Versatile Mage

Chapter 3027: Can You Restore?

He had to rescue Keno when the weave of death took away the last breathing power of San Shadow Keno. Keno was too careless to think that the enemy had fallen into a trap, knowing what prey was in the trap. She easily jumped over the height of the trap and bite hard at the unprotected Keno!

“Ho ho ho ho!!!!!!!! ”

A deafening roar came by the white road.

Seeing the woods, a holy beast with white hair all over her body came out, and as she walked towards Simmons, Simmons felt a giant mountain of glaciers rising into the clouds pressing against him, and Simmons was stunned with a cold sweat.

The lake, which had been rolled into the sky, suddenly lost control, slapped down hard, Simmons' legs trembled and his eyes dared not to move away from the white beast for a moment.

The smell!!

Separation is a true emperor!!!

Although Simmons is also the strongman of the curse line, he swears that he has never been this close to an Imperial Holy Beast in his life, and that the cold air emitted on this white tiger is enough to easily defeat what he has learned all his life!

Simmons, Simmons, Simmons!!! ”At high altitude, St. Shadow's wild screams for help.

Simmons wants help more than Kerno!

Keno is just facing a sudden wind system counterattack curse, he Simmons is now facing an imperial white tiger dozens of times scarier than the curse!!

Why does a royal creature pop up in the green water of this silver shirt, a picturesque nature without any signs!!

The Imperial level is a mountain wild dog, a fish in the water??

Hundreds of millions of chances of getting hit??

Simmons didn't dare move, his whole body was frozen.

The Emperor White Tiger did nothing and circled around him, but that white head was always headed towards the Holy Shadow Simmons, who felt his heart was about to burst out of his frozen ribs.

Like Keno, he's completely unprotected...

And even on guard, Simmons didn't feel he could survive under this imperial white tiger's claw.


Death winds tightly wrapped around San Shadow Knox, and Knox's wild eye beads had begun to tumble out, and he couldn't breathe.

His body was tightened by these winds of death, and his throat and nasal cavity were being forcibly irrigated by a strong wind, causing his whole body to twitch and suffocate and faint.

“Do you know the answer now?” Muningsnow looked at San Shadow Kuno, who was already blue and black, and asked slowly.

St. Shadow's beast was already biting himself, but the strong wind was still bursting into his stomach from his esophagus, and the wind broke his stomach. It also slammed wildly in his five dirty hearts, like a bunch of beasts ripped into his abdomen to bite and beat!

How can Keno not know the answer now?

How do you survive the everlasting night in the far south?

That is the wild cultivation of oneself in that most primitive world, not only to be powerful enough, but also to make oneself more horrible than those monsters in the Everlasting Night of Far South!!

Saint Shadow...

An executioner with a very high status in the Holy City is superior in strength and status in the eyes of the world.

It can be placed in the Everlasting Night of the Far South, but it is just a piece of fat, too simple and too weak for those demon gods.

Muningsnow doesn't even give St. Shadow a chance to bite himself.

And San Shadow Knox seemed to be releasing his anger with his eyes. He approached death little by little, but Knox firmly believed that Muningsnow would not dare to kill himself.

She represents Al-Quds Al-Sharif. If she does not want to continue to be exiled to the far south, she must stop. No one in the world dares to kill Al-Quds Al-Sharif!

Unfortunately, San Shadow Kno underestimated Muningsnow's mood.

Mu Ningxue may have worried about it before, but now she hasn't completely adjusted from the harsh environment in the far south. She's even very emotionally weak...

She watched the pain of San Shadow Kno calmly and watched him walk into death.

A few seconds before his death, San Shadow Kno still expressed his emotions with his almost flipped eyes. After his anger, he began to be scared. After he was scared, he began to beg forgiveness after seeing Muning snowflake without expression!!

He hoped that Muningsnow would spare him his life and that he would offer Muningsnow many conditions, at least that the people of Al-Quds Al-Sharif would no longer pursue Mujun's death and seek justice for Mrs. Lowe, provided that she gave him a chance to live.

How could Muningsnow not have seen Saint Shadow's pathetic plea, but that plea had no effect?

The San Shadow Five almost twisted together, and even at the last step, his facial pain did not break apart.

He fell slowly from the air, falling on a wretched earth, sliding into the cracks of the earth.

Perhaps the most incredible thing about San Shadow Kno, even in the last second before his death, is why Muningsnow completed his transformation in such a short time...

“Ho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

At the highway bridge, Little White Tiger shouted, obviously asking what to do with the hostage.

Munningsnow landed on the road bridge and took a look at Simmons, a holy shadow magician who could manipulate the lake and disintegrate the mountains.

“Can you get this place back where it was?” Muningsnow asked.

Simmons thought he heard wrong.

He witnessed St. Shadow's wild death. Killing a holy shadow in such a short period of time is enough to prove how horrible the silver snowhair woman in front of him is, and there are no signs of a breaking out on this side of the tiger. It is still her summoning beast!

Simmons now has tremendous remorse and resentment, why he has promised Keno this brainless man to come here and stop Muningsnow, they are both completely mantis arms as cars!

“I... I can, I should.” Simmons quickly answered Muningsnow's question.

“Okay, after the fix, you can leave.” Muninger said to Simmons.

Simmons' cursed gift is a natural gift that allows him to manipulate the lake, control the river, and turn the mountains into a mountain beast to fight for himself.

Although Simmons has yet to attempt to restore a natural forest that has been destroyed by a curse, it is not too difficult for someone like him to possess what nature has given him!

Simmons begins the spell.

The split earth began to reunite, and the fallen mountains reappeared, even the previously stirred trees drilled out of the soil one by one, reluctantly inserting into the original silver fir forest...

Mu Ningxue looked around and couldn't help but overflow a little bitterness.

This picturesque mountain lake will never be as beautiful as it was just seen, and the torn painting will never return to the beginning.

“I can work harder, give me a little more time.” Simmons panicked.

The snowsilver haired woman was clearly dissatisfied with her craftsmanship, and Simmons even felt the tiger's fangs a little closer to her neck.