Versatile Mage

Chapter 2733: Rescue the Warlord

“Saint Tutten, if we can truly find a Saint Tutten that is still alive in this world, we will not have any resistance to the Sea Demon Gods.” Tang Yue said.

Song Fei Rumor stared at Movan, only then did he understand the man's true intentions.

He wants to change the dire situation on the entire east coast, the sea demon is too powerful, even an ordinary monarch can still pose a great threat to the magician of the same level, while the totem creature is a special life far more powerful on land than ordinary demons, to fight against those fierce demons in the sea, totem is really crucial.

When I think of Xiayu, in order to live in the season of the sea demons, and to sacrifice the life of the entire fortress city, Song Fei Rumor is even more disgusted with Xiayu, and at the same time I feel immensely ashamed of myself as a person of Xiayu.

At the present time, everyone should do their utmost to survive the catastrophe.

“If you need any help, just ask.” Song Fei Rumor completely let go of his guard against Movan and said seriously.

“It is enough for you to get your attitude right and understand the importance of Haidong Qing Gods.” Movan replied.

Tang Yue smiled and was about to ask about Haidong Qingjin, suddenly the phone rang at this time.

Tang Yue answered, the person on the other end of the phone simply said a few words, it can be seen that the look on Tang Yue's face is a few serious points.

“Movan, the presiding judge called me, there should be a very urgent matter.” Tang Yue said.

“The spiritual trials?” Movan looked up at the mountain of the spirit behind him.

“The presiding judge asked you to come with him.” Tang Moon continued.

“Tang Zhong called me?” Movan has some doubts.


Let the three big totems play in the West Lake themselves, Mofan, Tang Yue, Song Fei Rumor three went to Ling Xian Mountain.

The small bamboo forest in Lingxian Mountain is the entrance to the Lingxian trial. When Movan three arrived, Tang Zhong had already stood in the forest and apparently had no intention of allowing them to enter the trial.

Tang Zhong pointed to the garden outside and said: “Let's go over there. ”

When Movan sees Tang Zhongxiang, even with a little anxiety, he rarely shows this restlessness as an old presiding judge, and it seems that something big does happen.

“Is she?” Tang Zhong showed some vigilance and asked Song Fei Rumor, wearing a black brass.

“Haidong Qingshen Totem's guardian, come from the side of Carp City Xiayu, Judge Tang, tell me something, don't we still deserve your trust?” Movan said.

“Oh, it's my problem. I'm a little nervous. Well, I wanted Tang Yue and Totem Xuan Snake to do one thing, but since you're here, I think it would be better for you to do it.” Tang Zhong said.

“What the hell happened?” Movan frowned and asked.

“When you were still at Pearl College, there was a big man who kept an eye on you and looked after you quite a bit..." Tang Zhong said.

“Did the head of the Chinese army die??” Movan was shocked.

Taking care of his big personality, when Qin Huangdao, the Chinese military chief himself admitted that he opened a back door directly after the Ancient Du Havoc to allow Movan to enter the missed school team.

21362; Zheng commissioned the totem messenger, also highly recommended by him.

Tang Zhongyi mentioned the big man, Mofan could naturally think of the head of Hua Zhan Hung Hua!

“Cough!” Tang Zhongzhong choked a little, but his face was red. It took a while to say, "It's not as bad as you said, but it's also very likely to crash. ”

Movan opened his mouth.

Fortunately, I bought him a roasted squid and paid him back, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance in my life.

“Didn't you say that the Emperor's plan was just a test? How could a test give his life?" ”Mofan was surprised.

“Man is not dead!” Tang Yue gave Movan a big white eye and corrected the way.

“I don't know exactly what the situation is, but Hua Zhanhong is somewhat elusive. In short, the situation is complicated and urgent. Now Hua Zhanhong should be trapped near Hawaii and seriously injured.” Tang Zhong said.

“Isn't that equivalent to death?" ”Movan said.

Hawaii has long since become a military fortress island as an important strategic area for Americans after they reach their enemies.

Americans are equally devastated by the scourge of the sea demons, especially in San Francisco, because they have made all the monster catastrophes happen.

But not long ago, Movan heard that the Americans in Hawaii had largely withdrawn, and Hawaii was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and in this critical situation, Hawaii is no different from an island that stands in a sea demon's nest.

If the head of the Chinese Army is trapped there and seriously injured, I am sure that behind that scene the Black Claw Emperor will surely call upon the myriad powerful creatures to surround Hawaii with water, and will surely destroy this powerful human being who prevented it from attacking China's eastern coastline.

“Movan, don't keep saying ominous things!” Tang Zhong glanced at Mo Fan and continued: “Although the situation is extremely urgent, it is not without the possibility of rescue. ”

“Listen up.” Movan said.

“The emperor was also badly wounded, as was the head of the Chinese army, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Now, we must rescue the Chinese leader before the emperor's men strangle him.” Tang Zhong said.

“Troops are hard to get to the middle of the Pacific, right?” Movan said.

“Yes, it was difficult for our army to cross half the Pacific Ocean, and according to some of our trial court investigations, there was interference from other forces in this Chinese military leader's plan against the mastermind emperor behind the scenes.” Tang Zhongsheng said.

“Other forces??” What Movan captured from Tang Zhong's expression.

“So the rescue will not be crowded, the government system, the army system, the magic society system, the government system, the hunter's league, the family league will send only secret teams.” Tang Zhong said.

“Is it the Divine Prophet??” Movan asked seriously.

Obviously, the news that the Chinese army leader is hiding in Hawaii is not known to everyone, which is why Tang Zhong did not say this at the trial.

The specific location of the head of the Chinese Army is critical, and once discovered by the Shinto clan, it must lead to the head of the Chinese Army being isolated in the Pacific Ocean.

The divine prophet can manipulate people's minds, so there is a great possibility that there are puppets of divine prophets in the army system, in the government system, in the magic association system, just as the Far South Emperor manipulated an Ice Prohibition Mage at the time...

Humanity's big moves, big plans are insightful, so it's a war different from the past.

There was no such cautious situation of demons on land, even with them, after all, they did not form civilization at all, they were barbaric and primitive.