Versatile Mage

Chapter 2388: The Great Leader Is Back

North Desert Military Base

A man in a general's trench coat sits on a lonely old tree, in front of him a yellow, palpitating beast roaring from time to time.

“Didn't you say this tree signal was the best? How can it be buffered?” The man complained and held a very simple phone in his hand.

After a moment, the buffer finally ended. In the video, a man with a silver glow blossomed out of his body stood up on Mount Mount Riddle Road, the one-time female wolf king...

“Van Gogh is still so powerful!” The man shouted.

“General Zhang, General Zhang, the three teams found a bunch of relatively fresh skeletons, all kicked out of the meat. I think that evil prayer dog monarch who ran out of the curse wilderness will soon fall into our full set.” An officer riding the eagle flew in and circled around the old tree.

The cap was removed by the man, revealing a slightly more powerful and handsome face with a dark bronze colour. He is exceptionally young, but has a steady and confident temperament that is not inferior to that of an elder general on the border.

“Thought we were one step closer to Fango, and now it looks like we need to do more, or else we'll just be dumped further away.” Zhang Xiaohou put away his phone and jumped off the old tree.

“General, isn't it time to deploy!” The officer said.

“Full deployment. To let these bastards know, who's in charge of this Northern Wasteland!! ”

“Full deployment, battle begins!” The officer gave immediate instructions to the communications device.


In a short period of time, Movan's influence has increased dramatically.

Movan himself was surprised.

Are you accidentally on TV again??

Still because of a hunter's live broadcast.

But it's also strange, why can a normal hunter's device now be included in a magic picture?

In the past, even very low-level magic brightness caused all recording software to appear as if it were heavily exposed to sun shooting, except with very special military equipment, which was hardly civilian.

I don't know whether people have overcome this difficulty, or whether the original ban is completely open. Many battles, demons, and wilderness videos are streamed on the Internet, including magic teaching, which was originally banned, and can be searched for.

“I accidentally exposed my strength, how can I pretend to eat a tiger in the future!” Movan had a headache.

Full open recording also has the disadvantage that handsome and charming public figures like yourself may be able to record all future fights. It is a headache to be used for research by those who want to kill themselves.

Alas, soldiers come to hide the water in the ground, think about it, they now have seven fucking departments, each department is still constantly sublimating and evolving, they research battle videos and can't help themselves.

Super order is different from the previous realm, can be said to be immensely different!


“This is the Soul of the Wolf King Beast you want, the Soul is very complete and is absolutely fine for summoning the Beast to advance.” Zhou of the Witchbird Hunters respectfully delivered a vessel.

“Go to the hunter's lobby for a knot and the bounty will hit you, Carrie.” Movan took the dishes.

“Senior joked, we don't have a face to finish.” Zhou said embarrassingly.

“It's not easy for you to scrutinize the character of the hunters later.” Movan was not stingy for it.

“Of course.” Zhou did not know what to say for a while.

At the end of the day, the complete animal soul was actually killed by Movan himself. The animal soul of the male werewolf in his possession was a relic that could not be crossed.

In fact, it was precisely because he had been busy for half a day and only got a piece of junk. The hunter was unhappy and greedy.

“Senior, there is something I would like to discuss with you.” Zhou remembered something and hurried.

“Say it.”

“Not long ago, you Miss Muningsnow of Van Snow Mountain invited us to Van Snow Mountain, and we were thinking about it. We don't have a decent location for the Witchbird Hunters, and if we can, we can get into Van Snow Mountain at no cost. What do you think?” Zhou chuckled.

“Weren't you supposed to collect money from us in Van Snow Mountain?” Movan questioned.

The smile on Zhou's face immediately solidified.

“Cough, our Witchbird Hunter Regiment has a certain honor title. After all, in order to attract a large number of employers and hunters to a city, we must first have a high school turnover rate. Our Hunter Mercenary Regiment is located in many places, and the turnover rate is very high.” Chief Zhou explained.

“So that's it, then I'll give you a nice building with a cheaper rent.” Movan nodded.

As Muningshaw has said before, where Snow Mountain needs more powerful organizations, she may offer a lot of discounts to some powerful groups, but there are not many who really like Van Snow Mountain.

For the good character of this captain, it's good to have them stationed!

“This offsets the cost of emplacement and the balance.” Zhou Xiao said.

“Okay. ”



Returning to Van Snow Mountain, Movan discovered that both Flying Bird Base City and Van Snow Mountain had changed.

If Movan hadn't been here at the time of the World Academy struggle, he couldn't believe that it used to be just a second-line, third-line city.

Since the city itself is a new city and the old town is few, everything looks brand new.

The silver-grey building stands, straight into the blue sky. The vast streets intersect and flourish with a sense of treading into the most lively areas of the Devil.

The naval war city, where the problem had originally arisen, was also rebuilt.

With a sea area of about three or four kilometres from the city, the whole naval war city is spectacularly magnificent, as if it were a mirage city suspended above the sea.

The sea water near Naval War City is green, I think it was at that time that Cao Qin Hai tree cultivation succeeded, spread beneath those marine war buildings, became the foundation of the entire Naval War City.


Upon reaching Mount Van Snow, Movan suddenly discovered the guard brothers stationed with a burning eye.

Can your handsome man now be turned upside down without distinction as to sex?

“Big Head, you're back! ”

“Bull B, big head, when can I be as good as you? ”

Mu Linsheng, Bai Hongfei, Cao Qin Qin, Spoon Yu, Mu Ningxue wore a simple Moon White T-shirt with silk trousers, that fascinating figure made Mofan ignore the seven mouthful of guys in front of him.

Movan goes up and gives Muningsnow a big hug.

Munning's snow and ice skin is a little red and a little embarrassing in front of so many people.