Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 383: Concealed Crossing of Chencang

“Let's go too!” Jinnan Yu said. Frankly, he doesn't care if the Hundred Wars Mercenary Corps did it or who did it. His goal is only the Video Mage, so long as he explodes into the Video Mage's equipment, he wins. He was just happier to have a legend that he could partner with a hundred mercenaries.

As for the invincible leader, the mind is naturally another thing, but in any case, following this line is also an inevitable trend. But he had a few more brothers left to look in the other direction. Besides, call your allies out loud and get there.

“A hundred wars mercenary group is here!!” It was like a wolf screaming.

After several other routes of players consistently reported "not found”, “not found”, “still not found”, the likelihood of Han family members dying here has grown, and the suspicion in Kennan's heart has grown.

Why do you keep shrinking down here when you're supposed to be escorting targets to the city?

Finally, at the end of the river valley, the players of the Hundred Wars Mercenaries stood in a group and deliberately left a spot for a little later Kennan Yu and the invincible leader.

It's just that the scene in front of you almost didn't spit a breath of blood.

The group sits at the end of the valley, eating a BBQ at leisure. The ground is full of bottles and fish bones, and Kennan, on the edge of the city, recognized at a glance that the fish should have come from the side of the city.

“No way! Unharmed Your craft is really far worse than the players at the water pier.” Son Han is criticizing the battle as unharmed.

With a large fish skewer in his unharmed hand, he was focused on roasting it, while refuting: “How can I compare it to them when they sell it? ”

“The question is, do you want to play chicks with this hand? Do you want to play chicks or do you want revenge?” Mr Han said.

“Bullshit!” The battle is unharmed. “Then don't eat it! ”

A bunch of people are just too inhuman. While grabbing his roasted fish and eating it, he also strongly condemned his craftsmanship.

This joyous scene has annoyed the invincible leader who has gone to great lengths to find them. But at this moment, Kennan's anguish is stronger than his.

The one who can see in front of him is already at a glance, and he has come a long way to hunt for the target, but he is not in the list.

“Danan, the magician...” The firecoat refers to the drift. He doesn't know Gu Fei, he just thinks that the magician's clothes are very different from the legendary video magician's.

“He's not.” Kennan shook his head, wanting to shrink into the team, but unfortunately found Yu's eyes on him long ago, in addition to that sword ghost, staring at him.

And the invincible chairman, pointing at one of the seven, was shaking his fingers. “You, you, you” for half a day, but didn't say a complete word.

“What am I, me?” This man is exactly Todd, the man in the eye of the Invincible Legion. But at this moment, Todd grabs the fish with his hands and raises his hand, eats and drinks faster than anyone else, and there's no place to look down on at first sight.

“Who the hell are you!!” The Invincible Commander was furious.

“Write love in your left hand.” The man answered with joy.

The name is unfamiliar to many. Most people who know drifting know the pair of people who write love with their left hand and handsome with their right hand, because the name is too distinctive, too easy to remember. But you can tell which one is a fighter and which one is an archer, except for the three of them.

“Are you writing love in your left hand?” The Invincible Commander is surprised, "so you're drifting?” He looked at the magician in the other line, whose forensic injuries were quite terrible during the previous confrontation.

Drifting laughs without talking.

“What about handsome right hand writing?” The invincible leader turned his gaze to the archer in the opposing line - the royal angel.

“Damn, what do you mean by looking at me!!!” When the angels roared with fire, the drifting dust was like dust in his eyes. Now he was mistaken for the drifting followers. Can this not make him angry?

“Aren't you?” The Invincible Commander was surprised.

“He's not.” It turns out that Han is the son of the family, "we have reached the limit, there is no place. ”

“Maximum number?” The invincible leader was confused, but when Kennan heard it on one side, he felt like a mirror. At this moment, he is finally convinced that he has been detected by the other party at an early age. He thinks he's a yellow bird who catches cicadas in the back, and he doesn't know how to be fooled by the other party. Maximum number of people? It is too obvious that the upper limit of the normal team is never seven, and the other side is estimated to be seven, which is exactly what they are for.

So it was no accident that they had misunderstandings with the Invincible Commander, all deliberately created.

“Where the hell is Todd!” The invincible commander was already a little disheartened at the moment, knowing that he would never say anything, but he still couldn't bear to ask.

