Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 32 Legendary Teammates

When the three of them pushed the door of the Rebirth Purple Crystal Office together, the crowd of the house shook an astonishing look. No wonder: how did these three guys hook up?

There was no obstacle between the women, and the fall and June rain quickly fell into the crowd and the crowd greeted them with a smile. But Gu Fei clearly felt that he was an independent individual here. Only came up in July to say hello to him: "Come on! ”

Gu Fei nodded. He would come with the fall and the June rain, one important reason being that he had received a text message from July soon after he had just finished saying "Little Seven News”.

Without this text message, Gu Fei would not have come to beg for it, no matter how scamy the June rain was.

A house of girls, it's pretty spectacular. Gu Fei estimated that unless he accidentally broke into a women's bathhouse in his life, he would never have had the chance to be alone in the same room with so many girls.

This scenario, frankly, is embarrassing. Gu Fei even regretted coming. He flashed to a position by the window and sat down. He looked out the window carelessly.

Over there in July, I saw the people in the circle, clapping their hands: “The people online are here. It's not easy to get together so many people at once. ”

“Sister Qi, what assignment have you received?” A voice excites the tunnel. Gu Fei didn't need to look and knew it was raining in June. Now she knows she is a woman, and her voice is quite female. Why can't you hear a girl when you haven't noticed before?

“Well, it's not too difficult. But good luck is the first time for our club.” July answered.

Tasks in parallel worlds are not hierarchical, as some online tours do, or clearly identify difficulty factors. A task is handled, how difficult it is, whether it can be accomplished or not, you have to do it before you know it. This requires the player to find out for himself. But it's a good thing in the information age that, for every mission explored, someone always uploads a report on the results of the study to an online forum. So the trend now is for every unfamiliar assignment you receive, go to the Forum's task page and gather the relevant information, and then come back.

After receiving this club assignment in July, the information has been accessed online. Seeing that many of the 20-member small banks that have just been set up will all be able to accomplish this, so I'm sure the rebirth of Purple Crystals won't be a big problem in July.

And while June's rain was a mission maniac, most of her knowledge was of single-person missions, and she hadn't noticed group activities like club missions. After listening to July's mission name, she continued to ask questions.

Task: Retrieve the stolen treasure chest.

One of the most vulgar task scenarios is that the treasure chest was lost, and now you find it, you go get it.

July took out a map that was already ready and put it on the table. And I started telling people, "I looked online, and this chest is probably in these seven places.” July refers to the seven places she marked on the map.

“These seven places are quite far away.” Drop it.

The month of July nodded: "I thought so, too, when I suggested grouping together the exact location of the chest before working together. As soon as they accomplished this task, the smallest of the six, we now…" circled in July to confirm the number, "we now have 14 people, and I'm sure there's nothing too big a problem. ”

Gu Fei didn't come around to look at the diagram, just sitting there listening to July talk, hearing her say that there were six people who could pass, just trying to get out “Then I'll go away!” But I heard it go on in July: “Fourteen people, two of us, are looking for exactly seven places. ”

The women nodded and Gu Fei swallowed the words back.

“Let's break it down.” At the end of July, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Fei. Frankly, women players don't have any exclusion for male players, except that they decide to form a girls' convention and suddenly squeeze in a man, somewhat obscure. As for this moment, Gu Fei is still a stranger to them. They are going to team up soon. No one will be willing to work with a stranger in a group. That is human nature.

How can you not understand this thought in July, but this little fact is not worth dragging on, and Sophie pointed at Fei and said, “Thousand miles, who do you want to be with? ”

As soon as Gu Fei listened to the group, he estimated that he would be kicked and kicked like a leather ball. This malicious guess who would be so unlucky with his own group, but didn't expect to take care of himself so much in July, he actually gave himself a chance to choose 1 of 13.

Gu Fei's eyes swept away and finally stopped on the rain in June. He laughed and said: “I'll join Rain! ”

“What? Why are you with me?” June's rain shouted.

“We're brothers!” Gu Fei laughed.

The rain in June was silent, and all the other women were blind. They only landed on the side and smiled lightly. They burst into the crowd for a whisper and laughed for a moment.

