Villager A Wants to Save the Villainess no Matter What!

Lesson 79: Villain Daughter Meets the Ultimate Beauty Youth

The next day.

I decided to try Aphrodite-sama's approval first.

The villages attacked by the bandits may still have Kyonai and the others.

Even if you meet Kyona before you get the [Sublimation], which is God's top skill, you may kill us, but you can't help us.

Besides, I'm scared.

If Ulysses hadn't helped me yesterday, Saifa would have killed me.

I've never had a murderous intent directed at me before, and I can't organize my feelings.

So, if Aphrodite-sama's approval can be obtained in one day, I'd like to earn skill points to earn [Holy Clothes].

According to the information in the Complete Strategy Guide, Aphrodite's approval can be obtained by visiting the town where the Star Loma Bard event occurs and completing the approval event.

The happiest place for a date event with an apostle of light.

Even the Villainous Lady might have a date event?

Saifa-sama, the bard's love song in this town blesses the lovers.

I wonder if you care about yesterday. The dark-looking Sipha smiled a little.

Would you like to hear it?


I'm glad.

I'm glad you didn't dream of returning to your usual Sipha.

Saifa, who looked like she was saved by my smile, smiled and gently kissed me.

I held my hand with Cyfa and headed for the square, where there were crowds of rumored bardos at the fountain.

- Huh?

It looks like a famous painting decorated in the museum, but I wonder if he was a bard with this appearance.

Was it a beautiful young man with loosely wavy platinum hair (platinum blonde) stylishly tied on one side?

"I've seen your face somewhere, but I don't think it was here..."

"Awesome. She's so beautiful."

Saifa admires him and looks at him as a bard.

Of course, not only Cyfa, but everyone gathered at the place was fascinated by the rare beauty of the bard and the strange beauty.

Well, look.

I can't remember, and it's just someone else's imagination.

This is definitely the first time I've met a bard in this town.

That's why, listening to his song of love, I put my head on Cyfa's shoulder.

If you were to become the heroine of his love song, drawing a romantic evening with Cyfa in your heart, and listening quietly, you would be able to relieve the sad and difficult little by little and flow.

It is calm and easy to feel.

Speaking of which, the fact that I was able to spend this time snuggling up with Cyfa may have been almost non-existent since the beginning of the game "Romance of the Starry Sky".

Forgotten, happy feelings fill your heart. I put it on a strangely gentle investigation, and it brought back memories of Sipha.



”I... want Master Sipha to stay with me forever”

Saifa clenched my arms, gave me a gentle kiss, and I thought I'd keep this up for a long time.



Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, has been granted the approval of Dark Wizardess Desel.


That's it.

I didn't do anything, but it was approved.

Tikon Tikon Tikon

Ah, an error sound.


Something went wrong.

The approval of the Goddess of Love and Beauty is a mistake. Cancelled.


Yeah, you didn't do anything.

There have been a lot of errors since yesterday, but is everything all right?

"Can you give me your name, beautiful lady there?"

I was a little surprised when Saifa called out to me because I closed my eyes enviously.

Up close, it's even prettier.


I remembered.


The bard burst out.

"Do you see me as a god? This is the first time you have praised me so much. It's also a great honor for a beautiful person like you.”

Oh, I don't think so.

I just remembered. God's face.

I wondered if you had come to tell me anything about the fact that there were many errors since yesterday.

"I'm sorry, it looks like you were wrong."

"... eh?"

It's not a metaphor, it's not that I mistook it for the real thing.

Saifa-sama, it's time to go.

"Is he okay, Desel?"

"Yeah, it was the wrong person." I mistook it for someone who knew about Ellis-sama. "

Saifa, who was gazed upon lightly, burst out wondering why.

Yeah, let's go.

After answering me like that, Saifa looked at the bard closely resembling a god and greeted him politely.

"I'm sorry, I'm on my way to rush ahead, so I'm sorry." Thank you very much for your kind song. "

By the time I couldn't see the bard, I asked Saifa.

Saifa-sama, why did you laugh earlier?

"After all, Dézél, don't you ever get a voice from such a lovely person?"

"......? When you're angry with Master Saifa?"

"I wonder why Dézel and I are so good." --But thank you. "



Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, has been granted the approval of Dark Wizardess Desel.


Ah, again.

That's why I didn't do anything.

Seems like the system is very unstable. I wonder if it's okay.

However, I thought it would be cancelled again soon, but this time, no matter how long I waited, it didn't turn out to be an error.

Thinking that the system had shut down in earnest, I was worried and started the system. I started it properly, and the approval from Aphrodite was also properly confirmed.

The approval of the Goddess of Mercy and Justice, Eustitia, remains a mystery, but it seems that the conditions of approval of this game are still in areas that I still don't understand.

What God wants, I'm sure it's very profound and noble.