Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 463, no. 9.

Liu Maple three sighs attached great importance to the words of drifting, immediately asked: “What is the specific pattern, can the drifting brothers say more details? ”

“Just like a normal two-way task. While you get guard over the Municipal compound, the system will publish tasks in places like the Convention Building or the Mercenary Building that are opposite to the content of your task, thus provoking a fight between players and creating difficulties for each other.” Drifting said.

“Shit, that hand again.” One of the core people scolded, presumably having experienced and suffered from a two-way mission.

“Mission… mercenary mission…” Liu Feng repeated, immediately: “Quickly, send someone over to the club building and the mercenary building to see if there is a mission of this kind just mentioned.” Looking at the fog, the flowers up and down have recently concentrated on carrying out this guard task that can be concluded sometime, until it is really a long time no one noticed if there are any fresh tasks on the side of the club and mercenary corps. At this time, after listening to the drifting remarks, Liu Maple three sighs immediately found that they neglected, only hope that the dead sheep will be imprisoned, it is not too late.

And Gu Fei, who had just walked out the door, suddenly heard someone shouting: "Brother! ”

Four quiet pieces, the sound is light but clear. Despite the sudden arrival, Gu Fei has identified the direction, turning his head to the left. If you're right, the sound is coming from under the wall on the left.

No one, only fog in front of them. This is the magic of the municipal compound fence. Two very different worlds outside the wall, not even a single transition, suddenly crossed from a clear world into the fog.

“Who is it?” Gu Fei asked casually. He was not sure if the other party was talking to him.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” The voice came again. This time Gu Fei had clearly determined the direction, but still disappeared, and the other party apparently deliberately hid in the fog.

“Who are you? Can I help you?” Gu Fei said.

“Come with me first!” The other side said.

Gu Fei smiled bitterly: “I can't even see you. How can I follow you? ”

The fog immediately lit a flame and floated in the middle of the sky. “Follow the torch!” The other side said that this is the standard use of the torch in Charming City.

Gu Fei didn't know what the other party was going to do, but the so-called Ye Gao people were bold, so he followed suit. In the meantime, the pace of acceleration wants to catch up with each other to see who they really are, but just when a little human contour appeared, the other immediately stepped up, and always kept a certain distance from Gu Fei. Although Gu Fei did not succeed in seeing the other side of the spectrum, at least he knew the other side's occupation: either archers or thieves.

Let's see what the hell he's up to. Gu Feixin thought, the right hand pocket holds the Dark Night Light Sword. Perhaps it was the local robbery party. With this possibility in mind, Gu Fei was a little excited.

The other side has been leading the way, and Gu Fei has not said a word after that. There were some other players walking along the way. There were also other players walking along with the torch. Gu Fei felt strange. There was nothing wrong in the eyes of other players.

So walking eventually came out of the city door, the fire continued, and the voices of players and conversations around them gradually disappeared.

“Watch your step!” At this moment the silent person suddenly said coldly.

At first glance, Gu Fei looked down, the two of them were not on a flat path. It was like in a rubble, the weeds were bush, the walls were broken, Gu Fei walked around, thinking that the robber party in Xiamen City was too careful, right? With such unique weather conditions, do we need to find a place that looks scarce?

Finally, the fire ahead stopped moving forward, and Gu Fei stopped. There may be a trap ahead, but Gu Fei didn't want to rush forward. He stopped and felt silently around him. No one, or people, is in the fog, but it's ruins to look around, nothing else.

“This is it.” The other side said.

“Oh... so, what is it?” Gu Fei said.

“Brothers don't seem to be from this city?” The other side asks.

“Mmm!” replied Gu Fei.

“We don't care where you come from or where you go, but you seem to have a mandate in the Office of Political Affairs, so we have something in common.” The other side said.


“That's right, us.” The voice has been changed and the figure has begun to emerge from the fog. One, two, three… There are eight of them. Gu Fei counted clearly and was about to see who they were, but all of a sudden they stopped.

“Brothers don't seem to be masked?” One person asks.

“Masked?” Gu Fei wondered.

“Yes, because we don't want to know each other's identities, so we're all masked. As an outsider, you may not care if you're not planning to live in the capital, but we'd like to remind you.” The other side said.

