Versatile Mage

Chapter 2207 Water

“They have no more than five minutes, I have a magic device on me that sends a signal every other time to a bodyguard in my vicinity. If I am in danger, turn it off and they will know I am in danger if they do not receive the next signal reminder. It's just that so many people here, I'm afraid your magic guardian won't last these five minutes.” Sun Xia said to Zhao Manyan.

To be honest, Zhao Manyan stayed very touching, she was superficially strong, but she was still a woman, not to mention the ambition of these so-called revolutionaries, just encountering a group of hearts is bad enough, enough for her to suffer!

After all, there are four or five hundred people here, all for her.

“Five minutes? There shouldn't be too many problems. They have to take care of the tolerability of this concert hall, no matter what the destructive, high-end, super-magic magic is.” Zhao Manyan said.

When he said this, Zhao Manyan opened another piece of magic. The clear metal armor cape with gold pencil in blue fell on the two of them. The armor cape was not particularly large, so Zhao Manyan directly held Sun Xia in his arms and wrapped the two of them in a metal armor cape.

“With me, they won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.” Zhao Manyan stared into Sun Xia's emerald eyes, and the whole person had a mature and resolute masculinity, which is quite different from his usual sophisticated and handsome outfit.

Sun Xia didn't expect this young handsome teacher to have such great strength. Hundreds of revolutionary magicians attacked together. Few could hurt themselves. It was like a comfortable cliff bird's nest. Leaving the storm outside, it was still dry, comfortable and warm inside...

Commander Cook almost broke the silver stick in his hand. These two guys are still spraying dog food here. Do you really think they're scum!

“My demon music, see how you defend it!!” The conductor Cook was furious.

Waving the silver baton in his hand, Cook is more like a magician who fits the American image, wearing a long black tuxedo and a magic baton in his hand.

Nor does it require a band, and conductor Cook himself can complete all the positions of a symphony band.

First, the sound of heavy drumming, that intense, heavy metal rock and roll immediately filled the concert hall, quite the opposite of his jazz outfit.

Metal rock, momentum drum wave and electric sound into Zhao Manyan's mind, they are not pure sound music, more like a demon holding metal instruments, beating wildly on the head, the skull is going to be smashed by their wild behavior!!

In a world of tranquil mind and spirit, it was broken in by a bunch of rock wind villains, smashing, hammering, tapping, every bluish muscle in the brain, every bone, every nerve endured this kind of suffering.

Don't talk about using magic in this situation, it's already difficult to forcibly survive the demolition of the spirit of magic into a vegetable person, Zhao Manyan really doesn't like the magician of the phonetic system, many times they are so unreasonable!

“I have the charm of silence!” Sun Xia hastily said.

“Quick.” Zhao Manyan said.

The peace of mind talisman was affixed to Zhao Manyan's chest. At that moment, an empty bell rang, clearing all the noise of "smoky air” in his mind. For a time, his mind was more peaceful than ever. Even the stars and rivers in the spiritual world seemed to have been wiped off, and were extraordinarily bright.

There is an added effect, that is a better thing for Zhao Manyan.

“With that phonetic magician here, we can't last five minutes. Come with me!” Zhao Manyan said.

“Hmm!” Sun Xia nodded, trusting Zhao Manyan.

The metal cape lasted less than half a minute, with cracks everywhere, and was finally completely crushed by dozens of lightning bolts like electric drills.

As soon as the metal cape disappeared, the other systems of magic burst from all sides, leaving no room for hiding at all.

Zhao Manchuan held Sun Xia tightly and his eyes began to ripple like water.

His body was also changing, and the water flowed in every part of him and poured on Sunshine.

“Boom!!!!!!!!! ”

The elements mixed together, causing countless bursts, while Zhao Manyan and Sunxia sank to the ground like water when they were attacked.

In an all-African concert hall, and not knowing when cold water was flowing, Zhao Manyan and Sun Xia's bodies melted into the beach water and left the magical noise area in the direction of water flow.

The conductor Cook thought his men were too heavy to blow them straight into blood beads, and as soon as he found out that the sea water was still laid in the concert hall, free from the magic of fire, he realized that it was most likely the other party's escape technique.

Cook had never seen such an escape, and only a shadow magician could theoretically be integrated into a substance.


The water spilled out, and at the fountain outside the concert hall, a strange face appeared in the clear water, and immediately followed by the loss of gravity in these quiet springs into the air, slowly outlining the outline of a man with a strong figure.

The clear water slowly became cloudy and slowly became colourful. Finally, the water faded like a garment and Zhao Man-Herun, dressed in a suit, stood there.

“Are you all right?” Zhao Manyan reached into the pool and magically pulled Sun Xia out of the water. Sun Xia separated from countless sticky water beads as she was pulled, and the white fluffy skirt looked clean and white.

“I'm fine… you're more amazing than I thought!” Sun Xia's eyes are filled with joy.

She didn't think she could really escape, and the concert hall was a demon for her, and if she listened to it alone as usual, she couldn't have escaped safely in any case.

And the strength of this man in front of us really impressed Sun Xia.

These days, there are too few men of great strength and taste!

“Will they rush out?” Zhao Manyan looked at the concert hall with some concern.

“No, they dare only sneak around in that confined space!” Sun Xia snorted coldly with a little indifference in her eyes.

“It's such a big concert, we should go back to Holy College in Ojos early for a cup of coffee and shock.” Zhao Manyan said.