Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 589: Everybody Spit Blood Together

What should we do?

I couldn't answer the question, so I kicked them back ruthlessly. That means, of course, that you have a good attitude, and maybe I'll consider letting you go.

But why does Gu Fei always bother them now that everyone knows about it, is that the legendary road is full of shouts. However, Gu Fei Zhongqi unexpectedly enough, he yelled at them for so long, but he yelled at them as soon as he met them, which made Jiannan Yu very unbearable. As he is saying now, it is clear that Gu Fei's roar will continue to be heard unless Jinnan Yu stops doing this.

“In that case, there's nothing left to talk about.” The glue was helpless and they were eager to talk to Gu Fei, but Gu Fei's demands were too high, which was obviously to make them abandon their cause.

“Really obsessive.” Gu Fei said, he was sure these guys wouldn't give up easily, who made it just a game? If it's real, don't give up? Discounted legs! Look how stubborn they are. Gu Fei thought cruelly.

The negotiations were thus broken down. Gu Fei was not in a hurry and was quite interested in measuring what the three of them were going to do next. The three men buried their heads and muttered a little. After glancing at Gu Fei, they said: “I can't piss you off, let's hide. ”

The three of them did not get up and landed neatly off the line.

“Oh...” Gu Fei laughed and chose to go offline.

Half an hour later, three clusters of white light flashed through the archer's range, reverting to the game with glue, pyrotechnics, and woodstone. The first time you go online is to sweep around and disappear without seeing Gu Fei.

“You just got off and left as soon as you got drunk.” Jiannan Yu sent a message to glue.

The glue grew out of breath and smiled at the other two and said, “It's gone. ”

The flame jacket also immediately relaxed and scolded: “That son of a bitch. ”

“Silver moon is still here.” Glue looked at the friends bar and said, "Let's go on! ”

Fire coat pulled out poker, Gu Fei burned four cards before. At this time, you need to check which four cards are missing. Fire coat counts cards while mumbling: “Speaking of which, isn't that silver moon and Thousand Miles drunk? In fact, we're going to tell him that we're going to ambush Silver Moon, and this time he won't necessarily cause us any trouble. ”

When the fire coat was finished, he heard no response from his companion. When he looked up, he saw two people with a petrified look, staring at the back of the fire coat.

“You... no... he...” The flame coat slowly turned around and immediately saw Gu Fei's disgusting smile, less than half a meter away from him.

“Less cards are 4, 8, 9, Q.” Gu Fei told him.

“Shit, you're here again!” The firecoat shouted sadly.

“Downline had a late night, took a shower, and went back to the game. I can't believe you guys are here again.” Gu Fei said.

The three of them were depressed to death.

“So you want to ambush Silver Moon?” Gu Fei didn't know about the flame coat when it went online, and Gu Fei listened to all the mumbling.

“I don't get it. Although the Silver Moon guy does deserve to die, isn't he hiring you to blow up the ideal cane now?” Gu Fei asked.

The three tears filled their faces. Why would they go backwards and attack Silver Moon? Isn't it because Gu Fei kept messing with them here, making them angry? But now Gu Fei is asking them this question, how do they answer it? Tell Gu Fei that they need to use Silver Moon as a gas pump because he was too hard on them? Obviously they couldn't have told Gu Fei that. It's like Gu Fei was afraid of Gu Fei privately, but in front of Gu Fei, he still had to make a fierce appearance.

Gu Fei looked at the three people hoping that they could give an answer, but the three people bit the teeth, and would not tell Gu Fei why.

“Now with the Silver Moon, there should be a breaking arrow for them. Aren't you going to fight the Silver Moon? Didn't they help you the other day? Why is your relationship so messy?” Gu Fei was really a little confused. When he was about to kill Kennan, the sudden appearance of the broken arrow covered Kennan Yu's departure. Gu Fei had always regarded Silver Moon, broken arrow and Kennan Yu as a group, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. It's messy. It's messy.

“He'll be with Silver Moon? Not to say...” After saying these words, the firecoat suddenly shut its mouth.

