Versatile Mage

Chapter 2874 Antarctic Conscription

Every base city is threatened by sea demons.

The same is true of Flying Bird Base City, where several signs of imperial life have appeared in the light blue waters.

Demons have gone through a black alert, and when will the Soaring Bird Base City alert arrive? No one knows.

Every base city is carefully guarded. Demons fight. People see the true face of the sea demons. They are far more powerful than people think!

Compared to all of the magic, the City of Flying Bird Base is too young to have any background, no strong enough reserves of magicians, and no magic club spells, super leagues, super regiments, and so on.

If the Sea Army of the Cold Moon Demons were to sweep directly into the City of Flying Bird Base, the City of Flying Bird Base would not even have room to struggle.

Perhaps the demon of the cold moon has no interest in this newly built base city of mankind, and it is clear that the foundations of mankind are in the important cities of the Magic City and the Emperor.

Even so, the Flying Bird Base City is not very calm. After all, the demonic flock in the South China Sea will not be much weaker than the East Sea, and the Flying Bird Base City is the city hub between the East Sea and the South China Sea.

Since the end of Demon World War I, Flying Bird Base City has been a shiver for Cesar. Without Demon's support, would this newly built base city really have to survive?

Someone has already tried to migrate. After all, sea demons are a bunch of man-eater sea demons. Few people joke about their lives. The vast majority of the population of Flying Bird Base City is an outsider, and their feelings for this place are not very deep.

But some of the people who migrated returned, and the conditions after the migration were not very optimistic, the cold covered the hinterland and the heating supplies were becoming scarce.

If you don't have a house to live in, you can grow somewhere else. Cold brings with it not only cold, but also many other problems similar to the freezing of crops, the freezing of rivers and the impact of transportation.

In warm places, after all, there are advantages, not to mention the wildness of inland demons being whipped by the cold, and urban vigilance frequently occurs.

There are problems both in the interior and along the coast, so some people who move often realize that it's the same everywhere, including abroad...


A life of fear and unconsciousness has passed several months.

Flying bird base city was hit hard on several occasions, but eventually survived, with Ocean Alliance officials saying that many of the monster tribes were similarly stuck with the season.

The next season, be it tides or currents, will create a certain obstacle to the movement of the Sea Demon tribal communities, so the last three months will usher in a rare calm along the coast.

Specialists, halfway through the letter anyway, Flying Bird Base City cannot relax its guard because of the inference here, but Naval War City, where the frequency of sea demon attacks has indeed decreased.

Movan is in lockdown practice.

Muningsnow is also practicing, and the final ice crystal brake fragments have finally been collected, and the soul power released from those fragments has caused Muningsnow to surge and, most importantly, she can finally use the complete ice crystal brake.

As it reaches the bottleneck, Munningsnow is clear that there is no point in continuing to dive.

She walked out of the courtyard and felt that the air of Van Snow Mountain was not as cold as it had been before, and occasionally she could see some unknown wildflowers blooming in the mountains.

In the past, it should be spring and summer, and now it is winter, in addition to winter.


When I arrived in the lobby, there was no one in the room, but there was a letterhead with a crest woven with golden silk on the surface, some familiar, but Muningsnow couldn't remember what the logo was for a moment.

It says it's for you.

Muningsnow took it apart and took out a piece of paper that resembled the invitation of the Queen of England, and saw a solemn line above.

“Fan Xue Mountain - Mu Ning Xue, China”

“Our Intercontinental Magic Association does not easily send invitations to any magician because our Magic Association of the Five Continents has always respected every magician and believes that every magician is free...”

“But we encountered a problem that we couldn't solve in the course of implementing a great plan, and we need a special ice magician like you to assist us. Please accept our call anyway, if you share our hearts with this global frozen crisis...”

“Alliance of Magic Associations of the Five Continents. ”

Mu Ningxue read the contents of the letterhead and saw the last signature before it suddenly appeared.

It turns out to be an intercontinental magic association, or an alliance of magic associations on five continents, which means that magic associations on five continents are doing something very far-reaching together, but the process has encountered some obstacles.

Muningsnow was just a little confused.

Why yourself?

Since it is an alliance of five continents, it is the world.

Put it all over the world, they're not the best ice magicians. How did they pick themselves this time?

“Come in, come in, we've been circulating your stories here lately. I didn't expect such a brilliant magician in our country. You look younger than we thought.” Mu Linsheng's voice came out the door.

When Mu Linsheng stepped in, he saw Mu Ningxue on the throne, holding the special letterhead and immediately showing joy on his face.

“Master, are you finished practicing? ”

“Mmm." Mu Ningxue answered, gazing at the man Mu Linsheng had led in.

The man was dressed in an uncommon red dress, and the man was fully decorated. At first glance, he gave a sense of magnificence.

Mu Ningxue felt that the man had some familiarity with him until Mu Linsheng solemnly introduced him. Mu Ningxue didn't realize that this seemed to be the famous fire curse magician from a short time ago.

Wei Guang, the new curse magician.

It was a strong man born in the Devil's Underground Barrier Program who defeated the leader of the Deep Sea Lizard Dragon and drove the Deep Sea Lizard Dragon back to the sea.

He built the fire system, embedded the curse, and seemed to have quickly understood the law of the independent curse. For many old magicians who could not complete the curse independently, the presence of this person would indeed make them sweat and indeed add a curse power to the country.

Wei Guang gauged Mu Ningxue and said, “Believe me, I am the will of the Prohibition Society to join you. ”

“I don't quite understand.” Muningsnow is still a mist on the matter.

“The crusade against the Far South Emperor is true, and the five continents are now in Antarctica, and my team and I will escort you there.” Wei Guang said.

“Antarctica?” Munningsnow frowned.