Versatile Mage

Chapter 2194 Kicking Classes (Attendance)

Theory class, Movan's classroom is basically not many people, anyway, now he doesn't really care. Since he learned about bundling consumption, Movan has simply taken theory class together with demon class and fighting class. Theory stuff makes Mubai say, fight and demon thing, let yourself come, the effect is just as remarkable.

Next Friday is the Open Course on Fighting Law, which means that not only students can go to class at will, but even teachers and school leaders will attend. This is a major lesson in every school at the international level. Teachers can be prestigious or not, depending to a large extent on the quality and size of the Open Course.

In the meantime, they took another outdoor lesson, which was obviously several times more students, basically toward being able to cross the earthworm ravine, and the effects of the previous lesson had spread among students.

With so many students in outdoor classes, gold coins make a lot of money.

Richie lost to Heckasa, and Zhao Manyan's accumulated gambling money was scratched most of the time. He used this outdoor lesson to collect a little gold coin, so he didn't really have to fight when he got it, and he didn't even have the chips to fight.

“I saved 10,000 gold coins this time, damn it, I'll just kick their ass, and then not only will they break their bones, lose their half, damage their reputation, but they will also lose one gold coin left!” Zhao Manyan said.

In this outdoor class, several of them worked quite hard to make the group of students comfortable to serve, not only to show them the fairly rare half-moon beast in the Andes, but also to make many students come home full.

So painstakingly to bring the students, to be honest, is to find the venue back.

At least they also marched for the country this time, must not embarrass the national teacher group!!


Friday's public class is finally here, and in battle teaching, Freedom College mentors Nelson are really famous, basically young magicians who are obsessed with fighting want to pay him a visit.

But Movan snorted at it.

A bunch of psychopaths, the real battle has never been practiced in a smoky, bloody stormy wind. If you really want to learn to fight, you can break out of the security realm alone and enter the demonic clan, or even the demonic empire, as long as you don't die, you can guarantee that you will learn everything.

I think Bai Hong Fei was also a luxurious and dishonest guy. After a trip to the west, his whole personality was different. If he hadn't lowered himself a few times and fixed it to less solid, this guy wouldn't be less combative than the three of them.

How is it possible to stand undefeated and fight without bathing blood? Movan has never seen anything like it. How can he be afraid of Nelson?

This public lesson takes place directly in a large dojo, where students sit in the seat of the Duplicate Roman Dojo, which is actually no less than a world-class stadium.

Standing in the center of the pitch, beside Nelson, there are two brilliant assistant teachers, wearing the skin-tight battle suit, and the ultimate curved body of the Americans, who are particularly envious of other unheard of mentors.

Not to mention that Nelson can't dive into the two beautiful assistant tutors, just waiting around in such a big occasion is quite accomplished!


The voice of Nelson is echoing, with more than a thousand students sitting on the entire magic battlefield of Resurrection Rome, and the presence of numerous school leaders from the Sacred Academy of Ojos, including foreign instructors from other camps, at the forefront, is almost evident in all respect for Nelson's tutors.

“What I'm going to show you today is the magic of imprint, what is the magic of imprint, and before we talk about it, let's do a relatively simple battle experiment. Any students willing to come up and cooperate?” Nelson asked aloud.

As soon as they heard they were ready, a large group of students wanted to brush their presence in front of many teachers and classmates.

Nelson finally picked a male student, and this student, Movan, also met the guy who was trying to get himself into trouble in his first lesson, seemed to be called Simpke.

Simpke walked calmly to the dojo like he had seen the big scene, but his eyes flashed with a glowing light.

“Master Nelson, what should I do?” Simpke asked respectfully.

“You attacked two assistant mentors with some intermediate magic.” Nelson said.


Simpke's eyes quickly weighed the two assistant tutors and chose the one with the black brown hair on the left.

Simpke uses mid-level magic, and in order to demonstrate his skill, he deliberately adds some gorgeous taillights to several of the magic he unleashes, which makes his skills look gorgeous and dangerous!

The Assistant Teacher of Black Brown Hair is a wind sorcerer, she is more as smart as the wind, no matter how fast and precise Simpke's magic is, she is always able to escape.

Simpke is a little unhappy, using his fastest flying magic, but even if it flies past like a light, an assistant mentor with black brown hair can easily dodge it.

At this point, another assistant mentor stood behind Simpke sometime and suddenly had a magical smell like a wild beast pounding on Simpke.

Simpke was frightened and rushed to close the offense, taking a defensive stance against those behind him.

“As you can see, a lot of magic has a precision problem, and when enemies go too fast, a lot of slow magic on the fly loses its role directly, and if you're too focused on speeding, you ignore the other dangers around you.” Nelson said.

The students nodded and missed the goal, which was a very serious problem.

Magic has obvious gestures, extremely symbolic star maps, constellations, star palaces, few people can be unwittingly targeted. Some smart opponents, including demons, make evasive judgments based on these moments, so hitting flexible targets is actually quite a headache.

“What I'm going to talk about today is precision fighting skills. That is, my wounded imprint in the Americas was released. ”

“There are a variety of marks, the simplest of which are our ideological marks, where the spirit is highly focused on a goal and we can see everything. Faced with multiple enemies, we couldn't concentrate our spirit on an individual all the time, so I created the Mark Release method, which is to give the enemy a mark in a convergent way, and lock the target through the density of the element to complete the exact method. ”