Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 471 Two Mistakes

Gu Flying forward, picked up this broken piece of paper and swept it up. It was definitely a costume map. This is something that life skills often need to learn to make equipment by mapping. This is essentially different from the rain cape that No. 2 makes from his own craft: what he makes is only a pupil; and what he makes after learning the atlas will have the meaning of the game, that is, the attributes of the equipment.

After sending this information to the second confirmation, it turns out that this is exactly what he needed for his mission. When he learned that Gu Fei had reached the second hand, he also cheered Big Leap, forgetting the pain of having just died in the first degree, which made Gu Fei feel very comfortable.

With the map in his pocket, Gu Fei was ready to leave the dump. He turned around and walked past the broken window. After an unexpected look outside, he couldn't help but laugh.

Through this broken window, Gu Fei happened to see number seven still in the backyard.

This guy's mission has been accomplished. At this time, he's only trying to save his life. The backyard is also a wind crane. Players looking at flowers in the fog will be running around at this point. Seven lay in the grass and dared not move. Gu Feiju felt funny when he saw his wolf. But at the same time, he could not help but squeeze a cold sweat for him when he was seen walking through the fog from time to time.

In the meantime, a series of burning fireballs suddenly crossed the sky, looking at how powerful they were, the fire balls went toward number seven. In great shock, he also hurried out the window with his sword and sang a "ball of fire”.

Gu Fei's original intention was to use his balls to collide with each other and defuse the other's offense. This living technology is extremely difficult, Gu Fei is not fully sure, plus there was a time delay when he even released the ball fireball, and Gu Feiping rarely needed this skill, and did not know what the delay was, and the result was a deviation. Gu Fei issued a series of ball fireballs rubbing the tail of the series of ball fireballs. The series of ball fireballs continued towards the seventh, and the seventh lay on the ground without any knowledge. Gu Fei could not warn, but could only watch.

The fireworks suddenly burst into the air when those fireballs were about to hit number seven. Gu Fei was delighted to know that this was the limit of his spell skills. The arrows of different archers of spells, after the arrow shoots to reach the range, the physical phenomenon will generally land, and once the spell reaches the range limit, it will disappear. Even the ball of fire will have a burst effect when hitting the target, unable to continue flying when reaching the limit, naturally provokes this effect.

Gu Fei couldn't be happier for No. 7 for long. Although the fireball didn't hit number seven, it totally caught the attention of the flower players in the fog in the backyard, and they rushed in this direction to see it. Poor number seven was pulled out by them. The guy was surrendered with his hands up, seemed to want to explain something, and the player who saw the flowers in the fog gave him no chance at all, one skill at a time, and used him as a tool for exasperation.

This magician, is he the one who killed number five?

Gu Fei thought that he had already rushed out of this garbage hall. Judging from the flight trajectory of the fireball, Gu Fei judged that it was about two floors below the top floor. The guy must have been outside a window, found the trail of backyard number seven, and immediately dropped the killer.

It's not NPC style anymore, is it number three? Gu Fei thought, rushing towards the room on the floor where he judged.

At the time, he had some confusion: if this was really number three, then he had successfully entered the Department of Political Affairs, even if his task was to do so, why did he do it to players who were originally abandoned by him? Why don't you just let them die for themselves?

All confusion, it seems that only this guy can be reasonably explained. Gu Fei rushed to the floor and was seeing a figure coming out of a room.

“Stop!!” Gu Fei yelled and flew over. The figure didn't make any stops, so he turned around and ran.

But if you're a player and a magician, there's no reason to be faster than flying. An agile magician, really unique in the game. In the suburban wilderness, Gu Fei can catch up with him in no time, but at this time in the inner building, absolute speed does not take much advantage. The guy obviously also understood that Gu Fei could not compete with speed, and flew into another room quickly.

“Isn't that the way to die?” Gu Fei thought so. The photo burst in the corner of his eyes had caught a glimpse of a man flying to attack himself directly from below the circular staircase.

Gu Fei hurried to his side and looked back at this man. He was surprised: “No. 4! ”

“Quick reaction!” The fourth hand held the dagger with a smile on its face, but it was disgusting like a tongue-inspiring snake.

“How did you get out?” Gu Fei was strange, and he didn't think it was broken.

“Hey, hey!” Number four smiles and reveals his teeth: “How can I kill you if I don't come out? ”

Gu Fei is really not in the mood at this time and No. 4 is too involved here. Although this person is abominable, the purpose is quite simple, it is to want to kill PK. And that suspect number three, Gu Fei, was somewhat confused about his purpose, and it was more worth studying at this time.

“Quickly!” Gu Feisheng pointed to number four.

