Versatile Mage

Chapter 2267: The Warlord

Slowly turning his head, a man in a transparent raincoat stood in a drifting rain on the street.

The silver glow emitted from his pupils is gorgeous and deep, leaving some lost in these mysterious glows.

“Is… you??” The Big Nose militia is even more incredible.

Isn't this the young tourist who was kindly let go?

Why be polite to them militiamen when he can remove such huge and heavy rocks with his own eyes!!

“Uncle, relax.” Movan walked up and laughed at the Big Nose militia.

Where the Big Nose militia can relax, the Confederate army has arrived, and a beginner magician like him, who has been a hunter for some time, barely mixed up in a squad leader position.

But he doesn't really make much difference from his team, and he's going to die any minute.

“Well, we acknowledge that we are the three people wanted by your regime, but thank you for letting us go and giving us some time to heal and breathe.” Movan said directly.

The face of the Big Nose militia was full of rain, and some of the stagnation was difficult to accept so much information.

He was just one of 100,000 militia members, and he didn't even touch that high level.

“Little... boy, why did you save the camp people?” The Big Nose militia took a long time to ask.

“Then why did you let us go?” Movan questioned.

“It just feels like being a person shouldn't be so unconscious.” Big Nose Militia said.

“That's it. You're right, there are plenty of people in the Federal Army who aren't things.” Movan sighed.

The Big Nose Militia, sitting on the ground with its ass, has obviously had some regrets.

“Actually, I didn't want to be a part of this, but there was this strange thought that, alas, it's impossible to quit now, and I don't know when I'll be buried in a magic bombing.” The Big Nose militia said somewhat bluntly.

Movan trusts this uncle.

This heavy rain, which the Holy See has been plotting for a long time, is to make everyone lose their mind and make everyone bite each other as wildly as a primitive beast for a little bit of profit.

As you can see, there are a lot of conscientious people like the Big Nose militia in this war.

The rain of the devil's temptations keeps those who hold fast lost, or they have to lose their way to survive in such a chaotic environment.

“Uncle, I don't know if you believe me or not, this war is actually witchcrafted by the people of the Black Holy See, that is, this rain..." Movan gave a brief account of the plan of the Black Holy See to the Big Nose militia.

Anyway, we are waiting for news from Zhao Manyan and Mubai, and Movan wants some information from the Big Nose militia about the brown regime.

The Big Nose Militia listened to Movan's stories and looked incredible.

“I believe you. But it's impossible for you to reach the Hot River.” Big Nose Militia said.

“Why?” Movan wondered.

“Now the Regular Army is basically camped up the hot river, and you said the Black Holy See taught him what we call the Rainy Weather Division to pray for us to win the rain.” Big Nose Militia said.

“Sheng Yu????” Movan almost didn't laugh, but when he thought about the situation, he felt sad for the people in this place.

Clearly it is a rain of destruction, and life is bewitched as a victory rain, or is it a blessing?

“It was probably after the rain that everyone became extra united. Where you say, it's not just the regular army that's camped, it's the elite army of our Yas leader that's nearby, and you can't even get near the outside of the rainforest, let alone up the hot river.” Big Nose Militia said.

Movan eyebrows locked tight.

From the point of view of the rebels, it seems that this rain of the Black Holy See is indeed in their favour.

In other words, the Black Holy See has already colluded with the brown regime.

Alternatively, the high ecclesiastical level of the Holy See has intended to seize a precarious country in this way and then take the position of leader of the country after victory!

Wu Biao seemed to have become the drum of war for the Brown Regiment, and the storm made the Brown Regiment and the Militia Regiment the floodbeast of this catastrophe.

So Wu Biao is protected by the entire brown regime??

“I see. Thank you for telling me this.” Movan said.

“I'm not as powerful as you, that's all I can do.” Big Nose Militia said.

“I should go, uncle. Be careful.” Nor did Movan sigh.

“All right, all right, you guys be careful.” Big Nose Militia said.

Having said that, the Big Nose militia also ran towards the first building that had been smashed down, and the skinny girl seemed to be buried in the dust.

Anyway, it was a life, and the Big Nose militia took off their brown coats and started searching under those broken floors and steel bars.


Movan left quickly, screaming all around him, the young man whose legs had been broken in the street, the old man trapped in the house, the soulless women looking for shelter in the ruins...

The Federal Army began to run wild and their devastation was no less devastating than that of the brown regime, and it was a second strangulation of the already crippling city.

“What do you say?” Movan followed Zhao Manyan and Mubai and asked about them.

“The Federal Army is approaching the city trenches and will be able to recapture the city in three hours without surprise.” Mulberry said.

Zhao Manyan also did not know when several Federation uniforms were stolen and distributed to Movan and Mubai.

“Their operational goal is to drive the Brown Regime forces to the other end of the Hot River, so they will continue to push in after they take down the city.” Mulberry continued.

Mofan and Zhao Manyan quickly put on the clothes of the Confederate army.

Instead of trying to intervene in this war, if they want to reach the Hot River, they must rely on the repression of the Federal Army.

Throughout the brown regime, the three of them were the number one target. It was extremely difficult to dive in. Wu Biao was even more regarded by the brown regime army as a war master...

“Wu must have needed a lot of water to rain, and he turned the river into fog and scattered it into the sky.” Movan said.

“So it's impossible for him to move the position if he wants the rain to last.” Mubai nodded hastily.

“Well, we followed the Federation and defeated all their armies on this side of the Hot River.” Movan said.

Zhao Manyan listened to Mu Bai and Mo Fan's discussions, and the expression on his face was getting ugly.

Shit, don't make the fucking plan so easy!!

What do you mean, knock down all the armies on this side of the Hot River?

Isn't that fucking helping the feds win this war!!