Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 220: Son Han's Screenplay

On the Son Elite's mercenary channel, Gu Fei, Sword Ghost and Mighty Heavenly Ming were very surprised that the three men were turned out this way. This exit was so urgent and compact, the three of them questioned each other in succession, and by the time they answered, the three of them were already outside the scene.

“Depressed! It's been attacked!” The battle was unharmed, he said.

“Come on, you three!” As Han's son puts it, Gu Fei has earned the trust of the other party at this time, and I'm afraid he will get closer to him in the game in order to win further favors. Uh, close to Gu Fei... Tsk, heaven to hell is that simple.

“How do we fight?” The royal gods ask questions.

“As yesterday, the royal angel sounded distant to attract some firepower, and the sword ghost dived close, riding for thousands of miles.” Son Han set the scene for a happy disaster.

The three men, still at the pace previously adjusted by Han's son, did not collide with the Squad of Four Seas Sneak Attacks. At this time, they had quietly surrounded themselves in the three directions of the original 20 men. After the angels roared on a small hillside, the sword ghosts were in a slump, and Gu Fei was closest to them, in a small forest.

“Did I do it?” The angels roar toward the other two humans.

“Do it!” The Sword Ghost responded with Gu Fei.

A sniper was released from behind the hillside.

The Four Seas Mercenary Corps is an elite, but they can't help it. The Mighty Gods are the elite of the elite, and most of these guys know the Mighty Gods. He knows which blood is less, which is more, which is higher and which is lower. One of the most confident bullies was picked up, a sniper was released, and another character erupted and killed him instantly.

This is the true knowing and knowing of one another.

The people of the Four Seas suddenly became noisy, and they also knew that the archers of the opponent were the royal gods. Just as the royal angels know their details, they also know enough about the addition and equipment of the royal angels. Only no one knows that Mighty Heavenly Ming just updated his gear two days ago. This arrow stunned a man by killing him in seconds.

“What's going on?” Resolving the reflection of Han's son and three others, Xinhua was returning with a sneak attack team to meet with the big troops. On the way, he received a systematic prompt to hang up one of his own and rushed to ask.

“One sniper and one second!” There's a player returning.

“How is that possible!” The Reflection Year was also amazing. After learning that Mighty God was a member of the Son Elite, he studied the child's strength. The skill was very good, but the attack power should not have reached such a high level!

There is still panic here. The royal angels have fired several more arrows. Unfortunately, removing the sniper is not enough for any other attack to cause high damage with a second kill. The people of the Four Seas Mercenary Corps were not as random and chaotic as Yunxiang. The priest was ready to reply, the archers returned, and the thief snuck around after diving, ready to go and make a sneak attack.

But how much battle experience does the Mighty Heavenly Gods have? Blink two eagle eyes and count each other's numbers! All of a sudden, 19 people turned into 17, and even though I didn't know when those two thieves were hiding in the crowd, I knew they were sneaking up on me. Fight the guerrilla immediately, put an arrow in a different place, so that the other person doesn't touch themselves so smoothly. Due to the time limit for diving in a contest, the opponent will automatically appear without too long delay.

By the time the Mighty Heavenly Gods had caught most of each other's attention, the Sword Ghost had also snuck in. Before the royal angel sounded, he had been left with an ambush pen. At the same time as he was shooting someone wildly, he had accidentally fired an arrow at one person next to him. The priest of the Four Seas focused his attention entirely on the target of the royal angels' fierce shooting, and only an arrow of his companions did not alert him.

At this time, the sneaky swordsmith appeared, and the dagger pointed to this person!

And the backstabbing of the Sword Ghost slowed down half a beat, not stabbing it out the first time anyone shouted. This half beat is reserved for the royal gods. As soon as he saw the sword ghost appear, the imperial angel shoots another arrow at this man, and the sword ghost slowly handed out half a beat of the back stab in time, and the dagger and arrow eventually hit this man almost individually. The pastor's technique was obviously lacking in grasping the slightest time difference, and the man had been the result of a combination of the two when his response technique had drifted off.

The gladiator retreated with a single blow, and when the crowd began to surround him, he had carried out a speedy run out of the crowd. The archers of the Four Seas Mercenaries rushed to chase a few arrows, but the experienced swordsmen turned around to the other wing of the other formation. As the archers who had been targeting the royal gods chased the sword ghosts towards their targets, they instantly realized that their arrows were all aimed at their own people's asses. When they rushed the position to reveal the sky, they saw the sword ghost rushing towards the woods, and Gu Fei was walking out.

Gu Fei and Sword Ghost, one of the face-to-face runners, both had some accidents.

Gu Fei saw the sword ghost and retreated. He rushed out of the woods immediately. He didn't expect the Sword Ghost to come this way. The Sword Ghost is carrying the eyes of the opponent at this time, which obviously exposes Gu Fei prematurely.