“Well, just the two of you, go to this place.” July was a random point on the map.

Gu Fei had even opened the door by now, and the rain in June had to go one step ahead with Gu Fei.

The rest of us split up and fell apart. The six groups also left the club and each went towards their own goal. Seven locations in seven directions around Cloud City. It's also because the task was released systematically, and if the player got it out, it's estimated that the person receiving the task will have to kill the guy first. How does this intelligence work? Seven different locations were actually identified.

The rains in June were very strong because of the mission. The trip was a big step and the shooting stars didn't go back. Gu Fei was also a little bloodthirsty because of the momentum of Homai like her. The momentum followed her. Unfortunately, Gu Fei's costume really didn't feel good. As soon as the rain went out in June, I changed gear while walking. The heavy armor with nothing but a small face, coupled with the huge axe carried on my shoulder, made people feel heavy and oppressive at first glance.

Where's Gu Fei? The magician's new robe is worn on the body, and the wind and the float are a little off, but judging from the professional perspective of online gaming, such a poor piece of equipment is likely to blow and blow and run naked.

They were walking away and suddenly heard someone screaming behind them, shouting Gu Fei's name.

Looking back, I saw July lead a girl who Gu Fei didn't know yet came after me.

The two stopped, and when July arrived, they pulled something out of their pockets and handed it to Gu Fei: "Take it! ”

Gu Fei took a look, it was a staff. Intelligence +8, energy +3, enhanced fire system spell 20%, is a nice little piece. But Gu Fei said without thinking: "The attack is so low! ”

“Low?” July brought it back for a look, very confusing.

The two had no common language at all, as only Gu Fei would pay attention to the physical attack of a staff. It is a symbolic landmark of the lower limit and the upper limit of two numbers, and the superb staff. Physical attack cannot be compared to Gu Flying off the white board knife. The viewing staff is a magical attack. This staff is not low, and it is already superior in the market.

“What about you? Show me." July wants to see what Bull B cane Gu flies with. To say that the additional attributes of this staff are not very elegant would be to say that the attack of this staff is low.

“I'm broken.” Gu Fei said. He was talking about his knife, and there was absolutely no intersection between the two.

“Take this and use it first!” Give it back to him in July.

“Okay!” Gu Fei picked up, reluctantly looking. July can't stop crying. Even if this one is not as good as he used to be, it's an excellent product. Do you need to be so grieved? After signing Gu Fei, it was discovered that the equipment of the 30th level magician was truly garbage. This brought him a staff, who thought that the "thank you” had not even left.

“Come on, hurry up!” July waved towards Gu Fei and June's rain, and the girl walked in the other direction.

Gu Fei and June's rain also continued forward, a heavily loaded warrior in front with a giant axe on his shoulder and a new robe magician in the back with a staff on his shoulder. The two waved through the city like this and left Cloud City. The rain stopped in June and asked Gu Fei, "Which way are we going? ”

Gu Fei broke down and suddenly felt that his choice and her group had made a terrible mistake. On this night of regret, I could only ask helplessly: "Didn't you see the map? ”

“Bullshit, who's gonna watch the game?” The rains in June were straightforward.

“Neither will I.” Gu Fei didn't say he wasn't watching at all.

The June rain found a sense of acoustics: “So what do we do? ”

“Ask...” Gu Fei really lost his temper, pulled out a friend bar and sent a message to July.

July responded quickly, pointing the way forward for both of them.

“Let's go!” Gu Fei said, it will be his turn to walk in front, and the rain in June will follow.

July is the place for the two of them to go, called Lake Cloud Suburb. Cloud refers to Cloud Town, the name of this lake is Cloud Suburban Lake, meaning a lake on the outskirts of Cloud Town, very simple.

Gu Fei knew where the lake was, but the problem was to go to the lake. From the beginning of June, the rain led the way to the wrong city gate. The two of them now have to go in a big circle to get to this designated destination.

Gu Fei sighed deeply, and he remembered a motto: If you are not afraid of God's opponents, you are afraid of your pig-like teammates.

He thinks he's likely to meet a legendary piggy teammate. The future of this trip is uncertain.

Another week is over...