Versatile Mage

Chapter 2906 Admittance

Talk to Al-Quds about a curse convention??

How many evil and terrible forces in the world have already taken precedence over superiority, and those evil and heathen cannot be eliminated if the curse convention is truly fully respected.

Not to mention that the Holy Shadow Apostle already has the power to use the curse and does not need to report it to the Injunction!

This is the privilege of the Holy Shadow!

“You know what happened here.” Movan's eyes are sharp.

“I don't have to worry, all I care about is taking you to Al-Quds.” St. Shadow Wild pointed at Movan with his finger.

The curse cage is getting stronger and stronger, and the breath even diffuses a few kilometres away. If there were a demon king living nearby, the demon king would surely have killed him despite his wounds a year ago.

Movan's breathing deeply.

The threat posed by the curse is truly terrible, and he must rely on the black dragon's scaling armor to resist it.

It's just that Movan doesn't really care if he survives the curse, it's this wretched demon.

One year after the implementation of the fortress plan, the demons were cleaned up, and many people paid a huge price for it. Although the demons have become like this, no one is willing to give up this land...

However, because of KANO alone, it is likely that all efforts over the year will be wasted.

“San Shadow Kno, right? Remember what you did today. When I get to the curse, I will definitely screw your head off!” Movan said.

“Oh, you think...” Saint Shadow grinned.

However, by the mouth, St. Shadow Wild suddenly found himself in the Forbidden Cage, long gone.

The sound was still in the air, how can the blinking kung fu disappear!

How did the other party escape from their forbidden cage? Even their souls will be locked up!!

“Damn!! You can't escape!! ”

St. Shadow's wild rage, he hastily chased past with a residual breath, and the curse he had just sang slowly dissipated, as if a terrible storm cloud had just arrived here, suddenly broken away by something, the heavy breath did not increase.

Keno chased out, and in the dark city, the noise of the beast, which had just gone silent, recovered for a long time.

He was looking for Movan, but Movan was long gone.

The forbidden cage area is absolutely locked, although it cannot restrict each other's movement, wherever the other moves, it is pulled back by a forbidden force, like a giant space quicksand that cannot escape.

Of course, in Kano's view, it is not entirely incomprehensible that the other party can escape. After all, the other party is also a curse-level magician... and Kano has dealt with him before. The other party's strength is extremely strong. Without considering the curse ability, Kano is not necessarily his opponent. Kano is even fortunate that the other party's curse ability has been blocked!


The darkness is scattered, and the shadow of Movan slowly emerges in that enclosed area.

He did not flee, he simply went into a dark space, built on his present spiritual realm and darkness, which not only allowed him to avoid all elements of destruction, but also freed him from some locking effects, including the cage of curses.

Fortunately, Keno is not such a forbidden class. Otherwise, the dark section is not expected to escape. Movan is not sure if he can resist a forbidden magic now...

Darkness, space, rock, chaos, and the black dragon costume with the metal dragon's soul probably won't die.

Anyway, don't try it easily!

Nor did Movan himself think that after being shut down for such a long time, there was much confidence sweeping across the world, and he directly hit a forbidden brain disability to take his own life.

Isn't that a blockage?

“Alas, it's burnt.” Movan walked back to his barbecue place and took a look at the black charcoal turning into sea beef and beast thigh meat, and he was in no mood to spice.

“You know that when you get to this realm so quickly, you can crystallize that earth fire and swallow it. There must be hope to step into the fire system now. It's not the Weiguang, is it? ”

“By the way, what did that guy do and how did he get chased by the Holy City? ”

“The City of Al-Quds did not issue a wanted warrant, which should be something less visible. ”

“Never mind, go back to the city and pick up a number at noon. I wish there was a earth crystal that suited me. ”


Mofan absorbed all the energy of St. Tutten, and the remaining holy springs were all digested. Now the seven systems are basically complete, and the two major systems of fire and shadow have reached a very distant boundary, which is very different from the previous state.

The curse will be over there, and there will be half a curse.

That is, a department has jumped out of the superior realm and is moving towards the curse, but it has not reached the curse.

The semi-prescription is a lot higher than the superior order, basically a semi-prescription can be triumphant over the four series of successful magicians, the semi-prescriptor is often the person with the heavenly species, so the heavenly species is also an important sign of the magician's ability to enter the curse.

The Shadow System suddenly transcends the Thunder System and enters this realm, which Movan feels is related to his journey to the dark side and the dark spring.

The minefield lacks heaven, so there is no breakthrough.

The fire system is the heavenly species, and with the awakening of the mysterious feather St. Totten, Movan feels that the fire system should be ready to break the curse. What is missing is the most important thing - the earth crystallization of fire properties!

Of course, even if the other faculties did not reach the semi-prescription level, the power exerted on Movan's hands was actually far superior, and the fusion door became even scarier after Movan had all been repaired into an average increase.

For example, in the space system, Movan spiritual realm has reached the peak of the ninth level. With the cooperation of dragon sensation, the tenth realm can be implemented.

The problem is that there is no tenth level in the spiritual world at all.

All culminating in the ninth level.

Movan is completely different from those magicians in the spiritual realm, and the spatial system alone can brutally beat magicians under the curse.


That's even scarier.

The summoned creatures are built on height and spiritual height.

Movan's spirit is now the tenth realm, and he has been rehabilitated into a fire and shadow system that can blend the semi-prescriptible levels.

So now even Movan doesn't know what BOSS will summon!

Soil system, quadruple effect!

Master Yu was all kinds of ignorant Mofan, let him trade Tianshan Xuelian. Mofan was somewhat reluctant, but now Mofan feels how horrible a magic system with a quadruple effect is!

The heavenly domain, the heavenly affinity, the absolute prohibition of the heavenly species...

Now there is no need for demonization, and Movan can do it: Sandy Nation - Earth Reload!

If it weren't for the Mordor Fortress program, Movan would really like to fight Keno.

He has so many Ace cards in hand now, a single small curse, it's hard to tell who the deer is killed by.

Of course, next time, be careful not to give each other the chance to use the curse, the curse is still horrible!