“Bold.” The fourth smile, the dagger also lay on his chest, continued his poisonous snake-like expression, staring at the prey as if to stare at the flying.

“Twin flames flash!” Gu Fei didn't want to waste any time at all. He took an arrow step and waved his sword straight to number four. Under the sword light, Gu Fei has done his best. It is also very good for an ordinary person to use this kind of tactic to cope with Gu Fei's burial.

But Gu Fei also ignored a problem. After all, his kung fu, after all, comes from the convergence of reality, and the backhand of any reaction he faces is reserved entirely from the foundation of reality. At this time, he is in the game, but the skills in the game are beyond reality. The reaction of the skills is not necessarily under Gu Fei's hindsight.

At this time, No. 4, faced with a sword fired by Gu Fei, his body suddenly shook, and Gu Fei only left a fragment in front of him. The remnants are infinite, and an arc is drawn, looking straight behind you. Speed is no better than instantaneous movement. How can someone make such a fast move in real life? So this time, Gu Fei's back moves are also completely invalid.

The dagger has hit Gu Fei's heart after flying. The attack after running at such a high speed is that Gu Fei can't even react. After all, manpower is limited.

However, the number four strike was left empty because Gu Fei also possesses skills beyond manpower: instantaneous movement.

“Is it an instantaneous movement?” On the fourth strike, he watched as five meters away he had turned around and looked at Gu Fei.

“Shadow enough? The skills in this game are quite strange.” Gu Fei also said.

“How do you know?” Number four is a shock.

“Your dagger skills, how could I not know?” Gu Fei laughed.

“Appraisal? That's impossible...” Number Four surprises. Everyone knows that the equipment of the other player can be read out by the appraisal technique. At the same time, people now know that the appraisal level and the characters and equipment level also have a hierarchical relationship with each other. The dagger taken by No. 4 is the overrated equipment beyond the current level, and it is impossible to be recognized by the appraisal technique.

“Surprised? Looks like you've got plenty of PKs, but you really haven't done much on the wanted mission? Apple vinegar!” Gu Fei recited each other's names.

“Can you even identify the name?” No. 4 was apple vinegar, and Gu Fei shouted a broken name to surprise him.

“Do some more wanted work, you'll see.” Gu Fei said. Apple vinegar is the goal of his daily mission, but it is still a wanted mission, and the third function of the Wanted Seal is equally valid for him: 100% authentication.

So, although Gu Fei's appraisal technique level is not very good, the apple vinegar dagger is also out-of-stage equipment, or it was appraised by Gu Fei.

Apple vinegar was all over the place, but he didn't have the ability to judge the power of the device. He just read the skills on the apple vinegar dagger.

Shadow, shake the Shadow, instantly flash behind the enemy to inflict a Deadly Assassin's Must Kill.

“It's a tricky skill!” Gu Fei exclaimed. This type of skill is difficult to do with the aid of a system that goes beyond the norm.

“Cool for a minute.” Gu Fei said, "There seems to be no time for crap, so hurry up. ”

“I think so, too.” Apple vinegar laughs, and he doesn't seem worried about such a powerful skill cooling.

“Look at the sword!” Gu Fei waved his sword, and a vicious smile appeared on Apple's vinegar face. Once again, the shadow curved to the side of Gu Fei.

“Ha-ha-ha! Can you identify the skills on this master skill tree?” The laughter of apple vinegar went off after Gu Fei, and the snake-like dagger stabbed out again. He stabbed Gu Fei, but it was like he stabbed the air.

As soon as the apple vinegar flashed, Gu Fei turned around and his hands alternated. The rain cape that slipped from his shoulder had actually been knotted, wrapped in the right hand of the apple vinegar and his dagger.

“It's not a good thing to talk too much, because it's noisy.” Gu Fei's left hand pulled out his ear, and his right hand had reappeared the blade of darkness.

Apple vinegar was still staring at his wrapped right hand, unbelievable.

“Why?” Apple vinegar looks like talking to itself.

“Don't you know?” Gu Fei said, "I bet you never missed a shot, did you? ”

“Because you haven't missed anything, the response was completely inadequate after you missed it, and the slowness made me want to get down and tie a shoelace first. ”

“The first time I missed, the reaction was slow; the second time it was so slow, shh...” Gu Fei shook his head and sighed.

“I don't know what the punishment of this sword will be. Go and see for yourself!” Gu Fei waved his sword down, the flames flashed, and the white light disappeared when the apple vinegar flashed.

“Turns out I have a lot to say too... for no reason, I'm teaching people a lesson, I'm occupationally ill!” Gu Fei exclaimed.

Number three, number three, great number three, number three to go. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)