Versatile Mage

Chapter 2228 Appearance in Red

Seven faculties, though not all at the superior level, have enhanced many of Movan's skills.

For example, Fist, consumption is a star chart of intermediate magic, but it is several times more powerful than high-order magic. If you run in constellations again, you can directly use Fist Tan, and Wu Biao's defense will be stripped down one layer at a time.

Dripping through stone, Movan had that patience and determination.

Wu Biao is like a child trapped in a wooden fence at this time, looking at Movan the wolf bit off the door of the fence.

It's impossible not to panic, just that he doesn't dare to use his powers easily.

“Shadow Shadow - Thousands of Armies! ”

Movan stepped out of a black swamp mud pool, while the dark life of a warrior rose from the swamp and was born to transform Wu Bi into an isolated and helpless enemy general.

Thousands of armies attacked, and Wu was even more nervous.

Though a thick defense is one of the most effective ways to defend against the Wizard of Destruction, if an infinite number of magic turrets were to be bombed, the Iron Fortress would collapse!

Movan is an unhindered outbreak at this time. He can use any magic that is destructive, and there is some darkness in between to kill magic!

There are places in the shadow system that resemble the ice system, which takes time to accumulate, turning the entire area into a zero-degree space, so the ice elements are easy to control and generate.

The same is true of darkness, which stretches darkness over the earth, covering the sky and turning a rain-fed mountain forest into a dark swamp, so that a more ordinary shadow skill is greatly enhanced!

In the past, Movan's Shadow Army Horses were a group of Shadow Ghost soldiers and knights, but this time emerged from the swamp, Hero is an ancient Du Army Terracotta, the momentum is like a shuttle back to the ancient real battlefield, trampled by the thousands of horsemen!!

Rain nest, just a small city pool.

As the darkness grows thicker and more exaggerated, Movan's dark magic allows only a short period of time for the Shadow Elders to stay directly and indefinitely in this dark swamp.

Shadow elders also have shadow guards beneath them, like river fish and shrimp, which emerge over time.

At first, when Shadow Elders are present, three Shadow Guards descend from the dark side every minute, but at this point, ten Shadow Guards climb out of the swamp every minute!

Thousands of armies have just passed. Shadow elders have summoned the Dark Guard Army. The scale of this horror has made Wu suffer more and more panic.

Can the rain nest really withstand the tide of these dark shadows?

After all, this Movan is still a magical monster. In a few years, he will break into the main altar of the Black Holy See. Few people are likely to be able to stop him!

“Rainbow tree! ”

In the distance, a cold voice came.

Movan was about to let the Shadow Elders take over the rain nest and suddenly a rainbow flash appeared in a pitch-black sky.

It's like a piece of stardust that accidentally falls to the earth, shaking and falling to the center of the whole dark swamp.

The moment you touch the swamp, the rainbow dot becomes the seed of the earth's grace, growing wildly in seconds.

From seeds to sprouts, from sprouts to seedlings, from seedlings to big trees with lush branches, the light trees scattered a few kilometres of darkness...

Heavy rain is still stained, but the ground turns into a pile of colorful stones. A colorful giant tree is isolated between the long sky and the mountains, with a magnificent divine aura!

Mofan's darkness was instantly broken, and Shadow Elders and hundreds of Shadow Guards crashed into the only remaining swamp mud and fled the world in panic.


Much better than Movan Dark Light Magic!!

Since the possession of the dark veins, Movan's ability to shadow has broken into a very powerful situation, without fear of even encountering some super-majors.

But this rainbow magic completely defeated all of Movan's darkness, and the dark space filled with those seemingly holy glories.

Movan was furious.

Wu Biao's rain nest is about to be broken by his own darkness, and it won't be long before a black Holy See is taught in the world.

But eventually someone jumped out and dried up!

Who this man is, Movan must see clearly.

“Here you are, the poor monk is going to lose it.” Wu's bitter, pale face squeezed a smile.

If no one comes, Wu Biao will die in Movan's hands.

“Go!” On the far crown, the rainbow magician did not say a word more.

“Has he not been executed? I will teach this Movan a terrible illness in the future.” Wu Biao said.

“Go!” the man said again, but with a completely different tone.

Wu Biao was somewhat frightened of his body trembling and dared not say another word. He hurriedly fled to the rainbow mage.

The person was tall and the rainbow was pungent, but Movan could tell roughly from her outline: it was a woman.

And even though she only spewed a few words, the sound filled Movan's chest with fury!!

“Sarang!!! ”

Movan roared.

He's sure the man born in the sky is Sarang!

Black Holy See Cardinal!!

Perhaps it was all too sudden that Salang had not had time to disguise himself or make a change in his voice...

Movan clearly remembers this tone very similar to the Sarang himself who spoke in Chongming Island Rain himself!!

The dazzling light nearly burned Movana's dark eyes, but the volcanic rage that erupted in his chest made him ignore directly the damage done to his eyes.

Forcing Wu Biao to stay is right!

Sarang showed up.

Only Wu Biao people of this level can force Sarang to show up!!


Wu Biao was very confused and did not understand why, since the Archbishop himself appeared, he did not solve this hidden danger.

Movan's strength grew too horrible, and he was sure to uproot the whole of the Holy See. It was only in the early stages of superiority that he could be eliminated without fear.

Of course, the most important thing is the traceability of Movan and others.

Through a mistake disguised as a black pharmacist, who, like a hungry wolf, bit the Holy College of Ojos, the infiltration of these young men is even more immense.

So Wu still hoped that the Archbishop would execute the three of them.

Unfortunately, Wu Bien did not see Archbishop Sarang's half-hearted intentions, instead, her unhappy face was a little heavy.

Archbishop, what's going on?

Can't this Movan kill???

“Ho ho!!!!!!!! ”

All of a sudden, the wind blows and the whole mountain forest is shattered.

Blindfolded rainbow light was also shattered like painted glass under this roar. Wu turned back bitterly to see why Archbishop Wu Bishuang was leaving when Mofan's body was being usurped by a mysterious and violent force of blood and ink!