Versatile Mage

Chapter 3025: Holy Shadow Hunting

Silver-grey forests stretch smoothly over a hundred hectares here, and violent lakes have carried out a devastating sweep of these silver-grey cedar forests, where thousands of tall cedar trees can be seen caught in the horrible body of the lake's dragon.

Muningsnow is by the fangs of the lake's dragon, keeping a lake's evil water out of reach.

She can disappear into this forest in a flash, or she can get rid of the dragon sweep of the lake in the first place, because she intentionally stayed to find the practitioner.

Obviously, someone is here to stop themselves.

But in terms of the power of the other party's method, it should have just arrived, and it didn't have time to brew more powerful spells, otherwise the large lake of its own previous path would be turned into a water evil dragon, at that time the submerged forest is not only in front of these, including several nearby silver-grey mountains are probably not spared!

Munningsnow smells powerful magic coming from the end of the lake, where there is a road bridge.

The road bridge is still far from Muningsnow and you can see several panicked wagons from here. It seems to have accidentally hit this dreadful lake dragon scene and is running along the white hillside highway at an extremely fast speed...

On the highway bridge, a man in a casual sweatshirt stood by the bridge, surrounded by a huge spectacular star palace, these star palaces are brilliant, making this seemingly ordinary man look like a spouse of nature, able to manipulate everything in nature and use their power!!

After locking down the attacker, Muningsnow was about to strike back, and suddenly a huge cage formed by the cyclone appeared above his head, which not only covered Muningsnow, but covered the vast and pristine mountains of fir trees surrounding him.

Looking up from Muningsnow, you will find the whole sky twisting like swallowing mountains, woods, lakes and rocks all over the ground!

“The Forbidden Cage?? ”

Muningsnow frowned, even the curse appeared, which was obviously not a misunderstanding.

It's just that Muningsnow doesn't quite understand how those who want to die know where they are...

Nobody knew they were walking out of the night, and Muninger didn't even call anyone he knew and send a message.

She went from Ushuaia to Tinoaia, to this continent of Europe, and she didn't tell anyone, how exactly did these people know they had left the far south and would go this way?

“Light curse. ”

The sky began to crack open, and there was incandescent light in the cracks, like a blade all over the sky, that was axing the world.

In the dazzling light, Muningsnow saw the mountains of his previous path cut open by the light, saw that the lake he loved was divided into hundreds of rushing rivers, and saw the forest soil directly fractured, revealing the lower rock formations. At the same time, the water of the great lake, where the lake was nowhere to be located, irrigated, forming various mountain floods and mudslides...

Muningsnow is well aware that the destroyed nature is just a precursor to the true power of the light curse. The real goal of the blade of light falling in the cracks in the sky is itself...

There's no escape.

This forbidden cage is a terrible shackle that locks the human body to death in a forbidden area and can only be extinguished in a forbidden spell unless it is inflicted several times more powerful than this.

Muningsnow's eyes were clear, her face did not show a hint of panic. She had seen more paralytic splits than this in the far south of the ice. She was still searching for the one who carried out the light curse.

Men who manipulate lake sweatshirts on roadbridges are not the same as those who release this cage of curses.

Soon, Munningsnow discovered that in a twisting cloudy sky, there was an incandescent wing with an incredible visual impact, like the legendary divine angel, and it was this incandescent wing man who was calling for a curse to descend on this forest lake.

The curse is unhealed and devastating, nature can repair the destruction of the vast majority of mankind, only after the curse has fallen, the region is like a cursed place, and there can be no chance of survival for decades!

Strange, too.

Munningsnow is even angrier than his own life is when he destroys this wonderful nature forever!

Probably the boring and silent scenery at night in the far south, making Muningsnow more obsessed with such charming Lake Lin...

“Muningsnow, I will cut off your limbs and then give you a chance to confess to the Holy Shadow!” In the sky, the incandescent winged man shouted.

“San Shadow Kno?” Muningsnow asked.

“I'm impressed with you.” St. Shadow's Wild showed a smile.

It is also hard to forget that, after all, Keno killed a lot of people in front of Muningsnow, all of whom were compatriots who escorted Muningsnow to the far south, despite finally letting Weiguang and another woman escape...

“What's on that bridge?” Muningsnow points to the highway bridge in the distance.

“Colleague, Saint Shadow Simmons.” Kerno replied with no hesitation.

Light blades tore apart the sky, and more and more shocking scars appeared on the sky. You can see that day and earth giant blades fell to the border of the Forbidden Cage, completely like cutting out this silver-grey cedar forest from the entire world.

Muningsnow stood in that terrible spot where the blade fell and could be torn apart at any moment.

“By the way, you're a surprise to all of us. I wonder how you survived the eternal night.” San Shadow looked at Muningsnow in the urn, but was not in such a hurry.

“You tell me how you found me, and I'll tell you what you want to know.” Muningsnow said.

“Sure.” St. Shadow's willingness to make this small deal is, after all, a valuable feature of Muningsnow's special ability to be free from ice erosion in the far south, a place where the Alliance of Forbidden Spells will never be able to overcome.

Muninger likewise needs to know the trace of the Holy Shadow.

If the Holy Shadow is really powerful enough to lock someone in such a big world and predict their itinerary, then Muningsnow is not safe wherever she goes, and she needs to know how she finds herself, which affects every decision she makes next.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” San Shadow Kno took out the national emblem and showed it to Muningsnow from afar.

Muningsnow has been found and locked in a forbidden cage, this national emblem is no longer of any value to San Shadow Kno, and it doesn't matter if you show Muningsnow.

And San Shadow Keno wouldn't mind telling Muningsnow one more thing.