Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 530: A Group of Dragon Covers

Mr. Han got up and said "goodbye”, no doubt it was all a signal. His voice had just fallen, the battle was almost unharmed, his butt sticking bench had been swept out, and whether or not it was the enemy that hit him, in short, with his fierceness, this storm plugged directly into the door, even if a blood path was cleared.

And his fierce work will undoubtedly attract most of the attention of the opponent. In terminology, the enemy's hatred is all over the battle for a time, and Han's son raises his hand to a reply technique, and goes on. Sword ghost and Yu brother left and right. After the royal angel broke, he backfired an arrow, but rushed to Ye Xiao Five.

Ye Xiaowu is only a junior priest, but the reaction is not slow. Plus, no one familiar with the game can get to his right. It seems that this arrow was expected a long time ago. When the Mighty God squealed his hand to loose the bow string, he saw that this guy was almost under the table.

This is surprising, such a stinking god, when it comes to battle, is the posture so ugly?

“Trash!” After leaving a very despicable sentence, the royal gods have rushed out of the tavern with four other people, and the whole process is less than five seconds away, smoothly coming to their imagination.

“My fight was too fierce.” The battle was unharmed, “thanks to me. ”

“The cooperation was so tacit, there was no mistake.” Brother Yu is also admiring the fact that, as a group whose personal strengths are totally unremarkable, he is in a group where all individuals are prominent, he likes to emphasize the team's credit.

“There's no ambush outside.” The Sword Ghost is relieved. He just dropped a grade. How is it possible to say it doesn't hurt at all? It's just a matter of priority, that's not the time for heartache. This is going to escape the siege, to escape the ranks again, this time succeeded, but just once, the joy of the eight scriptures.

Of course, you can't leave the pub even if it's over. The crowd continues to run, and it's a complex and variable alley. Naturally, it's because you have to take care of some slow comrades. It's really hard to get away without hiding like this.

“Garbage, garbage!! Ha-ha-ha!” The royal gods rang on this side and then came up, scolding and laughing in his mouth, like a psychopath. It would have left the pub, conservatively estimated, five hundred meters away, and the alley had been changed three times, and he had been in that state.

“What's the matter?” Everyone can't bear to ask.

“The garbage scared me under the table with an arrow.” The gods roar with pride.

“Really?” Mr. Han suddenly stopped.

“Let's go!” As Yu caught him looking nervously, his own speed was not fast, combined with cautious psychology, and he did not run out five thousand meters to Yu's heart.

“Don't panic.” Master Han waved, “is there anyone after him? ”

“I don't see it!” Everyone shook their heads and ran away. As soon as they left the tavern, they circled the alley. Sometimes they didn't see anyone coming back. They all felt like they were getting away with it quite successfully.

“There's weird.” Master Han said, swinging his hand: “Go back and check it out. ”

So the imperial god turned his head and turned back: "No one! ”

“Shit!” Everybody put your fingers up.

“You want me to die!” The angels cried and mourned their faces. Though they are usually called masters, a dozen of them are the kind of masters Gu Fei did, as well as masters, but Gu Fei is an alien class, belongs to the Saiyan breed, Michigan thinks he is an Earthling, doesn't want to be compared to the Saiyan.

“It's a little too smooth, isn't it?” Mr Han said.

“Thanks to me! Wonderful!” Pick your thumb at yourself unharmed.

“It fits perfectly.” Brother Yu was also amazed.

“There was no ambush outside the door.” The Sword Ghost said.

“I scared the boss.” The gods roar.

At last, the psychological words held by the four people were spoken out, and Han's son despised the four people with one finger.

“Do you think they're draining water?” Yu said.

“Think of that guy exaggerating like a god, doesn't really look like he's gonna get under the table.” Mr Han said.

“What can we do? My ultimate arrow...” The royal angels are blowing again, but it also makes sense. At that distance, without looking at the Saiyan hands, we can only borrow the terrain advantage of the tavern and drill under the table. Ye Xiao Five's behavior, though very unpretentious, is reasonable and effective.

“Find a heavyweight warrior and put a shield in front of him. Shoot him!” Mr Han said.

“My sudden arrow...”

“All of a sudden, level 36 priests have all the kung fu to hide from the table, and all of a sudden.” Han's son interrupted directly.

“The guy had long anticipated the royal angel sounding this arrow, but he didn't do anything to prevent it, and finally made such a lousy evasion. Is that what you're saying?” Brother Yu summarized.

Prince Han nodded.

“What does this mean? ”

“Describes the guys next to him who thought they were his men, just pretending.” Han said.

“What do you mean?” The royal gods are deafening.

