I was just feeling warm. I was savoring happiness. The end comes step by step beyond having a life expectancy.

There is nothing going on with Towa... accelerating into the last scene from the moment of birth.

My gaze collides head-on when I stare at Master Calcirast. The car was likely to wreck the momentum.

He looks at me tenderly and then says: It's harassing somewhere. I wonder why.

"Oh, how much can you do this later? Marikana...... you want to live. Have you?

Hope? After all, that is especially significant in the presence of Master Calcirast.

When I tried to tell him that, he said, "No, forget it... I just take it upon myself to hope..."

I put my strength on my arm instead of being able to answer. This is all I have......

"I'm going to cry because I'm too happy right now... this may not happen anymore," says Dear Calcyrust.

I threw the words "Let's take care of now......"