Versatile Mage

Chapter 3039: Self-Defense (Top)

“The next trial won't give him a chance to turn around!” Remir said with great certainty.

“I believe you, but everything needs to be prepared with two hands.” Michal said.

“Do you have other plans?” Remir frowned and wanted to hear Michal's plan.

“We are going to make another arrangement, and the seven archangels, whether they have returned to Al-Quds Al-Sharif or continue to travel around the world, must ensure that there are seven.” Michal said.

“You mean the total removal of Sharjah from the archangel?” Remir was somewhat surprised.

Michal didn't answer, but Remir had seen from the look on Michal's face that he seemed to have made up his mind.

A heretic, even if his strength is stronger, the Holy City has always been clean and clean once it is determined to eradicate it, but this time it has been obstructed by the Archangel Elder Saga.

And the vow of divine words was also given to Movan, who would have killed the crusader angel Shaliyeh the day before.

Even though Movan was promoted to Evil God at that time, he could never resist the pursuit of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

“The Holy City today is far from what it used to be, and it is often at this time that it has to be a dagger.” Michal said.



Rain began to abound, and the autumn rain fell into the ancient and solemn city of Al-Quds, soaking countless streets and gradually washing away the dust from the Gobi, which flows from the west.

After the rain, the Holy City became extraordinarily clean, and the remaining moisture reflected all kinds of glow, making every brick a little sacred!

Within the Holy Court, Mofan's trial is drawing to a close, the last case being the death of the crusader angel Salieh.

Perhaps all the previous crimes related to Movan can find a rational statement, and even the Red Devil thing cannot be imposed on Movan, but this is the only thing that Movan can hardly escape from.

“Movan, please answer us, did you kill the crusader angel Saliel?” The priest, Remir, asked solemnly.


“Have you ever regretted committing such a heinous crime?” The main cleric, Remir, continues to question.

“No.” Movan answered very decisively, without a hint of hesitation, "I would have done the same if time had gone back to that time. ”

“You... you confess!!” The main cleric, Remir, suddenly spoke heavily.

Plead guilty, then the trial will be simple and clear!!

“Plead guilty? I just admitted I killed Crusader Angel Saliel, but I didn't admit it was a crime.” Movan looked into Remir's eyes and answered seriously.

“It is a sin to admit that the killing of the crusader angel Salieh, even if that man is not Salieh, but a civilian, is also a felony!” The main cleric, Remir, intensified his tone.

“Priest, I do not agree with you.” Zuhuanyao spoke at this time.

Remir looked a little less beautiful, but could only listen to Jong-yao.

“Acknowledging murder does not mean that it is a crime. I give you one of the shallowest examples, when on your way home you suddenly see a thug breaking into your neighbor's house, cutting off your neighbor's blood vessels with a murder weapon, and you rush up to rob the weapon and kill it as the other person tries to continue the assault, which cannot be called a crime. Thus, Movan admitted to killing the crusader angel Shaliyeh, but whether this was a crime remains to be tried.” Zuhuanyao said.

“Speaker of the Zodiac, how could the crusader angel Saliel be an outlaw, and how could he be a heartbroken murderer!” Remir said.

“I am merely stating that admitting to killing does not mean admitting to committing a crime. Our focus should now be on the behaviour of the Crusader Angel Saliel at the time, and on what motivated Movan to kill the Crusader Angel Saliel.” Zuhuanyao has no intention of retreating.

Remir's eyes have changed markedly.

This Zouhuanyao is truly powerful, clearly a trial of the crime of Movan, turning to the trial of the crusader angel Shaliyeh!

What exactly did Crusader Angel Saliel do?

Now that it's a public hearing, and it can be said that the whole world is watching, one also wonders what Shaliyeh did, so much so that Movan killed him! ”

This is definitely not a good guide!

Torture Al-Quds?

Torture the Crusader Angel of Al-Quds??

“Movan, since you've admitted to killing, please tell us now what motivated you to kill Crusader Angel Saliel.” Remir immediately cut off Zuhuanyao's statement, lest the old fox lead some further remarks against the Holy City.

“My motive?” Movan couldn't help overhearing the question.

“Yes, even though the motive is clear to us, we still want you to tell us for yourself whether it is a lie or a fact, and we will all make the right choices based on your own complaints. Please think clearly about every word you say next. This is a completely public hearing. There are people from all walks of life and countless clerics. Your next words will determine the outcome of your final judgment!” Remir said to Movan.

What is the motive??

For what reason must crusader angel Saliel be killed?

“It's hard to explain the motive, but I know I wouldn't hesitate to kill him if time turned back!” Movan raised his head and said to the priests of the Holy Tribune.

This is extremely provocative, at least in Remir's view.

Remir was almost on the spot to sentence Movan to death, but he still had to hear what Movan had to say.

“It has to be said for what purpose and for what motive, and I think it should be because some people are shaping my mind, and what they did in the past led me to kill the crusader angel Saliel that day, and if I am guilty, they should also bear some responsibility.” Movan said.

“Who are all these people? Can we invite them to the holy court to face each other? Besides, are you admitting that you were induced by some evil, or manipulated by the devil, and eventually forced to commit such an evil act?” Remir tried to stay calm and interrogate.

Movan shook his head and said: "They can't appear in court...”

Standing in the Holy Court, standing in this accused seat like a birdcage, Movan did have a lot of faces in his mind when asked.

Movan also wanted them to be present in this holy court, and then pointed at them, and harshly scolded them, for making themselves what they are today, but they are gone.

“Why can't you be in court, are you lying, or do you want someone to share your sins? You said you killed Saliel out of control. What's controlling your mind?” Remir felt Movan's words were very beneficial to them and asked immediately.