Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 63: The Truth, There Is Only One

“Isn't that actually a werewolf, just a taller wolf dog?” Little rain guesses.

“This... No way?” Gu Fei felt that the task chain was designed to make the gaming company proud, so as not to create such a brazen suspension. The werewolf isn't really a werewolf, it's just a wolf dog? It's too comedy.

“See if it leaves any other blood.” Gu Fei said.

“Exactly! Follow the blood trail and you'll catch it!” Little rain excited.

“Well, it's just a cut on the paw, isn't it?” Gu Fei said.

“Maybe?” Rain has gone to the stall again to search.

Gu Fei stared at a few drops of blood on the ground and bled.

The power of the werewolf is beyond Gu Fei's imagination. Fast and aggressive. I did my best to stop what I just did. If you really want to fight a werewolf, you have no chance of winning. After all, there's nothing you can do about this gap in the game. You want to make up for it, but you can't do it. Gu Fei didn't even have a chance to fight with the werewolf to see the vulnerability of the other party's attack. I'm afraid the three ways the werewolf can solve himself.

But why would such a strong BOSS escape? Can a brutal werewolf be frightened by just a cut on his paw? This is too emotional. Or is this silver-plated baptism so sharp? The werewolf found the silver property on it and immediately scared the shit out of it?

Obviously, the escape of a werewolf is not a judgment it makes itself in this situation, and this is another scenario in which the designer ambushes it beforehand. And Gu Fei just fulfilled the conditions that allowed him to escape.

This condition, it seems, is to injure the werewolf.

But what is the message of such a plot? Gu Fei couldn't think for a while.

“There's no more blood.” There was another round of rain inside and out, and I was disappointed to say it.

“We went to the mayor, and I wanted to ask him something.” Gu Fei said.

“Really? Go, go, go. ”

Night Village under the night is quiet, the NPC originally distributed all over the village is gone, instead of the lights lit up. Players stay in the game day and night, instead NPCs strictly observe day and night, come out day and day, and go home at night to rest. One time really makes it clear who's human and who's the machine.

Knocked open the village chief's house, and the village chief remained polite: "Oh, warrior, here you are.” Gu Fei has always been a warrior in the mouth of the village chief.

“What did the werewolf who killed Murphy look like? Were you wearing something around your neck?” Gu Fei asked.

“Oh, you have to ask Adrian. Adrian lives by the church. He's the only one who sees it. That night, he heard something coming from the church, went out to check it out, and saw the werewolf kill Murphy. Poor man, he's scared.” The village chief said.

“Adrian...” Gu Fei recalls the richest man in this village.

“Mayor, where is Murphy's house?” Gu Fei asked.

“The third house by the woods is that no one has been there for a long time since he died.” The village chief said.

“Let's check it out.” Gu Fei said to Xiaoyu.

Murphy's house is actually very nice to find, and the only one in the many lighted houses is black. After Murphy died, it was an uninhabited empty house.

As he approached the house, Gu Fei gently stopped Xiaoyu behind him, prompting her to lower her voice. Then guard the baptism of flames in front of you and walk carefully toward the house.

Little rain nervously didn't dare to leave the atmosphere, but somehow, he saw Gu fly to the door, put his ear on the door, quietly listened for a moment, which pushed the door in. Little rain gauged the area nervously before walking in with Gu Fei.

Gu Fei had lit the oil lamp in the house and was standing by the bed looking at a parchment paper in his hand.

“What is it?” Little rain came together.

“Looks like a map.” Gu Fei said.

“Treasure map?” Little rain got excited.

“Too bad we don't have coordinates. It's a little troublesome to find!” Gu Fei said.

“Let me take a look.” Little Rain took it.

“This is the village avenue, it looks like a church...” Xiaoyu took a pen and pointed at it, reading words in his mouth.

“I know where it is!” A moment later, Xiaoyu exclaimed with surprise, turning around, but saw Gu Fei standing by the door, looking out carefully.

“What are you looking at?” Little rain came together.

“Shh...” Gu Fei told her to keep her voice down. Although NPC is out there, Gu Fei doesn't know if “too loud a voice" would be a condition for suspending their activities.

“Go with them.” Gu Fei pulled on the rain.

“Where did I find the treasure!” Little rain waving parchment.

“Well, we'll dig the treasure later. Follow these four guys first.” Gu Fei said.

“What are they going to do?” Rain asked.

“I don't know, but I know that three of the four of them are hiding from me, and the fourth one I haven't seen. This group of people is really weird.” Gu Fei said.

