Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 114 Limited Exposure

When Gu Fei receives the July “Okay, come here!” When I replied, the room went blind.

Thinking about the attitude of the women when they first reincarnated the Purple Crystal, and the annotations that came down to this end, Gu Fei thought July was bound to choose to refuse. I didn't expect not only to say no, but to say yes so painfully.

You don't think I'm gonna introduce a girl to the club again? Gu Fei suddenly hurried to make up another message and stressed: “It's a man! ”

I don't want to get back to you faster this July: "Okay, we're still at Little Thunder House! ”

Must have drunk too much. Gu Fei thought about it, but at the same time, Gu Fei felt that he could float without responsibility. Anyway, the other party had no problem. He was just an introducer. What else could he say?

Then he got up and looked at the hopeful battle unharmed and the royal god sounded: “Let's go! ”

“To where?” The two asked.

“Take you to them!” Gu Fei said.

“Ah!" they exclaimed. They were just asking for a name. I didn't expect to be in close contact for the first time so soon.

“Thousands of miles is efficiency, and I admire you.” The battle was unharmed, he said.

“Thank you.” Gu Fei smiled bitterly and took the two of them to the bakery.

“There are only a few steps to see and see!” The angels roared deeply and sighed unrelentingly. Gu Fei didn't have to kick him in the mouth with a spin.

Lifting the hanging curtains, they led the two of them into the luggage room. The two parties introduced each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Gu Fei observed the four women, his eyes were clear, he was not a little drunk at all, and he was actually a little confused.

The royal gods began to set a magnetic tone, pointing to the landing and saying: "You and I have seen it!” And then we talked to Violent and Ice Glass: “Didn't we just meet? ”

The third woman nodded with a smile.

At the first sight of the royal angels, three of the four women came together and coughed loudly.

But Gu Fei's heart was pounding at this moment. The imperial gods rang two times in a row to make Gu Fei realize it was bad. Mainly the battle by the North Gate mailbox, the fierce and glassy saw Han's son and three other people beat to death in a dreamlike manner, which is very illustrative.

In a hurry, I wanted to send a reminder to both of them. I didn't want to go in there in July with a single knife. I threw the question: “Are you guys from the Son Elite? ”

Sure! Gu Fei's heart clamored, the girls promised to be so happy, for this reason.

It's too late to remind both of them, because the royal angels have answered quickly: "Tell you yes, but remember to keep it a secret! ”

Shit, isn't that already an admission? Gu Fei is depressed. July solemnly promised: "Don't worry, you've done us a great favor and we want to know that it's just out of curiosity that we'll never talk again. ”

When the angels roared, they also solemnly nodded: "We are. ”

In that instant, the eyes of the four women looked at Gu Fei differently.

July's eyes told Gu Fei, “How's that?” After exposure and looking at pre-flight behavior, it is natural to discover that he has made every effort to cover it up.

Gu Fei naturally felt uncomfortable. He was just about to say two random words to support the scene. He didn't want the Mighty Heavenly Ming to add more quickly: “We are both, not a thousand miles. ”

“Ah?” The women were surprised.

The imperial god shouted in disdain: "He came to join the elite group of our sons, but has not yet passed the examination. As you should know, the magician in our elite regiment is a great deal more divergent than him. ”

“Who is this magician?” July asked cautiously.

The angel shook his head: “Everyone else can say that, but the magician cannot say that he has more enemies and that he is afraid to bring trouble for him. I'm sorry.” The eyes of the royal angels are decisive.

Gu Fei couldn't imagine that Mighty God Ming actually saved his hand at this critical moment. It was a surprise.

Four women's faces are disappointed, and if not, they are much more interested in the Melee Master than others.

“Who else is there?” Fall asleep.

“Sword ghost, Yu brother. As for Han's son, you probably haven't heard of him. What about the drunkard?” The angels roared.

“Ah!” July and the fall were amazing.

“It turns out that this is the elite group of sons and daughters, the name is not false.” July exclaims.

“Sister July?” Ice Glass is clearly not a veteran of online games, and there is some confusion about this.

“These five names in their elite regiment are all characters from the Internet. It's hard to imagine these people coming together. The elite, that's humble. They're supposed to be the best in the world of online travel.” July said.

“I'm so flattered.” The royal gods and the battle were unharmed.

