Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 348: A Scenic Line

The downline area flashed with white light, and the moment Gu Fei appeared, there were countless shouts around him.

While the vast majority of players are still speculating as to where this PK 54 is sacred, the location of Linyincheng has spread: this PK Power, by far the most popular video magician in the world. There are some good things people watched the video a hundred times after being offline. Remember Gu Fei's outfit. How many pleats in the Moon and Night Spirit Robe from shoulder to waist have been amplified by a screenshot of someone with a heart clearly counted.

At this time, as soon as Gu Fei appeared, he was instantly spotted, prompted to scream, passed on ten times. There were always many people around the resurrection point. Gathering up was just an instant thing. Unfortunately, Gu Fei was subjected to another inhumane sight.

Gu Fei counted, still missed the player's gossip. Gu Fei can't imagine how powerful gossip is for these countless players who spend their time online.

“Tsk, tsk!! ”

Gu Fei didn't fight anyone, and he didn't use his skills. The players could only measure it up and down and send out this unnutritious exclamation.

“Gentlemen, let it go...” Gu Fei said helplessly.

“All right, all right.” Surveillance also has a bottom line, and people's freedom cannot be confined by surveillance. The player blocking the resurrection point intersection or the left or right piercing squeezed away, stunned to give Gu Fei a way out.

“Good luck, everyone. If you're all right, let it go!” Gu Fei waved at the crowd and squeezed out from this barely conceded sheep bowel trail. In the meantime, there are players stretching out their hands from time to time to try to hold hands with Gu Fei. Gu Fei wipes sweat while waving hands and hitting them. He really has a sense of celebrity! Gu Fei thought about it.

Unfortunately, this joyful melting scene didn't last long, then suddenly the "who, don't squeeze” sounded in the crowd, Gu Fei immediately knew that the time had come!

The system guards are still so green. So many players squeezed in here, they didn't scream to make way, didn't choose to go around, and didn't do anything to the player manually, it was a flavor to move forward, they knew Gu Fei was just ahead, and the line was shortest between two points. This group of guards' intelligence really makes game-loving players wonder about the game's AI system.

The system guards were powerful and powerful, so yesterday their scuba arrows were scattered at depths of water. But don't forget, yesterday was the player's PK formation, and there must be some space between people, so after being hit, the player also has room to go upside down.

And at this moment, this is a sight, a wretched sight.

The system guard can't squeeze the player into a meatloaf against the physiological principles of physics. And even though they are powerful, they are not infinite. So many players stacked together, want to push away like bulldozers, how easy is it to talk about?

But Gu Fei obviously noticed that the sheep and intestine trail that the player had freely given him was being merged under the impact of the guards. Gu Fei did not dare to hesitate any longer. He hurriedly used a moment to move. He floated five meters forward. Almost at the same time, the players from both sides of the area behind him were tightly bound together, his arms waved indiscriminately and his mouth cursed.

It's dangerous! Gu Fei's heart is crying. Fortunately, the guards didn't line up to be bulldozers, so they collided, which is such a small area, that they were a few meters out of danger, just pity the players in the place, suddenly couldn't prevent it, squeezed like a one-piece baby.

This is an opportunity!!! Gu Fei's eyes lit up. Apparently, the player will spread out soon after a system guard idiot crashes into it, but it can't be too fast. This blockade is real and effective, and such opportunities must not be missed.

As soon as he thought about it, Gu Fei also tried to speed up his footsteps. For those passionate fans who still insisted on holding hands with him, he also took the big wrist and hurried past him. He touched his fingertips a little. This also reflects the quality of online players over celebrity fans, at least in the absence of a security maintenance site, nobody jumped up to hold Gu Fei.

Of course, this is also because there is an intrinsic difference between the two: stars eat by fans and don't chop fans; and Gu Fei, hands up and down, that is a grade, a little PK value.

Finally, Gu Fei broke out of this trail. The player was about to explode when the system guard ran over him, but Gu Fei had disappeared into the view of everyone regardless.

The screams of the players continued, spreading under the shock, and everyone regretted knowing that the crowd was squeezing the way for the systematic capture of the guards. And that's what they really want to see. The star fans are different from Gu Fei fans. Celebrity fans certainly don't expect their idols to be chopped up.

Gu Fei ran along the street, passing continues to attract attention, and the player stretched his fingers to him and shouted. The voices of “Wife, come out and see the Great God" were sounded over and over again.