“Not what?” Gu Fei asked.

Ignoring Gu Fei, glue quickly contacted another team to continue the communication, and their plan to ambush Silver Moon undoubtedly made a major error. Initially, the glue program met about Silver Moon on the grounds of abandoning the mission. Because the Silver Moon was also secretly hooked up, it was expected that he would come alone. It was only later that Yushang Jiannan insisted, everyone couldn't bear to do so, which temporarily changed into this simple strait-and-service rabbit. As a result, this blend disrupted the two plans. In the present situation, whether Silver Moon will come alone is not guaranteed at all. If the four of them came together, the three of them were clearly incapable of ambushing.

“In that case, we can only find out where Silver Moon is offline and wait for him to go online before ambushing.” Glue said.

“That's it.” Rice herding in the other three groups replied.

“Just leave a man on that side.” Glue said.

“Well, you can tell the woods to guard you and the coat to go to the training level! ”

“We can't get out…” glue helpless.


“Thousands of miles are drunk! ”

“Didn't he go down? ”

“Now it's up again. ”

“Fuck you, you bitch!” Rice herds are depressed by the glue.

“Come on, you can leave us alone. You can arrange your side!” Glue said.

“What the hell is wrong with you people?” Gu Fei asked.

The three of them still didn't answer. Gu Fei looked a little out of touch with his head at this time. The three of them thought it was really refreshing to see.

“No?” Gu Fei reconfirmed.

The three laughed proudly, but did not say anything.

“Well, anyway, cleaning up Silver Moon is a very meaningful thing, so I won't bother you.” When Gu Fei finished this sentence, he turned around and left the security zone. The three men were surprised and almost followed his ass to the door. The three men were afraid to take a half-step, so they watched Gu Fly wave at them and disappeared into the street.

“What pills does this guy sell in his gourd?” The three of them looked at each other and told the other brothers about it, all of them lost their minds.

“What pills do these guys sell in their gourds?” At this time, Gu Fei was actually confused. He had no idea what the relationship was between the three groups: Red Dust, Silver Moon and Jiannan Yu.

“Where?” Gu Fei suddenly smiled at the red dust.

Ye Xiao Five internal injuries. For Gu Fei to go straight to him like this, he really couldn't adapt. Can't this guy realize that both sides are enemies now? Can we not talk like this?

He himself has a qualities as an enemy, ignoring Gu Fei's news at all.

Gu Fei was reluctant to take care of Gu Fei anywhere. Gu Fei found these people really boring.

“Warrior, why are you still here?” Gu Fei's previous downline belonged to his usual performance, but after more than half an hour, he touched it again. This has never happened. Several old acquaintances of the son's elite group were intolerably curious, and Brother Yu's intelligence was already interviewed in a hurry.

“On vacation.” Gu Fei was brief.

“Oh!” everyone understood.

“What now?” Everyone wonders what happens when this guy has a lot of time, and if he also practises all night long, I'm afraid the name of the Five Little Strong will really show up for a hard update. So far, the position has been extremely solid since the names of the five smaller players appeared in the game circle, and all of the replacements have occurred since someone dropped the rank, and there has not been a situation where one of the five players has been squeezed out through experience.

As a result, Gu Fei's answer naturally caused five people to defame themselves. With arrogant hands and perverted equipment, why can't we do something more meaningful? What's with all the bandits? These masters are naturally the kind of elite player thinking that Kennan Yu knows very well: Lu can't see a single roar, twice at a time, okay, professional roar, heaven and earth roar, they will never, everyone is here to play games, not Kennan Yu.

But Gu Fei didn't know whether to play games or people. How many gaming assignments has he done in so long? Skills of every profession. Can he say it all now? The formula for all kinds of damage defenses in the game. Does he understand that? We really despise him. Does he know that?

The elite representatives of the internet tour argued violently on the channel that none of this could be seen by Gu Fei on the other side.

“Cough!” Gu Fei coughed, proving his existence.

“Warrior, Ken Nam Yu, they're almost torn apart by you. What do you want?” Even Young-goo started thinking about this for Gu Fei.

