Versatile Mage

Chapter 2815: True Medusa

“Pyramid!!!!!! ”

Yuri Ellie, Queen of Eagle Gods, whispered a long thud and she had been hovering close to the abyss of millions.

With this noise, that winds down to the tomb slope in the abyss of millions, one claw after another, the vicious eagle witch with her eyes flew up from the darkness, at first like some sparse stars, a moment later it was dense to the extreme, countless!!

The Hawk Witch Army has already appeared, but they are waiting for the arrival of the other Hoof Spirit Army.

The order was given that the hawk witch would either circle or dive. Each dive would basically pick up a dead soldier from the ancient capital. Once the corpses, necropolis, ghosts, ghosts were dragged into the air, they would basically be robbed by the hawk witch who circled. The sharp claw hook could easily tear the heavy armor of the corpses!!

“Give me two blind eyes first!!” Yuri Ellie hates Movan, and she opens her mouth to those hawks.

Hawk witches fly to the ground in a coiled fashion, forming a terrible storm composed of their hawk wings. This hawk storm is headed toward Movan to kill hundreds of hawk witches in order to blind Movan!

“Like to die?” Movan laughed.

Yuri Ellie is such a grumpy, brainless witch, has she forgotten Black Dragon Wings??

“Drop it all!!” Movan drinks furiously and the wings of the Black Dragon are in full swing.

While the shadow of the dragon wings was hanging, the witch somehow endured tremendous pressure in the eagle storm. Flexible and muscle-filled wings could not be fanned, one stiff in the air, and seemed unable to even keep flying!

“Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!!!!! ”

A hawk witch who was paranoid enough to peck her blind eyes fell and fell on a white ladder, blurred and feathered.

Whether dead or not, a cunning creature such as the hawk witch landed on the ground, it was a chicken and was easily chopped to pieces by a skeleton soldier.

Yuri Ellie looked purple.

Tricina, the eldest sister on the ground, looked up at her sister like she was retarded.

Under the wings of the Black Dragon, you send a bunch of eagle witches, don't you mean sheep into the tiger's mouth!

“Let your daughters destroy those graveyard corpses!” Tricina said to Yuri Ellie.

Aware of the fact that they had to deal with Movan, who also had black dragon souls, essentially with their sisters and Sphinx themselves, Yuri Ellie changed the way to order the eagle witch to strike the white tomb palace and forcibly occupy it.

The number of hawks is as rainy as rain. They occupy all over the white tomb palace for a while. The hawks dance furiously, so to speak.

The eagle witches, with their foreplay, basically dare not approach Movan, nor easily provoke the dawn of Movan, honestly bypassing Movan and attacking the White Tomb Palace from both sides and rear!

“Ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

All of a sudden a long song was bursting like the last treble of a singer in a performance.

Movan turned her head and saw Apath bending her waist, her beauty facing the sky, like a dancer, like a real female snake again...

Her eyes, golden pink, but frequently flashed with an energy that accumulated in her eyes like a flower, as Apath's long song came to an end, a clear and visible glance shone into the sky, forming a blossom like flowers!!

Low-flying, diving, hovering, whether in high-altitude opportunistic action or already attacking the White Tomb Palace, thousands of eagle witches have been swept away by this glance and all have stopped!

The huge area captured by the eyes, it seems that time has stopped, all fierce and fierce actions have suddenly stopped, even the scattered eagle feathers have completely stopped!!

“Gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga, gaga."

A lightweight eagle hair, its fine fleece begins to harden, and gradually this hardening occurs on the whole eagle hair.

A short while later, the whole eagle feather was sturdy as stone.

This eagle feather was supposed to drift slowly, but when Apath's high singing echoed around the White Tomb Palace, it fell sharply, and it became faster and faster, and finally hit the ground sharply, breaking into smaller shapes!!

In fact, it's not just the insignificant eagle feathers that make such a strange change...

The whole sky, all the eagle witches who tried to attack the White Tomb Palace, all of a sudden the legion of witches stood still for about three seconds, it was petrified like that eagle feather!!

How can you stay in the air if you're petrified?

So the heavenly eagle stone carvings fell, and the ground was smashed to pieces of gravel.

This scene is extremely shocking. The previous moment, there was an army of wild dancing witches. There were many invisible half-width skies, but all petrified under the eyes of a long-hearted Apath. The stone storm fell beside Apath, and several floors were to be laid, all of them the bodies of eagle witches.

But not a trace of blood.

Apath's gaze not only petrified the skin feathers of those hawks, but turned every part of their bodies into stone, meaning that they were deprived of their lives while they were still in the air, falling just to make their death more tragic.

True Medusa,

This is the way to subjugate the enemy.

Turn them into stellable gravel!

Yuri Ellie's eyes, even with one eye, can feel the venom and anger!!!

She brought the Eagle Witch Legion, so the whole army is overthrown!!

Just because this poor bastard was accidentally released by herself, just because this three sisters look the least used dirty human origin girl!!!

And big sister Tricina, she stood on the ground, her scorpion army was not affected, but she witnessed Apath exhibit the stare of Queen Medusa, a strong jealousy poured up her heart beat, making her feel uncomfortable all over as if she had been stabbed by something!!

This is the eye of destruction...

Medusa's Mother is the most powerful force.

The mother of Medusa used these eyes to destroy 100,000 legions of witches. It was these eyes that made her the world's highest ranking witch. All the witch races in Europe and Africa bowed to her!

Why is such a pair of imperial eyes inherited by Medusa of this filthy, humble human descent!!!!

It's not fair!!!

It's not fair!!!!

The face of Scorpion King Medusa Tricina would have had some spectacle, but at this point it was completely spoiled, pointy teeth, blue faces, snake hair, scorpion.

“There is only one Queen Medusa in the world, that's me!!” Scorpion King Medusa Tricina growls and growls.

She is going to tear apart Apath immediately and implant her eyes on her cheek!!