Versatile Mage

Chapter 2580 Absolute Immunity

Even though the talents of the ice-breaker are invincible, after reaching the superior realm, the advantages of the natural dual system will be more embodied.

From the talent of the Iceman to the sweet head, when Mu Ark saw Movan, the whole person was like seeing the most wonderful thing in the world, and that desperately desperate heart of possession appeared almost in a pathological way on his face!

Unexpectedly, dealing with a few white groceries deliberately caused some trouble for the white family, pastoralists, and Van Snow Mountain, but the big fish was transferred out of Movan.

Had Movan been able to seize this natural dual talent, would Mo's Ark have been invincible!!

“Look at him, don't let him get away!” Mu Ark immediately commanded those under his command.

Elder Fanning also approached a bit at this time, and it can be seen that he also made up his mind.

This is a time of plunder, see what's good, as long as it's not done in the base city, it's done directly, kill people, throw the bodies into the demon nest, who can do anything to get them?

Of course, Movan is now their invaluable talent, first take people down, then slowly study how to pass on to them such an inventive talent as natural duality.

“Overlooking the ice! ”

Mu Ark also stopped talking and started directly.

What he used was Mu Feiqiao's ability, over the night sky, to see countless thin clouds of ice condensed, instantly transformed into a bird in the sky, all white, crystal clear and vibrant!

“His fire system is strong, with Cedar Ice Forest to abolish his fire magic!” Fanning doesn't have the power to be small.

Moo's has ten masters this time, all of whom are ice magicians.

Mu Corporation itself is famous for its ice system, which is much higher in ice making than ordinary ice magicians.

Soon, a giant cedar pulled up around Movan, and they were thick and stiff, not to mention dense, and covered the whole mountain, and the cold air poured in, cold to the bone marrow, even the throat was like ice cubes, breathing jammed!

“Hahaha, do you really think we should talk to you when we invite your people? Do you really think we Moose can't take your little characters? The weak, the only way to die, you idiot!” Mu Ark looked at Movan trapped in the cedar ice forest and laughed outrageously.

Stepping on a thin ice canopy, Mu's ark was like a slaughter lord, and his tall, top-down gaze at Movan, the tiniest.

“Learn to adapt, learn to survive, and that's what this era teaches us all!” Mu's Ark dived down.

As he slipped, the whole night sky seemed to collapse. The shadow of the sky was enough to cover several mountains. The diving pulsation was to smash the whole undulating mountain into a claw!

Mu Ark's laughter continued to echo, and it had to be said that after taking Mu Feiqiao's talent, this guy became more than one level powerful, and not many people were his opponents in the ice field.

Movan looked up and looked at the magnificent sky.

“Domain, dawn! ”

Behind Movan, suddenly a pair of dawn wings unfolded, this stretch formed a shocking black dragon shadow, the wings of the sky appeared at the top of the night sky.

The wings of this dragon are many times bigger than the sky, and the sky beneath it is like a green sparrow.

The countless thin ice instantly crumbled, and the bright mood turned into ice scum before it touched Movan. The arrogant Ark of Mu stood on the moon and fell directly into the earth.

“Divine Fire! ”

Once again, Movan has developed his field.

Seems deliberate, in this icy snow forest, the elements of fire are extremely thin, but it is not known why these cedar ice trees, made up entirely of powerful ice, were all kindled by the divine fire of Morgan.

The rapid transformation stunned all of the Mu clans, and a white snow forest was instantly transformed into a flaming jungle, and the profound red stretched for more than a dozen kilometres.

Under the night, Mountain Red, so many Moose masters, and the presence of such an elder as Fanning, they worked so hard to form the Cedar Ice Forest to suppress Movan's powerful fire-type capabilities.

But at the end of the day, the ice seems to have become the dye of its fire. Instead of restraining each other, they all want to use ice magic to make it incredibly difficult!

“Mo Ark, watch out, this kid is weird!!” Fanning shouted.

Mu Ark climbed up from the ground and looked up at the fire.

In the fire forest, Movan walked towards him, confident as if he were the master here.

“Fuck you!! ”

The Ark of Mu suddenly strikes, using the magic of the light system.

The ice system is suppressed, and even a frozen man like Mu's Ark can't use advanced ice magic, let alone others.

A heavenly sword swept through the night, shaking thousands of layers to destroy the sword and rushing straight into the vain.

Mu Ark is also a top magician, he uses the magic of the superior third level of the light system, and with the natural species of the light system, he can achieve the effect of killing everything.

His light system is extinguished and multiplied in power.

His own execution was very fast, and the complex star palace could be completed in one second.

Of course, he can only use this very fast method once, and Mu's Ark is often a surprise to his opponent.

The Heavenly Sword itself is the most powerful magic of superior monomers, so suddenly it is used. If the opponent does not have enough time to use multiple layers of magic defense, immortality must also be severely damaged!

“Boom!!!!!! ”

The heavenly sword fell and the two mountains were divided into two parts. You can see that the sword marks broke deeper into the rock, causing tortoises to appear on the earth five kilometers in length!

Movan stands in the strongest position of the sword mark, with a bright black squared armor on his body with a fine, dense dragon stripe that gives rise to a mysterious guardian, slashing the endless rays to absorb them all!

Everything around us was ruthlessly destroyed, but Movan did nothing and stood there unharmed.

Immune Dragon Scale Guardian, almost an invisible halo, but like a god blessing barrier from the higher hall, the power of man cannot be broken!!

Movan glanced at the dragon scale armor on his chest and his mouth floated.

Magic immunity.

Immunity to all elements below the curse!

Heavenly Species, Super Class III, Strongest Light System Monomer Destruction Magic...

After all, there is no equivalence with the curse.

And this immunization, even the shock waves and shock waves, is completely immune to the fact that even Movan can't blow a hair!

“You... you are a ghost!!!” Mu's face changed dramatically, almost growling.