“Brother, I'll buy this wine. Take the red envelope. Do me a favor. I'll hear you later. Stand up and look at the table.” Han's son patted Mighty Heavenly Sound.

The other four people face each other, please give the red bag only Han family member to give an example of a concept, meaning that everyone understands, that the pastor just randomly found someone Xiao Long set them up, let them mistakenly think that they were in the surroundings, in fact they are a group of background plates, other than standing up, staring, there will be no other action.

“No wonder the siege went so smoothly...” The Sword Ghost thought carefully, and in the course of their siege, they really didn't find any stopping players who stood up.

“If it's really carefully arranged to stop us, we can escape without getting hurt at all.” War is unharmed, after all, there is mastery, consciousness.

“Moreover, it seems that there is really no pursuit of soldiers...” Yu said, "Everyone has been standing here for half a day, there is no ghost shadow behind it, so easy to get rid of, is not enough.

“Good boy, even I got played.” Han's son laughed.

“Why would he do that?” Others wonder.

“If you weren't in this situation, would you sit there and listen to him?” Mr Han said.

Everyone is awake. Indeed, if you are not in such a situation, then the hateful person who will endure the conversation with him one by one, look at the enemies of the newly annihilated swordsmith, go straight up and finish the fight, if you have to talk later.

The same answer, Ye Xiao Five in the tavern said it again to the broken arrow.

“All right, let's go! Those guys are experienced veterans too, and I'm afraid they'll soon notice something's wrong.” Ye Xiaowu said to the broken arrow.

“Mm-hmm." The broken arrow nodded in response, and shortly after several members of the Son Elite left the tavern, they had also left in a hurry.

“One of these people actually has this attitude, and this drunken friend is quite handy.” Ye Xiaowu sighed.

“He's a good guy, and although he's passionate about PK, he's mostly through wanted missions.” Cut the arrow, "he said.

“I know.” Ye Xiao Five nodded, “But it doesn't make sense. After all, it doesn't make sense. Since I can't get rid of it directly, I have to be his opponent to restrict him. ”

“Some of his friends, though not of a rank with him, are also difficult to confront.” Cut the arrow, "he said.

“Well, so we need some help too. What happened to the people you were in charge of contacting?” Ye Xiaowu said.

“It's not hard to get in touch, but these guys aren't very good...” said the broken arrow.

“I know that we only use their power to limit a thousand miles of intoxication, and we have no right to interfere with the question of how they are human beings, so just ignore it!” Ye Xiaowu said.

“But to leverage their power, perhaps in the process they will also reap some unbalanced benefits for these people, which I feel is far worse than those just now.” Cut the arrow, "he said.

“Oh, don't worry! That's where I get my share.” Ye Xiaowu smiled.

“So just now, those people, what did you tell them about the cave on Cui Cui Island, the cold lake?” Cut the arrow and ask.

“That? As you can hear, it's a hive of BOSS. It's just that Cold Lake is in the middle of the Thousand Years of Forest. Thousand Years of Forest is a high-end practice area. A circle of high-end monsters on the shore of Cold Lake is even more dense. It can be said that it's not manpower at all. To get to Cuizhou, the necessary scenario drama tasks must be completed. After the world scene pushes forward, the monster distribution situation around will change, and players will have a chance to step on Cuizhou.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“In other words, although players now know the coordinates of this place well in advance, they can't get there anyway?” Cut the arrow, "he said.

“Exactly. The impetus of the world scene should be gradual. At the 30th level of a thousand miles drunk, the world has begun to move forward, pulling the whole body together, which has led to changes in the content of some of the tasks in Moon and Night City, the difficulty of the tasks has risen dramatically, many, if not the current players are simply unable to complete. The club task chain in Cloud City also had unexpected difficulty in the Moon and Night City, and if it wasn't for the unexpected involvement of a thousand miles drunk, it would most likely end up there.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“So... isn't there something imperfect about the game setup?” Cut the arrow, "he said.

Ye Xiao nodded: “Yes, I didn't expect such a strong player beforehand, even with such a strong player, I didn't expect such a coincidence to touch the breakthrough level task chain that changed the game world scene and pattern so long in advance, not to mention that he could accomplish it with up to 90% completion... His imbalance, not only strength, unfortunately, was on his side of the key luck. ”

“I... sort of get it.” Break the water arrow and nod.

“I used to think that maybe he would be naturally restricted as the player's level of strength improved. But it didn't occur to me that he seemed to be the stronger and stronger player in the upgrade… so something had to be done.” Ye Xiaowu said.

The broken arrow still nodded.

“We are currently unable to compete directly with their team. Find an opportunity to strike first!” Ye Xiaowu said.

“Well, that thing has been handed over to Apple Vinegar.” Answer the shut-off arrow.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~)