“Did they report this behavior?” Gu Fei also expects a formal solution, and he doesn't want to spend all day with these guys. Seven people are less than half of the time at level 40. Seeing how fierce they are, their hands and legs are really soft. And their PK is not fun. Gu Fei is now simply paying for his morality.

“There's a fart in charge.” Yu Brother mentioned this, there is fire, "even people from inside the company came in to play, reported and went to find out, so far there is no answer! ”

“You mean red dust?” Gu Fei asked.


“This guy said he had nothing to do with me, and he didn't return a message.” Gu Fei also condemned it.

Five people are speechless, and your heart says you're not cheap!

“This guy is hopeless!” Yu felt sorry for the other four people around him. Due to their relocation, combined with the frequent calculations of Ye Xiao Five's group in the previous period, the five members of the Son Elite League gathered at this time to practice grades. In fact, the previous discussions could be resolved orally. In the channel, they said that was to be shown to Gu Fei. As traditional players, they can't really watch Gu Fei play so trendy and so unmainstream.

“His skill, his gear, even if he's a few levels short of the average player, doesn't really matter.” Mr Han said.

“Then why are we talking so much crap?” Brother Yu is lost.

“You fool! How efficient would we be if he could come with us? Look at that piece of shit. Shit, I'm lost again!” Master Han pointed to the royal gods. He had just gone after a strange place and ran away. Northeast and west could not distinguish, contrary to the team.

You-go wiped the sweat. Emotion This guy just wanted to seduce Gu Fei as a hard worker. He shouldn't have thought of him so purely. Not to mention that if there really is Gu Fei sitting here... Yu is also excited when he fantasizes about it, and for a moment he feels that his brother is really not looking enough. People are more annoying than people.

Gu Fei didn't really want to leave after he left the archer range. He still had to keep it, but he had to squat face-to-face in front of them with glue. This kind of observance was inevitably too silly to keep it in the dark to see what was going on. After the resurrection point, Gu Fei bought some food and snacks from the chef player on the nearest trading street, and ran to the tavern for a drink. After walking around the archer shooting range, he chose a nice place to settle down and eat and drink. He looked at the book and looked at the movement over there from time to time, and Gu Fei didn't hurt himself.

About 2: 00 in the morning, nothing happened, but suddenly an unexpected message was received.

“Teacher, it's still here! ”

Gu Fei was frightened and hurried to look at his name. He was actually his student. These guys are so eager to wait for the cold vacation. Naturally, Gu Fei is still wilder than Gu Fei. Gu Fei pulled out his friend column and entered the student group, 24 people, at this time 20 are lit.

Khan! Gu Fei rubbed a handful and didn't get back to him. The message came back: “Teacher, open up a friend. ”

Gu Fei replied, "Hmm” while opening up a friend, instantly collecting six system messages. Six people added Gu Fei as a friend. Then he greeted the scum, saying who he was, who he was.

Gu Fei is just a sports teacher. Students know each other very poorly. The names don't seem familiar for half their lives. Plus the six, throw them into the student group, by the way, look at the information of the six new people, some of them even below level 10, must have just thrown themselves in to accommodate the cold vacation.

The exams are, of course, before the cold holidays, and in preparation for the exams these students haven't played in a while. After saving for a long time, he was very enthusiastic. More than 20 people talked to Gu Fei privately. Gu Fei was on the verge of collapse.

“Where is the teacher? I haven't seen you in a while! ”

“Teacher, we just got into the game, come teach us! ”

“Teacher, I hear you're a superstar. Let's do it! ”

“Teacher, I saw your Dark Night Light Sword in the forum, good cow! ”



“Teacher heard you were in White Rock City? We're ready to come too.” Finally, Gu Fei saw such a message. At first glance, it was the bastard who betrayed himself.

“How do you know that?” With so much news, Gu Fei had to pick a few responses.

“I saw it on the forum! How did you sell such good equipment?” Fa gossips...

dizzy, slept for a while after dinner, overslept, wanted to write 5,000, too late, depressed!! Spit blood!! (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)