“Come on, come on!” Xiaoyu said.

The four walked silently on the Avenue of Night Village, shouldering tools such as shovels.

“Geez, they're not digging for the treasure, are they? This isn't us, right?” Xiaoyu said.

“Didn't you already figure out where the treasure was? Look at them go right.” Gu Fei said.

“No.” Xiaoyu said.

“Keep up. ”

The four eventually arrived on a hill near the village. Somewhere along the hillside, four people disappeared after pushing away a layer of plants that covered the hillside.

“Look, what's that?” Little Rain Finger.

“That's a hole...” Gu Fei said.

“What are they doing here?” Rain asked.

“How do I know.” Gu Fei said.

“Check it out?” Light rain proposal.

“Don't worry, come back at dawn! They'll leave at dawn.” Gu Fei said.

“How do you know?” Rain asked.

“In the daytime they are going to stand guard by the Avenue of Night Village.” Gu Fei said.

Xiaoyu looked at the time: “It's over an hour away! ”

“Go where you found it first.” Gu Fei said, "Where is it? ”

“The woods behind the Murphy house. ”

The two returned to the woods behind Murphy's house. Rain led the way in front of the parchment paper, looking east and west, and finally stopped under a tree. “This is it.” Little rain.

“This shovel is a good buy.” Gu Fei muttered, pulling the shovel out of his pocket and digging it up.

“Chest! Chest!” With the spell in mind, Little Rain sees the pit digging deeper and deeper. Then the chest didn't come out and another sack came out.

“It's heavy!” Gu Fei grabbed his hands and pulled them out of the pit.

“I'll do it." Little rain came forward, reaching out gently, and the sack stood out from the hole. Getting Gu Fei upset again.

Open the sack and look inside, both of them are together.

“Gold?” The two face each other.

Little rain pulled out the little bag of gold from the mission, took out a piece, and compared it to the one in the sack.

“Looks like it!” Xiaoyu said.

“Adrian?” Gu Fei pondered.

“Go and give him back the gold! There must be a reward.” Little rain is happy.

“Did you trigger the task?” Gu Fei asked.


“Where's the reward without a mission?” Gu Fei said.

“So what's this for? ”

“I think this is also an important part of my chain of tasks.” Gu Fei has a headache, "more and more things. I'm tired. Take a break. ”

“To where?” Rain asked.

“The hotel in the village should still be open, take a break and wait for dawn.” Gu Fei said.

The two of them came to the hotel in the village, after all, it was still a game, and the shops and so on would not be closed.

“Drink whatever you want. My treat.” Gu Fei said.

“I suddenly feel sleepy, get down for a while.” Rain fell on the table.

Gu Fei ordered a glass of wine and drank it while thinking about his task chain.

Two groups of villagers with very different attitudes.

The church front banner drum shows considerable signs of struggle.

Powerful yet unknown Murphy's power.

Murphy's body disappeared.

The werewolf fled with a small wound.

Murphy hid the gold.

And those four villagers who just ran to the cave in the middle of the night.

There must be a chain of stories that can explain all of these events, and this is the ultimate perfection of Eddie's Seal, the chain of tasks. If it's just to find the werewolves and kill them, Gu Fei wonders if he can explain all the problems. At this time, Gu Fei already has a certain idea in mind. What we need to wait for now is dawn. With just a few more key things in hand, things are likely to fall apart.

On the other hand, Ye Xiao Five, who has been watching the mission like a movie, has already felt too many surprises brought to him by Gu Fei.

Turning in front of the church, he suddenly went to dig Murphy's grave. Ye Xiao Five still doesn't know what he found or came out of it.

Attacking his werewolf, he can really kill back, he can only have level 30. The character of level 30 should be slapped to death by the werewolf...

With the current situation developing, Gu Fei's final task chain completion is likely to reach more than 90 percent.

Nice. Finished! This is the yardstick against which the completion of a task chain is measured and the final reward is determined.

Killing werewolves? This is just one way to complete this chain of tasks. If Ye Xiaowu were to go, he would know where the werewolves were and find a knife to kill them, which of course would be a complete task, but he would definitely get the lowest degree of completion, the worst reward.

This is the way to achieve the highest degree of completion by perfectly presenting the context of the whole task chain.

It's like an open, multi-end, single-player game, and all ends up being cleared. But one of them has to be called a perfect ending.

Because the great juvenile detective Conan once said: The truth, there's only one.

Hey, earlier! Ask for the ticket!