Versatile Mage

Chapter 2264: Super Thunder Palace

Crushed stone rings do not affect Movan's use of other magic.

With crushed stone rings and star dust, Movan's entire upper torso lit up, and a more detailed lightning texture staggered through Movan's skin in an orderly fashion.

Without forming, the thunderbolt is already carrying a terrible destructive power!

Earlier, when his arms staggered out of the lightning galaxy, the entire sky of Raoul City naturally lightning was helping Movan.

With Movan using the Superstar Palace, you can see a sudden electric burst of light across the city as he opens up most of his body's minefields!

There is electricity everywhere in the city, in addition to countless thunder magicians in the city.

Hundreds of thousands of circuits, wires, and appliances all flashed at the moment when a city sparkled in Movana.

But just after this flash, the city fell into a strange darkness, showing the kind of silence and darkness that the power system was cut off directly!

“Nutrition ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Furniture City Square is located on the west side of the city, between residents and the business district.

A city has lost power, but only here has the light reached a peak, the dark city and the hazy sky, all illuminated by this light into the day!!

This electric light is the star palace of the Movanere Cave!

However, the star palace is not completely empty and is not purely an energy transmission.

It is a thunderbolt palace made up of real lightning!!

This palace has recovered in magnificence and is nothing more than a disaster in heaven, falling unexpectedly on human soil.

The earth of man cannot afford this house of God.

All the buildings in the area were destroyed.

Influenced people are completely wiped out!!

The solid home city was razed to the ground, occupying nearly 10,000 square feet of urban square-grade buildings directly turned into powder, and the brown magicians, like ants and mosquitoes hanging from trees, fell like rain as trees collapsed.

In the process of falling, the person who touched the Thunderbolt Palace disappeared with the building.

When people couldn't open their eyes and barely regained their sight, they almost fainted when they saw this shocking horror.

The furniture complex that came out of the city trench is directly gone, the moaning magicians everywhere, but there are more than just magicians in Tunza, Ming's home city square.

“Is this... is this still human??? ”

Hat choir people stay like wooden chickens, and they can't scream half a disturbing note anymore.

Those groups of magicians in the streets were also frozen by a snow-covered ice, and sporadic pieces of magic flew in the air, just like the sparrows that glowed in front of the dragon, which was ridiculous.

The horrified group did not notice that their feet did not know when to turn into a black mud pit.

The tar streets, like melting away, not only smell bad, but also have a strong tar adhesion that sticks to the legs of thousands of people.

The cold dark smell slowly penetrated into their bodies from their feet, so shock and horror were also changing rapidly, into fear from the soul!

What if that lightning palace fell in their direction??

If there were more of them, would they die??

“Attack me, attack me, kill them anyway!! ”

“What are you waiting for, you scumbags, squad leader, big captain, Legion leader... give the order!!” Commander Cook growled.

How many dead and wounded, conductor Cook no longer cares, he said nothing can let this monster escape from his own sight!!

“This loss, and the war we are facing, is nothing. Kill them, and we are one step closer to victory!” Commander Cook continues to roar.

Fear still haunts the mind.

It was not Movan's supernatural power that completely settled them down, and any scene of pounding momentum in the war could happen, it was just Movan's personal exaggerated power.

But Cook, Kui, and the female commander did not notice that Movan's dark forces had been infiltrating across the city trench.

The Dark Swamp is the evolutionary version of the Night's reign, and those black mud swamps do not need to attack thousands of enemies across the trenches, but only magnify their inner shadows and panic!

These brown rebels are numerous, but there is also a problem, and the cultivation is generally not high!

Fixed to no height, it will surely be suppressed by Movan's mighty dark reign.

Letting the dark marshes oppress thousands of enemies across the trenches at the same time, with the extraordinary destructive power of the thunderbolt palace.

The enemies in front were crushed by the Palace of Moverley Electric and the enemies behind them were suppressed in the darkness, which is their perfect chance to escape!!!

Therefore, Mofan, Zhao Manyan and Mubai did not hesitate in the slightest.

Instead of fleeing backwards, they forced their way to the ruins of Urban Square.

There are more enemies behind us, and Movan Thunder opened a big gap ahead...

Those tonal cap choirs were similarly suppressed by the fear of darkness and did not have the ability to suppress Mubai and Zhao Manyan in a timely manner.

After being able to finally use high and super power, Mu Bai and Zhao Manyan immediately took over Mofan's battle position and rushed forward at all costs.

“Everything is crazy! ”

After Mulberry was cut off, he shot a special demonic seed round his finger.

Every time a seed touches any object, including the human body, it grows thousands of times faster…

Just as the Brown Rebels fainted, a dense forest was born across the sky, and a primitive plant city forest park was born in the war city!

Coarse cane spider webs stagger, sturdy tall trees climb high with the building, and flexible roots hang like curtains.

Cook's howl worked and quickly woke up the frightened rebels.

Unfortunately, when they were targeting, they were faced with a confusing blue color, and twisted tree vines were in front of them with a few serpents nestled in horror.

“It's all rubbish, it's all rubbish, you can't even keep three people, you want to take over the power of the state??” Commander Cook is already angry to rip his scalp off.

He spilled all his anger on the female commander, after all, this regiment, she was the boss.

“It should be that you underestimate the strength of your opponents and increase the losses of our legions for no reason.” The commander-in-chief grinned and laughed at the accusations made against the conductor, Cook.

“It seems unlikely to count on a commander-in-chief to take care of them.” Kui returned from consternation and anger and forcibly said calmly.

“Without what our brown military regime cannot do, we can easily take down even a nation! One regiment can't, then two, two can't, then three, four, a thousand can't be blocked, then use 10,000 people regiment... we brown regime army, nobody can beat!!” The conductor Cook roared like a lunatic.