in the chest and packed the ticket.

Zhao Manyan couldn't bear to curse!

How can I babysit these students full-time again!!!