Versatile Mage

Chapter 2327: Dead Phoenix

The gray blue duvet is all over the sky, like a heavenly stone rolling down from the sky, unstoppable!

Zhao Manyan sacrificed the magic left by his own father. In addition to the tenderness that made blood difficult for all cavalry members, he carried all the storms like an old father at the most critical time!

It's perfectly normal for Deputy Dutch to put such an orphan to death.

To figure it out, meat like yourself is the core of the whole team!!

The Eagle Horse Cavalry Corps already possesses the perfect mobility, and their biggest flaw is their lack of defensive capability, which makes them very vulnerable to attrition in enemy counterattacks.

Now Zhao Manyan is replenishing the Eagle Horse Cavalry with this short board, but his fighting power has multiplied.

Many insurgent regiments, which were otherwise difficult to cope with, no longer constituted a threat, but were slaughtered at will.

Hazardous raids that I didn't dare to try before can now be solved without any concern and neatly.

Originally because of its vulnerability, it needed to be shot and replaced immediately, and now it is fighting directly on the ground with the enemy's spell.

At one point, the Eagle Horse Cavalry Corps opened a killing spree in the command battalion behind the enemy battalion, and suddenly the reverse even shook up the rebel main battalion...

The problem is, when the people at the main battalion reacted, this rear command battalion would have been razed long ago. At that time, the Eagle Horse Cavalry was flying into the air, and it was just as difficult for them to handle!

“It's amazing! ”

“It's amazing! ”

Far Eagle Eye Sgt. himself didn't believe it, but it was a layer of protection, and the whole Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiment seemed to be a little different.

How can such a cavalry be so easily destroyed if it can fight, resist, and run flexibly??

In fact, Zhao Manyan himself did not expect such amazing results.

I wanted the Eagle Horse Cavalry Corps to come back to light and make the enemy a little bit more reckless. Who knew the Eagle Horse Cavalry Corps would follow its own group of guardian super-majors and become incredibly brave!

“The resistance of the enemy is also considerably weaker.” Far Eagle Sharp Eyes said.

Zhao Manyan is killing hot blood, he himself did not realize that his painstaking, specialized turtle shell system would be so huge for a strong army promotion!

To be honest, Zhao Manyan just lit a match, who knows that this little flame burns more and more!

“Weak willpower...” Zhao Manyan looked up at the gray sky.

“Yeah, it's not raining! ”

The rain had stopped for some time and had been immersed in the fighting before, Zhao Manyan had not noticed.

The reason why the rebels are so cohesive is that the Black Holy See is turning the people of the Andes into violent and rebellious people with raging water.

When the rain stops, they calm down and think about why they are caught up in such a regime dispute...

And at this time, the Eagle Horse Cavalry suddenly slaughtered, and their sudden emergence of inner contradiction was torn into a larger wound in such an irreversible assault as the Eagle Horse Cavalry.

Let them start to be timid, start to be afraid, start to realize that their lives are more important than the so-called triumph of the regime!

The Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiment is reborn like a grey bird. Bathing blood is bright and unstoppable!



The Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiment reinvigorated the male wind, which made the leopard start to regret, should let the dead phoenix kill the other key figure and come back and let Movan live for a while.

“I knew these recruited soldiers couldn't be relied upon!” The white leopard of the law scolded.

“As long as my holy rain returns, they will remain your most faithful and ferocious hounds!” Wu Biao said with great certainty.

The mental impact of fountain water is really important.

Had it not been for the raging rain, even if the army of the brown regime had plotted this rebellion, it might have eventually claimed territory in some peaceful way and formed a small kingdom of its own.

The rebel leader thought it was his ambition to seize the Federation, in fact without the rain, they were always worried and always left behind.

Wu Biao doesn't even care if the main camp dies a little.

Even if it all dies, all sorts of unrest will erupt elsewhere as long as his raging rain lasts!

“Kill him, there's no one in the world you can't kill, right, Dead Phoenix?” The White Leopard of the Law said.

“Well, there's no one I can't kill, if I want to.” The man called the Dead Phoenix made a crisp sound of ice cooling.

This dead phoenix is a woman.

She was not too old, a lavender's dream purple hair lined with a delicate white face like snow. Had she not worn a long army shirt made of leather, such a woman would have lived in the Elf kingdom of the ancient magical world, covered with clean and spotless spirits!

“He's the one you want to kill.” Wu Biao intensified his tone.

Movan stood there, some incredibly staring at this dispatch in front of him to snipe his own enemy.

Just before it all broke out, she was like a schoolgirl who was immersed in magic knowledge, although most of the time she seemed indifferent to everything, but once there was something of interest to her, she became extremely cute.

Who would have thought, this time, that she would suddenly become the enemy's most mysterious and dangerous weapon!

“Sharjah.” Movan looks at this purple curly elf woman and doesn't dare to confirm it.

At that moment in Sharjah, Movan was even Sharjah's twin sister or something, just exactly the same, but definitely not her own female student.

But Sharjah's eyes, the flashing emotions in her eyes, have shown that she is Sharjah.

President of the Student Association of the Holy College of Ojos.

She appeared in rebel camps, and even in this war, she wiped out many of the federally powerful and turned them into top-secret weapons under the nickname "Dead Phoenix”!

Now she's being used against Movan!

“Teacher.” Saga said to Movan that the tone was still so calm.

“Mr. Sharjah, are you from the Brown Regime?” Movan took a deep breath.

“This war was waged by one of my brothers.” Sharjah answered honestly.

Movan was stunned.

The initiator?

So Sharjah is the sister of the leader of the Brown Regime?

Movan was relieved to hear the result.

It's not about the Black Holy See.

Otherwise, Movan's heart hurts when he thinks of killing a girl like Sharjah.

“This war was waged by the Holy See, not your brother.” Movan pointed at Wu.

“I don't care.” Sagado.

“Dead Phoenix, don't waste any more time. Killing this character with your abilities doesn't take too much effort.” The White Leopard of the Law hurried.

“I said, it's not who I want to kill.” Sharjah said to the leopard indifferently.

The white leopard heard the phrase and his face was gloomy.

How can Saga the Dead Phoenix have a certain respect for this person's tone and divinity? Talking to yourself is like talking to a stranger.

I grew up with Sharjah.