Versatile Mage

Chapter 2349: Weird Power of Attorney

After dinner, Movan went to Kunshan City to hang out and see if there was anything he needed.

Anyway, Lu Kun also said an approximate time, and it will be too late to go back.

The market is quite prosperous and vintage, and the entire market was originally dominated by ancient glass tile architecture, which gradually made the magic market in Kunshan a great tourist attraction.

There are foreigners everywhere, even if they don't come to buy anything.

Movan and Ling Ling wandered around a large circle, each with a string of candy gourds, and ate it deliciously.

“The latest magic grass developed by the Asian Magic Society allows you to recover your magic faster in battle. Is there anything you should try? ”

“Heteroskeleton, $3 a kg, $10 a kg, Heteroskeleton, $3 a kg, $10 a kg!! ”

“Sell all kinds of animal souls, summon all the magicians to see, all kinds of animal souls, everything, how much!! ”

Drinking sounds fluctuating, the lively weather does make you feel like you are walking into an ancient bustling painting roll, for more scenery, many traders are also ancient costumes.

“Boss, what level are your animal souls at?” Movan walked up to the beast soul seller and asked.

“At all levels!” The little one-eyed boss said.

“I want the leader, do you have one? ”

“Yes! No beast soul I can't get. Kunshan, my child Jianhua is dedicated to the soul of the court magician, Ponglei, you know no, the court chief, our country's famous summoner, many of his disciples buy souls from me. As long as you can get the money.” The little one-eyed boss said proudly.

“I want the Wolf Soul, preferably of the Wolf Clan.” Movan said.

“I'll check.” The little boss took out his cell phone and looked at his warehouse. Soon he replied, "One winged wolf leader soul, four wolf souls, do you want them all? I also have blood, bones, sold to you according to the package offer. But you're offering? It's a big deal. ”

Don't look at it. It's just a little store. It costs hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars to buy just one magic outfit.

And what Movan wants is certainly tens of millions of dollars, and most of them talk about a rough intent, and then they go to more formal exchanges to trade, and a lot of money goes to experts and notaries.

“Is that all?” Movan asked.

“What, that's not enough? ”

“I have many colleagues, all summoners. That's enough for me. ”

“Then you've got the right one, and I may not be able to get anything else. I can definitely get you the soul, the blood, the bones. I also do business with some hunter masters who specialize in wolf hunting. Even if it's not enough, I can get those hunters to do it for no more than half a month.” Single-eyed trader Kim Jianhua said.

Spirit tears up Movan's clothes and knows what Movan buys the Beast's soul for.

“You need advanced materials from the Lycans, and you can indeed publish rewards to hire other hunters to do it. Many hunters have devils who know how to chase their tracks, know where the nest is, know how to chop down more complete materials.” Ling Ling said to Movan.

“That makes sense. I'll have an advance or something.” Movan suddenly realized.

Really, keep working for people, when they hire. Why don't you try being the boss once and let someone else work for you?


Negotiate a good price with Kid Jianhua, and let Movan post a reward for himself.

Although this guy is similar to a middleman, it's too much trouble for Movan to waste time posting a reward in a league of hunters, to call a hunter, there is still a professional who will be easy and straightforward, and Movan doesn't care how much money he makes.

“Dude, half a month from now, I'm gonna have a monarch bone and a monarch blood, and I'm gonna rob you, okay?” Jianhua asked before Movan left.

“Lycan, I want it!” Movan said with great certainty.

“Okay, wrap it on me! ”


Returning to Lu Jia's Grand Mountain Castle, Movan found Lu Kun waiting for himself at the door.

“You don't look nervous at all, that's good.” Lu Kun saw that Movan still had time to go to the market and laughed.

“Whatever, it's good to take nature.” Movan asked Lu Kun to come into the house.

Lu Kun was cautious and placed isolated junctions in everyone's room to prevent shadow magicians, spatial magicians and phonetic magicians from sneaking around.

“You can use your hunter's resources, but please don't tell anyone about your mandate. The client, though generous, was also very reluctant to have someone spying on him.” Lu Kun ordered again.

“Don't worry, we know the rules.” Movan nodded.

Lu Kun handed Movan a power of attorney that applied some chaotic techniques.

After Lu Kun left, Ling Ling had already robbed the past and turned over the power of attorney to read it.

Movan was not in a hurry to make herself a cup of tea. Anyway, just listen to the spiritual instructions.

Spirit at first glance, but her face changed again, which is the obvious kind.

From the beginning, look forward to excitement to cold rage!

“Go, this commissioned us not to answer.” Spiritually threw the power of attorney on the ground and even stepped on a few feet.

Movan startled.

Spirit is what character he knows.

Being able to make her jump like Ray is definitely not an ordinary commission.

“What's the matter?” Movan hastily picked up the power of attorney.

“Somebody's messing with us!” Ling Ling Dao.

Movan didn't get it very clear. Read the power of attorney first:

“Do you believe I'm still alive somewhere?

Back then, I was chasing a monster of a red soul.

At first I thought it was just a little demon, breaking into a human city, but as the events related to it kept happening, I realized that the demons of the red soul were actually pretty scary!

That day, I found its trail.

I read my daughter a little story, and when she fell asleep, I smelled it on my own to the pier.

It's sucking, it's growing, it's getting stronger!

I let it escape.

I realized that I had let go of an evil object that was likely to infinitely hurt people and it creeped me out at the rate it grew!

In the future, for every life it hunts, it will have my sin.

Because of my arrogance and mistake.

I swear I'll find it.

Eradicate it completely!

In the name of my seventh generation of Chinese hunters! ”


Movan read it and the face was full of shock.

He turned to the Spirit, and the Spirit remained silent and still had an uncontrollable anger.

What's going on?

This delegate…

Why the Ling Ling Father!

And it looks like the Cold Hunter himself!!

He's been dead for years!!