And Swordsmith, he didn't realize that Gu Fei was actually in the woods, because Han's son on the mercenary channel issued the last displacement order, Gu Fei should not be here. Otherwise, of course, he wouldn't have made such a runaway position that would expose Gu Fei.

Of course the Sword Ghost will not know, Gu Fei received the last displacement order, which was sent to him by Han's son in private chat.

Han familiarized himself with the way the swordsmen fought. After arranging the swordsmen's positions and seeing the enemy formation, Han could predict the route that the swordsmen would choose when they hit back. Therefore, he secretly instructed Gu Fei to come to this route and design such a face-to-face play code.

According to his layout, if everything had been as he had expected before, the reflective year must have told everyone that the magician did not need to be cautious. Nevertheless, if Gu Fei rushed towards them with his sword in a murderous manner, the individual would also realize that this is not good?

So now there's this face-to-face scene.

Gu Fei rushed out, but looked more like a swordsmith.

In the eyes of the people of the Sihai mercenary group who had first learned that Gu Fei had been rebelled, it must be felt that Gu Fei was trying to help them take down the sword ghost.

So, those who had enough time to cooperate in attacking the archers, magicians and other remote professions of the two, all happily stopped their hands, wanted to see this mutilating scene, and by the way, to admire the new and sharp masters of this parallel world and the old brand Jingli Sword Ghost of online tours who is more fierce.

There was no attack on the front and no attack on the back.

Both Gu Fei and Jianghui were very surprised, but there was no time to think about it. The two continued to run each way, and the two of them had rubbed their shoulders. Gu Fei continued to carry his sword to the people with extreme ferocity, and all of them realized together that it was bad.

But I'm afraid it's too late, as Han's script says. Because…

“Move, move, move!” Gu Fei instantly finished the chant and reappeared, he was already in the opposition.

Even if Gu Fei suddenly threw both sides into this sudden collision situation, Gu Fei's people reacted a lot faster than them.

“Twin flames flash! Shine!” Gu Fei drank all over himself. The sword was cut to pieces. There was very little chance that he needed to swing "Double Flame Shine" at 360 degrees. The twin flames of fire came out from the sword, like a dragon circling around Gu Fei, and a total of six people lost their lives on the spot under the sword.

Following the "Towards Three Twilight Four” in the swordsmanship of Gujia, the black sword light did not shine at all, but pointedly pointed to the Quartet. Several people surrounded by the sword successively, the injury is not very high, but people can't touch their heads in battle.

In group warfare, Gu Fei seldom consciously seeks to cooperate with others, which is what he lacks compared to the Sword Ghost and the Mighty Goddess Ming masters: Consciousness.

But Gu Fei's toughness has another great role to play, which is to disperse each other's formation. His perverted assault with a sword and a second, always chopping people apart. And it also has a very serious impact on the psychology of the opponent, which, in terms of online travel terminology, has a rigid effect on the psychology of the other party.

Nearly twenty people in front of them cooperated with the skilful small group, because of the tragedy of the Chinese and Korean sons, they were actually helped by Gu Fei at such great strides, took off and passed into their formation. After taking a sword from Gu Fei, together with the loss of previous attacks by the imperial gods and swordsmen, eight people had already been killed.

The insidious and spicy royal angels took advantage of this opportunity to take another sniper and extinguish one more person. The swordsmen over there also made a big stride after circling. Eleven people were knocked inside and out by three people, and they didn't know how to make a choice for a while. Gu Fei chopped right in the array and couldn't help shouting, "Double flame flash, flash!”.

Everyone found that as long as Gu Feijian arrived, none of them would be able to flash away. They were scared of the Six Gods for a while and were afraid to fight forward. According to this, the double flash of cooling has not yet passed, and the spell singing has failed. However, Gu Fei still has French accessories on his body. Although the odds are not high, Gu Fei Gao's rhythm sometimes flashes.

This appendage flash is very similar to the flash of double flame, you can't tell it from time to time, only when the flash of double flame appeared frequently in the six people in the second of Gu Fei, it was impossible to avoid.

The top three players seized the opportunity and fought for victory in turmoil, not for a moment, with only two thieves remaining in the 20-man formation. The two thieves were also extremely fast, causing a disease to run away. All three are out of time.

The royal angels came from afar to rendezvous with the two. The killing was painful for a while, but the invisibility also seemed too simple. The Four Seas Mercenary Group should be well trained, in close cooperation with the group, how could it be so easily killed?

The three of them don't know yet. All of this is just a performance of Han's script.

I haven't had time for a second one the other day, finally came today!! Monthly ticket fights are gorgeous and nervous... Last day, go, go, go, go, go ~ Monthly Ticket Come ~ ~ (Unfinished, if you want to know what's going on, please go to, more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)