Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 211: Bird Guns for Guns

Gu Fei crossed several streets and looked back. He didn't see a few students, so he was relieved. Just a quick glance is the Little Thunder Tavern, and you walk away.

In the Little Thunder Tavern, a few guys from the Son Elite were gathered here at a time when they weren't supposed to be together, playing with the equipment they bought after making a fortune yesterday.

Become a world-class player in online travel, lacking technology and equipment. Only technology or equipment can become the associate master of abusive ordinary players, and the few of you in this room, the target, is the kind of one of 10,000. Although it is a new mode of gaming, with good game awareness and fundamentals, the skill level has risen rapidly; in terms of equipment, that is the more painful aspect.

With luck to brush the equipment, it's hard, it's tiring, and it's vain to say. Although quite a few people claim that this nothingness is exactly what makes online travel attractive, some people who say this, some of whom are already nothingness enough to get to the equipment to stand and talk without backache; the other is people who have neither nothingness nor the means to buy it, when they see that they buy the equipment directly with a lot of gold coins, they say grape acid if they can't eat grapes.

Buying equipment with money is the most effective way to get it right. Real online swimmers know that. There are several long-time equipment in the market, unfortunately shy in the bag, all you can do every day is look in the past to see if the equipment is still there. Finally, yesterday's deposit of thousands of gold coins made several people's backpacks drum hard, some of the previously well identified equipment is a little out of sight, yesterday spent all night wandering around the market in a cow's air, as if it was nothing.

“Look at my armor!” The battle dragged his crusty body up with a dark, shiny armor and turned very comfortably in front of everyone.

The armor itself has nothing to say, but the problem is that it is not a suitable hanger, he is tall and thick, and the equipment in the game fits perfectly when he wears it. Therefore, any armor worn on the unharmed body of the war, the sense of oppression is abundant, and the beauty cannot be talked about.

“Excellent Defense, Extra Attribute Defense Enhancement, Power +15, Physique +15, Anger Savings +20% How's it going, huh?” The battle was unharmed while introducing his armor attributes, turning two circles.

A few people didn't throw up. The angels roared for the first time: “Get out of the way! Look at my bow, this ring! ”

The original bow of Mighty Heavenly Sound is also a superior equipment, but the problem is that the bow is a white board, and now it has no advantage whatsoever. I took a spin last night and finally searched for this good bow.

Sniper Whistle, High Attack, Additional Attribute Range +10, Agility +20, Fatal Chance +15%, Fatality +15%, Sniper Enhanced.

This bow is purple, and the unharmed armor is only gold, and it is instantly comparable in rank. I was about to introduce him to the ring. The unharmed had fallen his sword on the table: “Look at my sword, it's also purple! ”

“Look at this ring! ”

“Look at my sword! ”

Big and small again, Han's son picked up a piece and pointed it at the table: “Look at this! ”

Everyone looked up, parallel world's most expensive wine, a glass of 20 gold coins, this is a whole bottle of Han family, worth 120 gold coins.

Prices and equipment are incomparable, but they mean different things. Equipment is a must, and anyone who has enough money deserves to invest. And this is the luxury, and the richest people generally drink the worst in the game, slightly better at best, and there is no such thing as a guy who often buys 120 gold coins. From the point of view of consumption, Mr. Han definitely compared the two, laughing at them: “You're not good enough! ”

“Cut, loser!” Of course, the two of them are unhappy with each other's lips.

“Brother Yu, what did you buy?” Han's son turned to ask Yu brother beside him.

“I've seen it and haven't decided yet!” Young-goo smiled.

“Oh...” the royal god echoed, “Well, let's continue to look at my ring, my ring...”

“Things are packed, and thousands of miles are coming.” Mr. Han's voice suddenly interrupted the royal angel's voice.

The royal gods roared and the battle was unharmed. He quickly picked up the equipment on the table and sat on his back. One roll of curtains next to the door, Gu Fei has walked in.

A few people squeezed their smiles up. Yesterday's events were over, but no one has seen Gu Fei since, and his reaction to them is unknown. Don't talk about the business's gains in front of him until you get a sense of his emotions. So as soon as the guys started to show off, Han's son immediately asked Xiao Lei to see Gu Fei come in and remind him.

