Versatile Mage

Chapter 2407 Ice Abyss, Slaughtering Arrows

Endless chills wrapped Mu Feiqiao completely.

There was a terrible pitch of darkness around her, and all she could see was Muningsnow, whose whole body was releasing red and evil light. The bow was in her hand and became pounding like the sky, forcing Mu Feiqiao to stand still, as if to kneel down.

“You'll never use this bow again! ”

Mu Fei was furious.

He was furious that he was afraid to give in because of a demonic bow, because of a muningsnow.

His ice talent is the most powerful ice system in the world, and only others bow to his feet.

With the ice wings floating behind his back, Mu Feiyi's entire body is wrapped in a layer of hard, iron-like ice minerals, which gives Mu Feiyi a feeling of wearing a heavy ice cream armor!

Ice cream in the world.

Unlike Mu Xianfeng, it is made of ice iron all over its body, strong, strong and full of precision mechanical power!

Mu Fei-xue approached Mu Ningxue, knowing what destruction would ensue from each arrow in Muningxue, so he could never let Muningxue finish his blood release, let alone let the arrow lay on a demonic bow with an evil red light.

As Mu Feifei transformed into a mechanical armor, Mu Xianfeng also rose from the Rift Valley, and countless ice crystal feathers lingered with the cold air she raised.

When Mu Xianfeng saw the red bow in Mu Ningxue's hand, his face was bleak!!

Knowing what they're capable of now, it's hard to defend Munningsnow's ice-crystal brake with a single arrow, let alone a blood-releasing demon bow.

That is a terrible evil force that will kill them directly.

Muningsnow is at no cost this time!

Mu Xianfeng could no longer take into account the lightning wounds on her body. She flashed her wings and called out more sharp wings of ice crystals.

These sharp ice-crystal feathers are no longer as hard as they used to be, but rather glued together into an ice lark with sharp feathers and ice pecks.

With more and more ice larks, almost all over Mofan and Muningsnow heads, they made a noisy noise and launched a wild attack on Muningsnow under Mu Xianfeng's command.


Muningsnow plunged the burning bow into the ground.

Like a harp, Munningsnow heavily moved that evil red and evil red bowstring!

“Buzz!!!! ”

Nothing was ejected, but the bow strings swung out circles and circles of soul light, and the ice larks in the sky were like tribes of some demons that could dissipate under Muningsnow's magic bow strings, as if they were mindfulness in their hearts!

That was Mu Xianfeng's very strong strength, combined with superpower.

But it was so easily dissolved.

Quite interestingly, Mu Xianfeng mistakenly thought that Mu Ningxue was going to pull a bow on her and subconsciously flee far away to escape and become a truly shocking bird.

Mu Xianfeng was angry and angry.

She could only twist the two ice phoenix tails on her body and try to trap Muningsnow with them.

Meanwhile, Mu Feiqiao's heavy armor ice cream also dived from the air, and you can see the blue light breaking through the clouds and chopping into Mu Ningxue.

Ice phoenix locks are incredibly long, stretching from the clouds to Muningsnow, and they are so weird that you can't get rid of them no matter what.

Ice phoenix locked its tail tight and trapped two red demon bows of Muningsnow.

On top of his head, Mu Feiqiao again arrives like cosmic ice dust. Mu Ningxue either abandons the ice crystal brake or will bear Mu Feiqiao's ice dust impact!


Of course Muningsnow wouldn't do that.

She held this thoroughly reddish bow tightly and the blood on her palms seeped more, before that dreadful abyss of ice and cold was stronger!

Suddenly, her right hand stopped holding the bow.

She took a step back and pressed her bright red palm against the invisible bowstring.

Phoenix's tail is wrapping around the bow and giving it tremendous power to drag the bow high.

Then Muningsycho's hands fell on the strings.

Step on the earth, steady as a rock.

The bow was pulled and Muningsnow poured backwards, slim and soft as a willow, with snowsilver hair laying on the floor, scattered into a veil!

“Boom!!!!!! ”

Suddenly, the bowstrings unleashed terrible energy.

A red and red ice-crystal arrow flew out, slender and full of killing gas, and it actually flew directly over the sky!

Mu Feiyu thought that Mu Ningxue was coming towards him, but oddly enough, the red arrow rubbed past the diving Mu Feiyu.

Mu Feiqiao looked at the arrow with surprise at this accuracy with some problems, blinking kung fu, the red arrow was already far away, such as a red star in the middle of the night!

Mu Feiyin didn't think much of it. He hit Mu Ningxue heavily. This collision caused the mountains to split in half!

However, the power is stronger and Muningsnow's body is standing there, bowed and windy.

“How come you're not hurt??” Mu Feiqiao was very angry.

Mu Fei-hui was unhappy and was about to attack Mu Ningxue again. Suddenly, a scream from Mu Xianfeng sounded in the sky, as if he was frightened by something terrible.

Muningsnow also raised his head at this time.

She no longer held the bow and the red arrow hung beside her, like a guardian spirit!

Eyes on the distant sky, not knowing when, the sky turns completely abyss black!!

Half a dot of starlight, moonlight, and daylight are absent, as if all the light had been devoured. When did heaven turn into an endless abyss, man looked to the abyss sky and saw the fear of soul trembling.

“Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

A strange tremor, a red burning bow of evil, slowly emerged in the abyss of the sky.

The bow stretched from the west side of the sky to the east, just like that, across the “bottom” of the abyss sky, narrow like a devil's smile.

Hiroshi, huge, like the skyline!

Mu Xianfeng shouted, precisely because of the sky above their heads, there was a red ice-cold burning magic bow!

Finally, the arrows show up!

Red again, bright red like blood, and evil ice cold.

This arrow is horrible, as if it could cross this entire black abyss, and cannot be overstated by opening the sky!

The silence of the heavens and the earth, the hanging bow of the demon, the arrow pointing not to an enemy at all, refers entirely to the hundreds of millions of living beings in the heavens and the earth, all massacred!

“Iceberg - Slaughter Arrow!! ”

Muningsnow spewed out these words.

Heaven and earth demon bow tremble, the arrows that slaughtered hundreds of millions of spirits fall fast, have not yet touched Mount Mupong, those mountains of different heights and heights, one after the other extinction!

Mu Xianfeng was in the air.

She lives by herself in a phoenix, but under the arrow of the spirit, what difference does it make between her and the smallest wild bird!