Honestly, ever since mixing with the Son Elite, there have been the same number of masters around, few people have heard such compliments. Even more desperately, the sixth member of the elite group Gu Fei, such an invisible character, is more powerful than the five people, pushing the five people to increasingly forget their previous identities.

Masters, who sometimes need applause and praise, can at least help build self-confidence.

“Well, you and the two elites have a good chat, and I'll go.” Gu Fei said.

“Go on, practice hard, and you can join our regiment.” The gods roar.

The battle nodded unharmed: “Ranking doesn't mean everything, especially in the difficult game of escalation in parallel worlds. We can only equip ourselves with luck, and as for skill, we have to practice on our own. ”

“Exactly.” The ladies rejoice.

“Two animals.” Gu Fei muttered herself, leaving the bag room, turning around and entering the next door, Han and Yu are still there!

“What do you say? How many beautiful girls did you introduce to the two of them?” The two laughed.

“Four.” Gu Fei said.

Son Han shook his head and sighed: "Our identity is about to be exposed. ”

“has been exposed.” Gu Fei said.

“Your identity is hidden, right?” Han said.

“How do you know?” Gu Fei was surprised.

Han's son laughed: “Those two guys went for a girl. How could they be willing to be robbed? If you were one of them, you'd know you were 27149. I told you those people were really interested in you. So don't worry, those two guys won't say anything about you, even if you rush over and yell you're 27,149, they'll find a way to make people believe you. ”

“Shit!” Gu Fei stared and hated that he didn't have such a dirty mindset. He didn't even think of the true intentions of the king's angel ringing the kid's ass, but thought he was really trying to defend himself. That's why I was sneaking around for half a day.

“Haha, suppressing the people around you to increase your price, that's what online girls are used for. Now that you're gone, those two guys are about to start making fun of each other. Wait for the show!” Yu said.

Gu Fei-chu was surprised.

If, as Yu expected, from this day on, the royal gods and the battle began to fight each other's mouths and bitterness, and the fire spread from every encounter to the mercenary channel, as for the private conversation between the two, it could be countless.

Others practice daily to fatigue and pull out the shielded mercenary channel to see that the conversation record between the two has become an entertainment mode. Gu Fei dismissed this, Yu said to him very seriously: “You can't look at it that way, both of them are masters, their bickering is not all drooling. In terms of yesterday's mutually despised passage, it can be said that it is a magician PK warrior in paper simulation, which contains quite a number of magicians and warriors using technology. Especially when it comes to the technology of using the Internet to delay five knives to six knives, even I've never heard of it. ”

Beyond that, the two began to flow frequently into the street where the Born Again Purple Club was located. Close to Little Thunder Tavern, from the rest of Little Thunder Tavern four other people, countless times saw two people wandering the street while fighting each other's mouth. After questioning, it became clear that they were trying to create an unexpected encounter.

Neither of them is willing to show weakness, spending a lot of time each day on these boring things, falling down on the experience leaderboard. Battleless is not the first in the ranks of the warriors, and the royal gods are thrown out of the twenty archers.

“Red gloom, red gloom!” The other four sighed.

Gu Fei's days are also boring. He has been waiting for someone to come and provoke him. However, he prefers to live in peace.

I thought the 12-point PK value accumulated on my body was a good material, and nobody came to the door at all. So far, the players have learned quite a bit about the various task settings in the game. The purpose of the wanted task, which has basically been positioned on the PK value of laundry, is the least cost-effective task in the eyes of normal people. It's risky, it's not very rewarding, it's not very good value for money. As for the wash PK value, the average person is 1: 02, there is no need to look for this 12 point Gu Fei.

At 1 o'clock in 2 hours, the 12 o'clock PK value actually washed off so hard. Makes Gu Fei feel terrible.

Apart from that, no one from the dreams of dying has come to the door. Gu Fei remembered that the guys were still interested in the dark daylight sword in their hands, but they were slow to act. It was puzzling.

It is unbearable for Gu Fei, who is addicted to PK, to waste his life so peacefully. Every day on the road, I look forward to a chance to see the road scream. But the wind of Cloud City was really harmonious, and Gu Fei gradually came up with the idea of going to Moon and Night City.

At the same time, as Yuko said, the official operation of the game is about to begin dramatically. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)