Versatile Mage

Chapter 2226 Car Abandonment Marshal

“Now you can try your theory of saving lives and see if my brother listens or not.” Zhao Manyan said.

What a bullshit philosophy faith, even if you play a game in this world, no one can kick you out if you want!

The Black Holy See pulls such lies apart from giving a fearless excuse to those who want to commit crimes and want to rebel. People are people, not animals, who can abide by them, who can discipline themselves, who can have a bottom line, and who call them people, not because they wear human skin bags.

No one can stop people from being animals, but if they are animals, don't talk to people about human rights, and people will see this species in a way that treats them!

That's how Movan handled it.

Step into the Holy See and stop telling yourself he's human.

A bunch of greedy, savage, irredeemable animals, just slaughter them!

Wu Biao, as a mentor, reader of countless people, naturally can see that talking to Movan about that kind of thing is no different than a pig screaming in front of the butcher, nothing can shake Movan's determination to kill!

The butcher kills pigs, scripture and earth righteousness.

This is Movan's attitude towards the Holy See…

Professional conduct!

Wu Biao began to retreat in another direction. This guy should be a magician, but he never showed what kind of magician he was.

Wu Biao's feet seemed to be stepping on muddy ground, but the footprints were light and light. If you didn't look closely, you didn't know that he was actually stepping on the rainwater accumulation.

He was moving, like a water mosquito, and a slight step slipped away.

Mofan approached Wu Biao as soon as he had settled his two men.

Wu Biao walked faster and faster on the watershed. There was a light and magical feeling of the river crossing. Mofan earthly magic, shadow magic and space magic alternated, but only barely saw his back.

“This guy, what's his style?” Zhao Manyan was also pursuing, but the rainwater slapped the jungle with a little neglect to follow the lost trajectory of Wu Biao.


Wu Bizhu did not return, Lin Ghost Meishang floated like that.

Nor did he expect his two men to be so useless that they were easily killed.

It seems that the Black Holy See should recruit more talent to fight. It has a good brain and too many tricks to play with. There is no way to kill a savage, unruly man like Movan.

Speaking of which, the speed of Movan's ability to improve is horrible. In the past, an executioner could do anything to make him half crippled. If he didn't die, he wouldn't be able to jump, but now don't say that Blue Bat can't stop him. Even those two executioners were actually killed in seconds.

“Monk, where are you going? ”

Just as Wu Biaoqing was lucky enough to escape, a man in a white suit suddenly appeared and scared Wu Biao to stop hurriedly.

“Who are you?” Wu Biao was somewhat annoyed.

Clearly this is their nest, how can there be people they don't know everywhere?

How the hell do these guys know they're camping here? Must be the black pharmacist, the idiot, the so-so thing, it's always easy to attract suspicion!

“Bo Mubai.” Mubai said coldly.

Behind Mu Bai, in the heavy rain pound, there was a hazy shadow of a quiver, and the tentacles flew like a sky bull, strong and powerful as an adult dragon.

Half-open mouths were covered with shark teeth, and one pair of teeth poked a corpse, the tall bug wizard in the seventh hill.

The tall bug wizard was tied to a sweet gourd with flavor, by the big mouth of the bug.

However, as soon as I saw Wu Biao's fresh prey, the demon pet behind Mu Bai immediately rejoiced and threw up a bug wizard beside him.

Wu bitter throat knotted in the peristalsis.

Bo Cheng Mu Bai...

Movan Bo...

These two little things grow so horrible nowadays that an executioner who slaughters the elite members of the Black Holy See at random does not say that a walking bug monarch kills their Black Holy See outposts like a dog!!

“Do I still have time from Sankoh?” Wu Bi looked back at Zhao Manyan and asked.

“You are the most humorous member of the Black Holy See I have ever met, but humor will not save you from the heinous sins you have committed. You should have thought of this day when you started the bloodshed in Bo.” Zhao Manyan went forward and said to Wu Bi.

“Teacher, huh, what a surprise.” Movan's left hand is a dark air.

In the gas, that deadly barb chain is clearly visible.

And on the right hand, lightning cracks in the rain!

The Holy See...

This should be the highest figure in the Black Holy See they have met. Sarang has always been a ghost. I have no idea which one is her, but this teacher, Wu Biao, is sure that the goods are real.

It is absolutely worth tracking down the Holy College of Ojos, drifting across the sea, and destroying Wu, one of the three religions of the Serenity of the Black Holy See!

“Amy Buddha, the poor monk is not meat on the chopping board.” Wu Biao said.

“Okay, so you and my two brothers have a few moves.” Zhao Manyan consciously arranged the boundary to prevent Wu from fleeing.

“The poor monks said they didn't like to fight and kill.” Wu Biao said again.

“Stop pretending, you've killed so many people!” Zhao Manyan scolded.

“It is true that poor monks harm people, but they do not have to do it themselves. Three benefactors, sparing Old Lao's life, spared the life of the entire Holy College of Ojos.” Wu Biao said.

Both Movan and Mulberry frowned and did not understand what the monk meant.

Wu Bi's body still stomped on the muddy accumulation of water, but as he danced through his clothes, the rainwater that irrigated from the sky gathered here quickly, one by one.

Rainwater like pearls, they densely surround Wu Bi by the regiment, like building a huge rainwater beehive.

“Gentlemen, you can attack me if you are sure to break my rain nest within three hours, naturally you can avenge the deaths of the townsfolk, but in this time, the poor monks will not know what the Holy College of Ojos will look like.” Nor did Wu Biao escape. He sat on the mud and began to read strange scriptures directly.

“Rainwater… starts to cloud.” Mubai looked up at the distance.

There is also a large rainstorm in the distance, which is the direction of the Holy College of Ojos.

“You see this crystal ball, I, as a conductor, need to supervise the work of my subordinates. Blue bats are already volatilizing the black pharmacist's potion into rain, and when the rain turns completely yellow, the whole Andes will go to hell, not to mention Ojos Sacred College, and some nearby cities will suffer.” Wu Biao took out a crystal ball.

The crystal ball does show a dynamic image, comparable to a surveillance camera, but it obviously works with chaotic magic.

“This crystal ball, you take it, makes it easy to find the blue bat. You let the old man live, and I will give the Holy College of Ojos a life.” Wu Biao is very straightforward.

“Are you the abandoned security guard?” Zhao Manyan said.

“Poor monks are helpless too.” Wu is also afraid.