I looked up and saw that Gu Fei was unusual today. There is a rare appearance of a slightly panicked divine colour on the face. This guy, who always chops people up, doesn't blink, what scares him.

“Have a drink.” Gu Fei had already discussed a glass outside. He entered the door and placed it on the table, indicating to Han's son.

“Well, what's the matter?” Han's son poured wine and admired Gu Fei's expression: “What's the matter? Speak up and have fun! ”

“…” Everyone is so silent, this conversation skills is really superb. How many people have the urge to kill Han's son, that's not for no reason.

But Gu Fei didn't really care. After drinking, he said: "Nothing, I met someone in my life. ”

“Is she beautiful?” The battle was unharmed and the king of heaven rose. Online tour takes sister's highest realm, which is from online swimming to life, from virtual to reality, from grass piles on the shores of Lake Cloud to XX Hotel's Bakery, from… (um, vulgar, too vulgar, resolutely low vulgar, stop YY)

Gu Fei glanced at the two of them and sat down and muttered: “You can't just ask! ”

“The parallel world is so big, I didn't mean to find it. It's really hard to meet real acquaintances.” Yu said.

“Just meet someone in real life, need to be so nervous?” The gods roar.

“Well, did I ask you for money, but I also want you to bring the practice, take the assignment, bring it there! That's kind of annoying.” The battle was unharmed and touched.

“Alas...” Gu Fei sighed deeply, I really don't know how to talk about it, and the guys from the elite group couldn't help, just hope to not see the students again and avoid such embarrassment.

“Who's up against the game tonight?” Gu Fei changed the subject.

“Yunxiang Mercenary Corps, a four-level corps, in addition to the leader Yunxiang and several of his friends, the other members of the corps are mostly the remaining players who the major clubs did not select for their own club mercenary corps. Although ranks are not low, unity is problematic, and the leader Yunxiang has little authority. Killing all this way is a separate battle, relying on more people to get to today.” Yu introduced him.

Usually after introducing the information, it is Han's turn to arrange today's fighting tactics, but Han's son today drinks on his own, without saying a word.

Yu touched him: "Hey, it's your turn. ”

“The Sword Ghost hasn't arrived yet, I don't want to say it twice.” Han said.

“Well, it's a little early!” Yu looked at the time.

A few people apparently rarely squatted here to chat at this time, and realizing this, the atmosphere suddenly became unnatural.

“Otherwise, let's go to practice class together.” Gu Fei took the initiative to propose a level, which was the first time in the world.

“Get lost! We're not practicing with you!” The royal gods and the battle unharmed are almost identical. The efficiency of practicing with Gu Fei is predictable, but the problem is that everyone can be entertained and can't just watch his spell performance. More importantly, watching Fei fight hurts self-esteem and several people have been hurt enough not to want to sprinkle salt on the wound.

A few people just chatted so loudly, they finally made it to the Sword Ghost appearance. The Sword Ghost walked in and saw the whole crowd. It was a surprise. He is obviously the most serious of the six, punctual and disciplined, but I didn't expect everyone to come earlier than he did today. Looking at this strange sight of the sun coming out to the west, the swordsmen sat down in horror.

“Is something big happening today!” The Sword Ghost has a little grunt in his heart.

“Cough!” Han's son cleared his voice and began to speak: “Today's opponent, as Yu said, is a crowded, but very disunited, and the leader is not as prestigious a mercenary as I am. However, precisely because they are not united and the head of the mission is not in charge, it may be a problem for us. Even if their captain was worried about our big kite game, their team members would not necessarily follow the captain's assignment without participating in this round. This leads to our opponent this time, most likely full of them, 80! ”

“But!” said Han's son, “precisely because they were not united, they thought they would fight each other and no one coordinated the command. So this is the time to play your real game, make sure to break them one by one. ”

“As you put it, aren't you busy with a bunch of things you've arranged before?” Gu Fei asked.

“Alas!” Master Han sighed long, “People are worse than God, how do I know that such a coincidence would give us such an opponent. Is God jealous of my talent and deliberately making such arrangements to fool me? ”

“ …… ”

This chapter transitions, the next chapter of the competition is once again brimming with smoke, the students are also a wave of hidden torrents, tomorrow, fist grip! (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)