Versatile Mage

Chapter 2265 Militia


General Rao City hopes that on the street, black leather bags filled with sand are piled up as roadblocks.

These black leather bag roadblocks connect to centrally located trenches, mainly to prevent the Federation from sneaking behind the brown rebels.

Several militiamen in brown vests hid behind black leather bags, drinking beer and talking about the incredible things that happened today.

“Did you hear that five thousand men rounded up three enemy generals and let them escape unharmed, which is too fucked up.” A snot-nosed militia said.

“I would say that there must be a powerful magician in the Federal Army, and our victory now is nothing more than the failure of the Federal Army to respond in a timely manner. Alas, I am so confused, why jump in, if you lose, we probably don't even have a place. ”

“In a few hours, we'll fight and we'll hide in one place. ”

Several militiamen whispered, when suddenly they heard people stepping on the glass.

“Who?” The Big Nose militia turned their heads immediately.

“Tourists, we are tourists from Asia, want to go from here, our embassy is over there.” Movan revealed a very thick smile.

“How long has this been going on? You haven't left yet. You have four hours to wander the streets like this and make sure you don't die!” Big-nosed militia scolded.

“Aren't we afraid of dying? Let's get over it, brothers.” Movan said.

At this time, another tiger-backed militia who was drinking beer stood up, and he looked drunk and didn't know how much wine he drank, and the whole person looked very agitated.

“Just let them go? What if they belong to the Federation?” The drunken militia said.

Mubai stood behind Mofan and Zhao Manyan, both pretending to be small citizens in ordinary distress, and if he saw something wrong, Mubai would do it immediately.

In order to prevent them from notifying the barracks, Mulberry would have done so with little mercy.

After all, this is a war zone, and soft hands will only cause him more trouble.

“Alas, they are a few young people, why should it be difficult? Boy, let's get out of here. Come on, let's not play in a lot of countries like ours. Why not go to Europe?” The Big Nose militia seemed very nice.

“Europe isn't so peaceful either.” Zhao Manyan added a mouthful.

“Then stay in your own country. Are you Chinese or Japanese? Alas, no matter where you are, you are better than us. Go back, go back.” Big Nose Militia said.

By the time he said those words, several other brothers had been asked to remove the obstacles and let the three Movans pass by.

Drunken men did not relent and blocked in front of the three of them.

“I hate this Asian white face the most. My woman was fooled by a wealthy Japanese and came back to me with a pregnancy report. I sold her directly to a whore | nest.” The drunken militia twisted Zhao Manyan's collar and sprayed alcohol on Zhao Manyan's face.

“Okay!!” The Big Nose Militia pushed the drunk away, some impatience, “can you blame someone else for your direct affairs? Before you killed for no reason, now you have to do something for a few irrelevant young people, people in their 40s. If you don't do something, can you blame your woman for running away with someone else? ”

The drunken militia climbed up and stared at the Big Nose militia with great anger.

“Why, you still want to fight me, I'm at least the militia leader, I'm your boss before we lose this fight, show me some respect.” The Big Nose militia has a strong tone.

“Hmm, militia, to be honest is cannon ash, you really can see yourself.” The drunken man eventually suppressed, but his eyes were even more poisonous when he looked at Zhao Manyan and others.

The Big Nose militia captain waved, allowing the three of them to cross the roadblock directly.

Movan hastily thanked.

“Be careful along the way, although we jumped this war first, the Confederate Army is not a good thing either.” The Big Nose militia ordered them to say a word.

“Uncle, thank you so much. ”


After walking out of the roadblock, the three men immediately searched for a building and hid in the back chef of a restaurant.

“There are still so many good people in the world.” Zhao Manyan exclaimed sincerely.

He unwrapped his clothes on the outside of his arm and suddenly the blood poured out of the wound beneath his arm.

All three of them had varying degrees of injuries. The defense of the armor and shield was not absolute. Zhao Manyan's arm was broken by the wind gear of the Windship.

Behind Mulberry there are signs of burning, and the whole back looks like it was burned with a hoof.

Movan had more big and small injuries, but his body was much stronger and recovered faster than the two of them, and apart from the fact that he was a little tired of frequent use of lightning magic, there was nothing much wrong with him overall.

The three men had managed to escape from the horrific siege of the army barracks and, given the current state of affairs, they were afraid to move on.

They chose to withdraw from the Brown Legion to the other side of the city.

People from the Brown Legion are still searching the streets, and they dare not easily use magic to kill soldiers in the way, so they simply disguise themselves as ordinary people.

It's also fortunate to meet a more conscientious leader of the brown militia, who would easily attract a large group of brown legions without a chance to catch his breath.


“Now what do we do? The Brown Army has taken over the Western Hemisphere, and even if we go out of town, we will encounter their trenches, roadblocks, they are too fucking many!” Zhao Manyan said.

“In four hours, the Federation will attack. Looks like we're going to have to take advantage of the Federal Army backlash and kill the Hot River camp.” Movan said.

“Are you kidding me? There's no difference between the three of us getting caught in a war. That's tens of thousands of people against tens of thousands of people, all magicians!” Zhao Manyan said.

“With militias, it could be close to 100,000.” Mulberry corrected.

I wish Montgomery well.

It will become a war zone of nations, and it will rise to an extremely horrific scale.

A superior magician can be a hundred enemies, an exaggeration can be a thousand enemies, can you face tens of thousands of legions of magicians?

Taking what they had been through a while back, there were about 6,000 people there, and almost put them in a coffin.