Versatile Mage

Chapter 2430: Dark Bottom

Blood colour level.

That's not good news!

Demons reach this level of density, basically at the tribal level.

They're camping under a tribe of marine algae forests, no different from a graveyard bundy!

“We did a covert treatment, and the low-level demons don't attack on a large scale, but the big problem is that if we initiate higher perceived ripples, the instrument's corrugated demons will also detect that by then this algae forest will know where we are.” The logistics captain said.

On top of the sea grasslands, their military apparatus is already very advanced, but like those element detectors, this sensing tower operates “overpowered”, which is tantamount to sending a signal to the surrounding demons.

Demons are extremely averse to this signal, and they will come together in groups until they kill the people here and destroy what will send this signal!

“Let's hope this 1.5 km exploration has the results we want.” Zhang Xiaohou prayed.


Captain Kid has led some water and shadow magicians to explore for the first time.

They maintain contact with the camp and, although not able to use the comms directly, can use other means to convey some key information to the camp.

After a day of exploration, the captain detected a trench depth of 1 km and had encountered demons several times more powerful than in the ocean.

The following day, people were continuously injured, detecting depths of only 1.4 kilometres.

On the third day, Captain Boy returned with unrivalled frustration and full of guilt.

“Yang Xiajie was caught in the crack of the wall, and we were attacked by the Tooth Demon and had to choose to evacuate.” Captain Boy said.

“Depth.” Zhang Xiaohou asked.

“At 1.6 kilometres, the location of the fracture was marked.” Captain Boy said.

The logistical old Jia interrupted Captain Zhang Xiaohou's report and said: “General, at that depth, the active sea demons are afraid of the great demons of the deep sea, only about the powerful inhalation of the wall crack, some difficult to explain. ”

“If you activate higher detection, how long can you last?” Zhang Xiaohou asked.

“Up to two days. ”

Zhang Xiaohou frowned.

With only seven days left, Zhang Xiaohou is still not sure whether this trench is the nest of Dragon King Ma. Delaying it will only make a big mistake.

“Tiancheng, Huayuzhu, you stay in the camp and guard the camp. Tam Feng, Captain Boy, you take the others with you!” Zhang Xiaohou said.

The Tower of Perception is of the utmost importance, and if it is not known in such a terrible land of demons, they break into the tiger forest with a group of blind men.

Now they have to probe the ghost ditch area below 1.5 km.

“We can stick to it, but General, if you go down, what's the danger, we can't support you!” Tan Feng said.

Without any support, we can only wait to die once we are in a difficult situation.

It's too risky to do that.

“General, I'm your chief of guard. Why don't you follow me?” Huayu Bamboo said.

“You guard the camp and let us know what the demons are doing to keep all of us in the trenches safe.” Zhang Xiaohou's tone intensified.

Huayue bamboo is silent.


Without wasting too much time, Zhang Xiaohou led the two captains and other team members into Dragon King's Ghost Groove.

Uncle Zhen was not very comfortable. Finally, he chose to go down with Zhang Xiaohou. His water quality was very good and he was also a high-ranking magician.

The Dragon King Ant factory was founded. He was considered one of the founders, but later, when he had a conflict with other partners, he withdrew and retired to his own pension.

“General Zhang, I was a soldier in the early years, and although magic has been abandoned a lot due to old malaria, it can still play some role at a critical time.” Uncle Zhen said sincerely.

“You guys, protect Uncle Zhen. ”


Directly into the trench, the trenches are hundreds of meters deep with some faint light that can see the dark rock walls on both sides.

The fractured rock walls in the ocean floor have a deeper sense of terror than in the mountains, let alone deep beneath the trenches.

The further down you go, the more pressure you will be under, as if you were going into another world.

People are often in awe of mountain forests, peaks, glaciers, and deserts, which humans have explored and understood.

But where's Deep Sea Trench???

It is likely that objects beyond human perception will emerge below, and fear will continue to magnify as people narrowly imagine and explore the unknown.

Soon, your heart will be filled with darkness, darkness, fear, eccentricity, and cold.

Zhang Xiaohou and his people crossed the wildest northern frontier, the wildest and most primitive face of nature, and he felt that he had already worked out a very strong heart.

But when he got under this deep sea trench, he realized that this place was far more than the original horror of the northern frontier, it was more than small and humble...

If death is infinite and terrible, then the feeling under this deep trench is probably no different from true death, with no sun, no infinite darkness.

Totally abandoned!


“General, Old Jia has turned on higher perceptions and can now detect 2.5 km deep.” Tan Feng expressed himself in sign language.

In fact, at this depth, there is no more light.

There is a Light Magician illuminating a limited area with his own magic, but the light forms a very narrow circle, and the area outside the circle is a terror-grade darkness!

Zhang Xiaohou nodded.

At this point, the captain came to report, pointing his hand at the direction near the trench wall.

“This is the last mark that Yang Xiajie was inhaled 200 meters below!” Once again, the captain's face shows fear.

Zhang Xiaohou kept the team on the highest alert and visited another 200 meters.

It's also weird that they found the wall crack, but this time it didn't produce that kind of strong suction, which makes people even more nervous.

“I'll go in, you wait outside.” Zhang Xiaohou told the other team members in sign language.

Others immediately objected.

Captain Boy further said: “Yang Xiajie is dead, if something happens to you entering such a dangerous place...”

“Did you see him die?” Zhang Xiaohou looked serious and asked in sign language.

Captain Yang Xiajie was alive when he hesitated to get sucked in.

But if it's inhaled into that place, is it possible to live?

“Death cannot be abandoned without certainty. It can be temporarily withdrawn, but rescue must not be abandoned. ”

Zhang Xiaohou told the child captain in sign language, the code of conduct in his own army!!