Versatile Mage

Chapter 2941: Mandatory Mandate

Such stunning magic almost subverts the guards' perception of fire magic, they simply can't imagine that all this is done by one person, such a size and power, requires at least a Legion of Magic!

“So powerful, it's only been a few years since Lord Movan has reached the realm of the Fire God!” Ozawa looked amazing. No wonder he could defeat Shao Hegu with a bullet finger. Now Movan's magic has climbed to its peak and no one can stop him!

“Don't rush to praise, get out of here first.” Movan said to Ozawa.

The long bridge of the guard regiment was a mess, and there was no more solid power to stop Movan, who stormed out of the suspension bridge with Ozawa and Ling Ling, and the head of the guard regiment, who did not know when it had disappeared, presumably went to report to his master.

The huge boundary restraint of the double court still exists, with a thin moonlight striking on it, barely forcing it to see its outline like a light yellow foam.

Movan quickly infiltrated the complex western court with Ling Ling and Ozawa, but the entire western court has been completely boiled down, several of the first apparently have been informed, and a large number of soldiers, guards, patrol magicians are being assembled to carry out a carpeted search of the entire western court...

Although it is known that the entire Western Palace has been occupied by a large number of bloody demons and evil groups, Movan cannot be enemies of the entire Double Palace. After all, there are still some who, like Ozawa, are blindfolded by the drums, who adhere to their own bottom line and are painstakingly supported without assimilation.

“We need to find allies, or soon we will be mobs and crooks in the mouth of that false pavilion owner and commander.” Ozawa said.

“It's hard to find, now there's no difference between the Western Palace and the fall. We broke into the Eastern Palace and touched the bottom line of everyone, basically all looking at us as enemies.” Ling Ling said.

“To expose them, how can they continue to do what they have to do?” Ozawa said.

“How can we reveal that we have already broken the snake, we cannot gather everyone together now, and then point to the blooddemons and say that they are not the pavilion lords, not the moonshine swords, not Nobuko Fujifang... Since they have not been suspected for so long, they must have assimilated many aspects with me.” Is Movan guilty of something?

How to convince people?

Now that the truth is known to the three of them, Ozawa must be wearing a traitor's hat now, no one will believe him. No one will believe anything so outrageous without witnessing Higashigami's captain, famous sword, etc.

“We still have to find out who the Red Devil is, and only if we find him, will all the Blooddemons fall apart.” Ling Ling said.

“Tomorrow night is his time to fly. ”

“The whole western pavilion is in disarray, and the fake pavilion owner will surely use this opportunity to wipe out the dissidents.” Ozawa said eagerly.

“Don't panic, give me a little more time. If the Red Devil wants to fulfill the will of the righteous soul, he can't stay out of it. He must be in a double court.” Ling Ling sat down and continued with the reasoning before in prison.

I don't know why, Ling Ling feels that the Red Devil is around, but who is it? The one who plays that role and talks to them as normal as before, turning around and secretly laughing at the monster.

“Lord Mofan, the Lordship has just told me something very important.” Ozawa saw Spirit thinking and whispered to Movan.

When Mofan and Ozawa get to the side, it is best to keep Ling Ling quiet and clear about everything so that the scope can be narrowed even faster.

“What is it?” Movan asked.

“The prohibition of the Western Palace is an ancient insurance policy that prevents prisoners from escaping from the Eastern Palace and entering society. I didn't understand why the fake pavilion owner used the Kurokawa view to block the western pavilion, but the pavilion owner in the cell just reminded me...” Ozawa said.

Zelton Jr., looking into Movan's eyes, said seriously: “Once the ancient prohibition of the Western Guardian's Palace is opened, it will last a week, and a week later the ancient prohibition will enter a period of dormancy...”

“Sleep??” Movan opened his mouth.

“The fake pavilion lord, he was trying to get all the demons out, the Red Devil, who was guarding the pavilion in Amnesty East, and most terribly, they were walking around society in the leather bags of those normal people.” Officer Ozawa said.

Those are the inmates who were purified by the Red Devil into the Blood Devil, and then parasitized into some Western guardian.

Because they bear the imprint of prisoners, even if they become others, they cannot leave the Western Palace and will be stopped by that ancient prohibition.

But the chief of the Cabinet directly opened the ancient restraint under a lousy pretext, draining the energy stored in the ancient restraint in advance, and waiting for the ancient restraint to start dormant, which means that the demons, homicidal maniacs and bloody thugs in the Eastern Cabinet will flow to society!!

The vast majority of these prisoners are inhumane and will cause great panic and distress in Osaka city...

“Lord Movan, can I ask you one thing?” Ozawa solemnly said.

Movan didn't answer.

“If… if we fail to stop the Red Devil, could you please destroy the entire Double Palace?” Ozawa said.

“And so many innocent people, Ozawa, how could you make such a request?” Movan was somewhat surprised.

“The Master of the Old Palace has told me that, in fact, there is nothing to be proud of and superior to those of us who guard the double Palace. What we really give the world is those who risk their lives to take the demons. This Eastern Palace holds tens of thousands of demons, but because of the countless sacrifices made with these demons, they really deserve the admiration of all of us, so in the Sacrifice Mountain, we write down their spiritual cards, whenever we are lost, whenever we are lazy, whenever we are foolish, we go there to worship them, so that we know who actually built this double Palace for us...”

“If both guardians fall and all the demons escape from the sky, we will not be able to face the dead predecessors, even if we kill ourselves. ”

“So under no circumstances can they escape, and I believe that as long as they are still awake, they will make this choice just like me, preferring to die with them and never let go of a demon! ”

Ozawa said that with all due respect, he could even hear his breathing heavily.

“I can't do this.” Movan shook his head and rejected Ozawa's disproportionate request very nicely.

“Lord Mofan.” Officer Ozawa suddenly intensified his tone, "no one will blame you. Instead, you have redeemed all of us, please complete us! ”

“Ozawa, I have principles. Don't say that there are so many innocent people who hold on to the entire palace, even if you are still awake, I will never do anything to burn the jade stone.” Movan is equally solemn.


“There is still time, since you have chosen to believe us, not to say such cruel words, believe us that the Red Devil is not only your scourge and venom, but also my mission and that of the Spirit.” Movan patted Ozawa on the shoulder.

Seeing Ozawa reveal his misgivings, Movan sighed and whispered to Ozawa, "Ling Ling's father is a hunting king, he died because of the Red Devil, and he left a death commission knowing his life was in danger. ”

The commission was taken over by Movan.

For Movan, it was not only a fateful commission from a hunter's predecessor, but also from a father.

Although there was no chance to say a word to the Cold Hunter, Movan promised the Cold Hunter that he would take care of the Spirit and accompany her as she grew up; and that he would complete this assignment and kill the Red Devil himself!

This Red Devil is the culprit!