Turns out, Han's son ignored his question and raised several strings of fish to the crowd: “Want to eat roasted fish? But I don't recommend it, it's really bad.” Mr. Han said, greeting everyone again one by one: “Ah? Brother Kennan, the Mercenaries of the Hundreds, and this, uh... nobody. ”

“Ha-ha-ha!” The Century Spandex over here suddenly laughed, "that's interesting. But he's not nameless, he's invincible. ”

The masters moved, I didn't expect such arrogant names to be called, and they looked at this guy who had died once in their hands with admiration.

“This must be the legendary Century Spandex.” Master Han's eyes turned to Haha's laughing Hundred Centuries: “Want a roasted fish? ”

Passionaire shook her head: "We're not here to eat fish, we're here to fight! Find him!” Hundred Years of Scripture said with a finger drifting.

“To me?” The drift was amazing. He did cross the main city and knew a lot of people, but Sunset City was his first time here, and he had never dealt with the Hundred Centuries. How could this intersection occur?

“It's one of the Five Little Powers, but it's also a hidden master, today we...” Baichi Jinglan is saying that his brother has already mumbled in his ear two times before, and this side of the Han family is also saying: “You may be looking for the wrong man to fight with the Master. ”

Indeed, Baishi Sutra was mistaken to think that drifting was what his brothers called a magician. At this time, when he heard no, he was disappointed and began to ask again: “Then where did he go? ”

“He...” Master Han's words have not yet come to an end, only to see a large number of heads on the upper coast of the river valley. The horses of the two sides who fought have arrived. They came to stab and rescue each other, when it was really lively.

“Where's Todd, where's Todd!!” Freshly arrived Sunset mercenaries were shouting.

“At your head!!” Cloud players immediately attacked, the river valley shore has become a battlefield and both sides have fought hard. A lot of people were squeezed out of the riverbank like dumplings. Normally this falls into the water, but the river is dry at the moment and only falls into dust.

From the point of view of the players in this valley, nature can only be regarded as a comedy. They already know Todd's not here, and this is another busy time.

The Invincible Commander was busy putting this information out, and all the players in the cloud knew Todd, and always thought Todd was actually in this squad. At this point, take a look at the banks of the river. Where is Todd's shadow? Each side was surprised, and the more they fought, the less they picked.

“Where's Todd? Where's Todd?” Yet the shouts are still there, except that the unilateral shouts of Sunset mercenaries have been transformed into two groups of people shouting together. Without Todd, there's no way we can accomplish our mission on either side.

“Todd, we're probably under the North Gate by now, right? Can you guys make it?” Han's face has won the laugh.

“Ooh!!” The cloud players heard cheering with their arms up, even though they were all covered in drums, so long as they could exchange the fruit of victory, this carelessness would be ignored for now!

Although the sunset crowd has been so busy for so long that they hate to bite their teeth off, many people still have a glimmer of hope when they hear that the other side has arrived at the North Gate. Because the North Gate of Sunset City is still a short distance from the dungeon, and it may catch up.

“Quick, North Gate!!!” Some have already said hello. Speedy men and women evacuated quickly and wanted to make a final effort. At first glance, cloud players rushed to stop them, and table tennis rose again.

And in the valley? Son Han urged the battle to continue to bake fish seriously.

“Why are you telling me where Todd is?” The battle was unharmed and the fish was roasted while beeping on the team channel.

“Find them something to do...” said Master Han. “Otherwise, aren't you going to bother us? ”

Everyone understands what he means. If the other party finds that the task is hopeless, it is likely that PK has exasperated a few of them.

For example, the invincible captain, who was fooled around, must be in a lot of heat. There are so many people at this time, how can you not take the opportunity to open your knife on them? But now that Todeshan is at the North Gate, if not, this guy immediately leads people away. The Hundred Wars Mercenary Corps did not find Gu Fei and there was nothing to fight about. Naturally, it also rushed to rob the business.

Kennan decided at this time that Todd must have been in a less visible team, probably just two or three people, on the map of the four major regimental leaders with the opponent's big soldiers, disengaged from the regimental leader and went to Sunset City dressed as ordinary players.

And the Video Magician, a superior expert, is definitely taking on this real protection task.

When I thought about it, Kennan Yu was ready to leave with me, but I didn't want some of the boys from the elite to finally stand up: "Brother Kennan, do you want to go too? Isn't that outrageous? Who the hell do you think we got this team set up for? ”

Here comes the second one ~ ~ ~ ~ (to be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)