“Well, then I'll go home and follow the rules!” Gu Fei pulled the black cloth out of his pocket and covered his face. Then one of the eight shadows seemed to lift his hand, and a black bunch of things flew towards Gu, and the second half unfolded in the air, which was an extremely wide black rain cape.

At first sight, the wind will blow away. Gu Fei quickly stretched his sword and hooked the rain cape back. “This…” Gu Fei was wondering, the other eight had finally come out of the fog. They were all masked, and they wore this broad rain cape. At first glance, it looked like the eight twins brothers.

“Do I have to wear this too?” Gu Fei asked.

“Whatever this is, it's just everybody's number.” One of them said.

“Number? ”

The man nodded: "I said earlier that we were all not acquainted, but only temporarily gathered for our respective tasks. But because we have to face the fog of our strongest meeting in Xia Miao City, we don't want to leave any aftermath, so we have to make it a little mysterious.” The man said, lifting the corner of his raincoat and showing it to Gu, embroidered a number “four” on it.

Gu Fei hastily lifted the corner of his coat, and it was embroidered with “nine”.

“Everyone is unknown to each other, so you can call me ‘Ah Si', ‘Old Si’, ‘No. 4', whatever you want, but definitely don't call me 'Little Si’, I don't like this term.” Number four players said.

“Don't call me 'dick’.” Player number two said.

“Don't call me 'Little Three’.” Player number three said.

“Welcome to call me the 'Eight’.” Player number eight said.

Gu Fei silently put the rain cape on, nodded and said: “I don't care, just scream. ”

“Now that you have all accepted, we are gathered here, and the purpose for which you were called, I'm sure you are clear.” Number four says.

“Although no one has made it clear to me, I think I have.” Gu Fei said, "You all received the two-way mission with the fog, so we got together and wanted to complete your mission, right? ”

“Exactly.” Four said, "There are too many guys who find it necessary to contradict the flowers in the fog and choose to abandon their mission. Of course, there are also those who are forced to abandon after failure. So far, I'm afraid there are only nine of us left.” Number four says.

“So, what's the content of your mission, and it shouldn't be something you only know? Speak up and cooperate with each other.” Gu Fei said.

“Of course.” Four said, each of the eight people introduced Gu Fei to their mission, and finally asked Gu Fei together: “What about you? ”

“Me? Kill Giordano.” Gu Fei said.

Despite his mask, Gu Fei can feel the amazing changes in the faces of the eight of us. Prepare to do the right thing with the flowers in the fog, and of course they understand the mission of looking at the flowers in the fog, knowing that this NPC named Giordano seems to be an important figure in their mission. Kill them all. The mission to see the flowers in the fog will probably be straight to the soup, right?

Of course, these people won't look at the flowers in the fog, but after a little surprise, they continue to ask, “How much information do you have at the moment? ”

“Uh, Giordano's in the guard room on the third floor, but there are plenty of guards there at the same time, so it's not convenient. At dawn, he would go out to visit the courtyard, but there were too many guards in the courtyard, and there were players staring at the flowers in the fog, and I haven't found any good opportunities yet.” Gu Fei said.

Eight people listened and nodded, and suddenly player number six said, "Besides that, you seem to know something. ”

“Oh? What is it? ”

“How did you escape from the fog to see the flowers and suddenly appear outside the city hall door?” Player number six asks.

“Huh.” Gu Fei smiled and laughed. "Speaking of which, how much do you know now?” Together, this group does not talk about identity, it does not talk about affection, it simply exploits each other naked. In this circle, Gu Fei can only follow their rules. He can't be sold for money, can he? Before handing over his cards, Gu Fei Naturally also needs to get some information from them to see if it is valuable.

And player number four sighed: "If the information we have is useful enough, we've already done our job. Do we still have to squat here and talk? Perhaps the intelligence you know is the last piece of puzzle we have to complete our mission. ”

“Well! Let me take a look at the other puzzles!” Gu Fei said.

“Well, I'll tell you more.” Four squatted on the floor, picked up a branch and painted it on the ground. At a glance, Gu Fei saw that this guy painted a sketch of the municipal compound, and now he is piling dirt in the circle, rocking, drawing arrows, depicting the activities of the system NPC in the municipal compound in great detail. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)