Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 554 Counter-Sneak Attacks

Everyone remembers and turns their eyes to the Sword Ghost. Sword ghost shook his head and said: “I don't know...”

“Of course you don't. We've just been skilled in front of each other. Who knows?” Han said.

“That's just your guess, isn't it? Are you so sure?” The angels roared.

“Then you go out and sneak out, and the one who wants to be marked is you.” Han said.

“Cut, I don't like shopping.” The angels roared.

“Well, it's not a secret.” Master Han nodded.

The depressed angel roared two voices, and Yu stopped him. After recalling all the details, Yu was also aware of the existence of the problem. He was ashamed to say that he lived with the King of Intelligence. He had a hand in gathering information, but analyzing the information was far less than Han's son. In this case, and based on the deductions made by the game setup, Yu felt that he should have this fire in order to be duly called the King of Intelligence.

“Who do you think he'll mark?” Yu said.

Mr. Han measured the four people on the table in one lap, slowly: “Without a doubt, it is either imperial or unharmed. ”

“Why?” The royal gods thought Han's son must have been maliciously intimidating him.

“To an important extent, the book is of course the undisputed core...” Shh made Han's son have to pause, quietly wait for a few people to finish the shh, then take it safely: “However, the core position of the book can be deprived even if it is zero. So he should know that there's no point in doing it to this guy. ”

He was greeted by a new shriek.

“Likewise, Yu is less likely to be targeted by them. Yu's intelligence value has nothing to do with rank, and Yu's operational value. Well, if it's worth fighting for, no one will choose Yuko, right? ”

Young-goo's tears were all over his face, but there was no denying it.

“Coupled with the fact that this is not a short-lived contact battle, but a protracted and lasting one, the reduction of our combatants is more likely to weaken our fighting power.” Mr Han said.

“There are also swordsmen!” The royal gods are not satisfied.

“Swordsmen were sneaking out the door, thank you. ”

“They don't have anti-submersible equipment or skills!” The gods roar.

“Sword Ghost Lv40, that idiot Lv36, Lv4 gap, what do you think his chances of spotting Sword Ghost are?” Son Han asked a question,

“That's the odds, too!” The gods roar and plead.

“Chance you hammer.” Son Han typically doesn't shy away from arguing with the royal gods.

“So who is the king and the unharmed?” Yu came out again to interrupt.

“I think it's intact.” Han's son looked at the battle unharmed.

The silent battle that kept biting my teeth was unharmed and I finally couldn't help but say, “Why? ”

Mr. Han raised a finger: “First, no one will choose a child as annoying as Mighty Heaven, for whatever reason, for whatever reason, whenever they need to choose, right? ”

“Agreed." The war nodded seriously.

“Agree with you hammer!!!” The angels roar.

“Second.” Han raised his second finger: “Guess what...”

Nobody likes to insult themselves. Everyone keeps their lips shut and Yuko says, "What's the second thing? ”

“Can't you see it's so obvious? No one chooses a nasty child, of course they have to choose unharmed. ”

“…” Everyone wanted to crash the wall depressingly.

“Is there a third?” Brother Yu and his perseverance were played by Han's son.

“Okay, third, face the viability of a sneak attack. It is easier for archers to get away with agility without being seconds killed in the first round. And the warrior, while not necessarily falling under a single attack, was a counter-attack in the face of a sneak attack, and was strong enough to retreat from a sneak attack on the enemy. Currently known opponents are enough to take down unharmed as long as they work together, so you can ignore unharmed counterattacks at all. Sneaking up unharmed attacks can be said to be a steady choice. ”

“That's a strong reason… it's not that easy for an archer to get away.” Yu said.

“But don't forget, it's a wooded city. It's easier to get out of the woods than to find someone, right?” Mr Han said.

“Uh, yes...”

“So, as long as he's sensible, no harm should be his first choice.” Master Han stalled.

“So let's lay it out a little bit, let's bait them out unharmed, and when they're hooked, we'll knock them out.” Yu said.

“Brother Yu, you are tough enough!” War is not depressing.

“If you hang up on this trip, double your points.” Son Han announced.

“Mmm!” The scoring swordsman agreed.

“Is that all my life is worth...” The first warrior on the street, in the parallel world, is also the second of the top ten warriors, and in the Son Elite is a discard that can be sacrificed at any time. The unbroken hearts are broken.

“That's good. You can't even win an opportunity like this.” Han said.

