There is a reason why things are the way they are. It's a natural consequence. The pursuit of advantage constitutes the status quo. For some, this causality is a gain. How about that thought process? But how is it a gain? Are you happy now, and do you want to keep it that way permanently? You can't do this alone, because it's such a far-reaching effect. But you can't even figure out the tip of their tails. It's a stretch, but there's no way that someone who would do something like this is a good person, and there's a good chance that they're not. I'm fed up with the astonishing stance of people who dare to do such abnormal things without thinking of it as abnormal. I'm not sure if I'm old or not. I'm moving blindly, but I can't seem to arrive at any kind of foothold. Even now, the bus is just moving. The interior of the bus is shaking from the brakes. A car seems to have cut in front of me. Thinking about my next move, I look up at the ceiling. It's white. The lights are not on.