But Gu Fei's speed is fake. It's not that easy to form a view at this time.

And quite a distance away, the system guards are catching up neatly and vigorously under their captain. The numb look, the cold eyes, the unpleasant look, but the absolute stability and absolute efficiency of the steps, this group of guards is like the demon terminator in the movie. And Gu Fei, that's what they want to end.

Those players who inadvertently block the way are good to be hit by flying. It's more tragic to be hit and then trampled again. It's enough to suffer if you're not dead.

After that, the guards became a large group of players from the city of Yin. Absolutely disjointed, with no standing, is a group of lookouts who bombard the party and chase the guards' steps to see the noise.

From one person to a group of people to a group of people's trilogy becomes a landscape in the city of Linyin, and the victories and disadvantages, those who are slow, are quickly wiped out of the landscape.

Gu Fei looked back as he ran, looking at the guard was still far away, and the instant movement was useless. With the homework of a day of refreshment, Gu Fei arrived at the wanted mission office extremely smoothly and with the greatest speed. Pushing the door in, leading the task, these Gu Fei are familiar with the door road, which is to sweep the task list with a little spitting blood on the screen.

Linyin City is so peaceful, except for a few scarce 2PK players on the top, the next page is full of 1. Gu Fei didn't have the strength to compare to this. He hurriedly grabbed one and flashed out of the mission. This is definitely a dead end to being chased into the house by the guards.

As soon as we stepped out of the gate, we saw the guards rushing out of the street towards this place to kill. Gu Fei first ran away from the guard without looking at the coordinates. The coordinates displayed in the chasing crest were opened only after being placed on a regular basis, and the first time I felt large.

This target is nowhere else, in the opposite direction of Gu Fei. The shortest distance between them is to turn around immediately and scrub past the system guards. This is undoubtedly too risky. But Gu Fei's one-day homework became effective at this time. The mind instantly outlines a route in which the most efficient circle bypasses the target.

At the forward junction, Gu Fei quickly turned and stepped onto the line. But a minute later, the coordinate prompt refreshed again. Gu Fei opened his eyes and immediately called for bitterness.

Lucky God abandoned him on this occasion. Based on the coordinates of the two moves, Gu Fei already has good reason to believe that this damned man is one of the third landscape lines at this time.

If you don't want to turn around and break through the system guards, then there seems to be only one way to find a place to turn around and put it behind each other in a circle...

Houses in the city are lined up in rows with plenty of places to go around. But the size of the circle, don't say if Gu Fei has enough time to complete the circle, even if it is done, in a large group of fan players, where to find this, this 56841 guy.

Once again, thanks to Gu Fei's one-day refresher in solving this dilemma. Players who have learned about the topography of Yin Cheng, running all the way to combine what they saw with what they studied. At this time, after seeing the foreground, Gu Fei Min came up with a good idea to get out of this dilemma.

The Circular Wood Tavern, the largest tavern in the heart of the city, as its name suggests, is in the shape of a rolling wooden pile, even painted on the roof as if it were an old wooden pile with a round and round annual wheel.

Gu Fei, who rushed into front of the pub door, did not enter, but circled around the pub for half a turn. At this time, the system guard was just three or two meters away from Gu Fei. Running around the Circuit, Gu Fei jumped up to empty his fingers and moved in an instant, maximizing his flight to the roof of the pub.

Running on the ground without a scratch, the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground came from behind. Gu Fei knew that it was the system guards who carried out "ground breaking and flying on the house" again. But Gu Fei's mind is not on them at this moment. Run to the edge of the roof and run along the roof.

Unexpectedly, the third landscape just caught up to this position and ran along the log tavern. Gu Fei, who stood high, took all of them to the bottom of his eyes. In the eyes of this player who received the task, one of them clearly identified a 56841.

“Yay!!!” Gu Fei, who had never stopped running, had already flown.

“Twin flames flash, flash!!” Gu Feigou drank heavily, and the blade of darkness burst out in his hand. At a critical moment, Gu Fei couldn't care less about dangerous actions. Please don't imitate them. The sword ran straight into each other's brains.

The sword broke the wind, the wind blew, Gu Fei's face felt the burning of the flaming flame on the sword.

In that instant, Gu Fei found the feeling of some legendary human sword merging.

Does the stability of the update give you a chilling feeling? I'm so engaged. I'm actually on the train. I'm remotely updated again, okay? Please vote if you like ~ ~ ~ (to be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please go to, more chapters, support authors, support authentic reading!)