Yu turned his head and pretended not to hear it.

“Let's go!” Master Han stood up and waved.

“I said, won't you wait a thousand miles to go live at night?” There was no rush of war, Gu Fei was naturally a super potent.

“Nights are long and dreamy. By then, he may lose patience, or he may have limited skill duration.” Mr Han said.

“Isn't that nice?” The battle is unharmed.

“You have to figure out, they're not designing us anymore, they're setting up traps for them to hook up. Be excited, be spiritual, don't be so half-dead!” Mr Han said.

“Of course you're spiritual…” The battle went on crying and moaning.

“Don't worry, we're right around you, you won't hang up.” The Sword Ghost said.

“Don't go too far! ”

That sentence went all the way into the woods to the beginning of the arrangement until it was properly arranged, and the battle was unharmed 54 times. Mr. Han and others stand in all positions. “Don't go too far”, on the mercenary channel they received a message from the war unharmed, the 55th time the order was given...

“Is everybody in position?” Mr. Han asked.

“In place!” Everyone answered.

“Well, Comrade Unharmed, let me tell you now, we are a long way from you to prevent our presence from being perceived by each other. So you have to be vigilant, send a message on the channel the first time you get attacked, and we'll get there as soon as we can, and you hold on as long as possible.” Mr Han said.

“Shit, what if it doesn't work?” War is unharmed.

“Then you will win a huge bonus of double points for the elite, the first time in the history of the group.” Mr Han said.

“ …… ”

“Feel free to play weird, as usual.” Mr Han said.

“Oh…” is over. After the battle was unharmed and helplessly answered, the sword was drawn and started to fight.

Time passed, distributed among the four people around the battle unharmed, watching the movement around them, chatting on one side and on the other.

“Will you be quiet?” Seeing these guys occupy mercenary channels that relate to their hierarchical experience with no responsibility, the battle was unharmed and said with dissatisfaction. He's scared of being blocked by a brush when he sends his own distress signal for a while. How unjust should he be?

10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour, an hour, two hours, day in the game, night, day again...

No one has spoken on the channel for a long time, except for the sound of the unharmed killing of monsters. Ultimately, the silence was broken by Gu Fei's voice on the channel: “Here I am! What's going on today? ”

“Shit, it's all online!!” The royal gods finally couldn't help it. This suggests that they have waited for an afternoon without seeing each other's tracks. Unprecluded from being despised, no one spoke out to question Han's presumption, but it was intolerable to see this time.

“What exactly is the other party planning? Not ready to do it?” Yu said.

“Is the man wrong?” The royal angels speak plainly, and the nascent calf is not afraid of tigers saying this is the kind of teenager.

Han's son didn't respond at all on the channel.

“Sword Ghost, son?” Brother Yu shouted.

“Yes!” Sword Ghost replied quickly, but Han's son still had no news.

“What's the matter?” Everyone gets nervous.

“Son?” Yu Brother shouted on the channel and chatted privately, still no response.

“Where is he?” Everybody's bored.

“What's going on?” Gu Fei, who just went online, didn't know the end of the matter. It seemed like a bunch of people on the channel couldn't find Han's presence.

“What the hell!!” Several people continued the message call and ran towards the coordinates where Han's son was located. For cooperation, everyone else knows where they are beforehand.

As a result, Han's son leaned on a big tree with a thick grass pad, a bottle of wine in his arms, full of alcohol, and slept soundly.

“Sun!” the imperial god raised his foot and wanted to step on Han's head. Nobody stopped him. Everyone was hoping that the imperial god would step on this foot. At the end of the day, however, Ming Tian Ming took his feet off rationally and kicked Han's son twice to wake him up.

“Oh, they're all here!” Master Han opened his eyes.

Popular knots, I don't know what to say for a moment.

“They didn't show up, did they?” Han said.

Everyone is still black.

“So they're less judgmental than I thought, and I overestimate them. It is a little difficult for me to change my mind by transcending the wisdom of mortals. Next time it is up to you mortals to make this type of inference.” Mr Han said.

“The other guy didn't mark anything, did he?” The gods roar.

“No, it's that they're not positioned intact as I expected. They should have been here before, but seeing the four of us standing, knowing we were ready, slipped away. It is sad that I am too smart to lead to errors of judgment!” Despite what Han said, the expression on his face was clearly intoxicating and devoid of sorrow.

The last four days of the month, the monthly ticket flush ~ ~ (to be continued, please visit for more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)