Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 637: Big Win

Grass is an ancient name, but we all know what it means. At this time, Mr. Han's use of the pastor as a logistical supply of grass also makes some sense.

This is what they understood when the battle was unharmed. It seems that this is the main reason Han's son arranged to be ambushed at the Pastoral College. The aim is to block each other's priests in the resurrection point and sever their ties. If the three priests hadn't been sent to the resurrection point in advance by Gu Fei, then Han would have tried to destroy the three first.

The other party's output is not advantageous, and the other side has three excellent priests who have stood undefeated.

And swordsmen and blackwater slaughtered Old Wu Xiaochen's sniping gods. They also saw the truth. So far, apart from Gu Fei and Gu Chong's extinction of a few people, the rest of the strength died under this brutal method.

The veterans knew perfectly well what was at stake, but there was nothing they could do. The opponent tries everything to hold you, and if it's reality, you may be able to patiently hide and consume each other's health, but in the game, the only thing that slowly wears off is your HP. So to avoid this, the veterans can't come up with anything but turning around. Even Gu Fei sympathizes with them. Gu Fei is not afraid of this type of attack because he hurts perverts. If Gu Fei is allowed to kill slowly without spells now, he will not have the possibility to kill each other if his opponent has the support of a priest.

With pastoral support...

Absolutely not just one person on the field suddenly thought of this, but Sniper and others have realized the key to today's battle: the ability to kill Han's three priests first will be the winning and losing spot of today's battle.

The sniper suddenly made a dozen gestures and the calm confrontation suddenly broke. The sniper raised his hand and a sniper had been shot at Han's son. Old Lei Da Lei two magicians waved their arms to drop the bomb, drove a mountain axe and other melee professions to the front, which is to prepare a drum to take down Han's son first.

Mr. Han laughed so hard, how did he not know where to win or lose this confrontation? As he retreated and carried out the reply technique, the white light was thrown on him in circles, the sniping of the sniper, the spell of Old Thunder Thunder, and the symbolic attack of the crossbow in the hands of those who rushed over, the Han family actually all followed. Straw husbandry and Mori Mori are really admiring this guy! The pastor's spell and the master's spell are the same, and singing the release on the move is ineffective. But Han's son's rhythm mastery was so precise, he sang the spell out in the still gap where he paused every step back, so it looked like he was moving back to himself. Coupled with the golden split addition of his intellectual spirit, the spell was carried out very quickly, and none of the opponent's attacks interrupted his reply.

Looking unharmed, he couldn't help but say: "Still beating the hair, will you hold on? ”

Sniper and others saw Han's son pretending to be tough like this, and he was delighted. Their game level is cooking again, and they always know that this kind of hard power must be consuming a lot, and when it's done, there's only one way to die. Step back, even if he's not dead, this priest will need a little time to replenish his powers, which in this time will be equivalent to cutting off one third of each other's grass!

The Mountain Axe and others are also thinking about this, but they are unwilling to rush up just to exhaust Han's powers, and their aim is to completely kill Han's son on the spot. Seeing the other warrior fighter and other professions have also rushed to rescue the driver, driving a mountain axe and others yelling more courageously!

“Wait, retreat!!!” The cutting-edge mountain axe was fascinated by a few authorities, but was clearly visible at a time when the whole spectrum of snipers was behind it. At this time, the other people seemed to wake up suddenly as if they were dreaming. The reaction was first and foremost, and the sniper began to despise these guys. This attack was not orderly compared to their professional soldiers, but as the other side rushed out a few steps, the sniper found him wrong, and he was wrong! Either there is no order on the other side, or this chaos is their order. Depending on each person's attributes, they have their own start-up times, chaotic at first sight, but at the end of the day, these guys will be in place at exactly the same time, surrounded by groups such as the Mountain Axe that rush up.

In the trap of the mountain axe and others, they also saw each other rush up in a mess. They just thought they could catch up with Han's son in a few steps, and they couldn't let go of this great opportunity. Hearing the sniper scream, this subconsciously concentrated his attention around him, and the other guy has approached them a lot, a few people, which also feels bad. Master Han continued to step back and smile: “Sorry, it's already late! ”

Unlike the warriors, who had fighters, who leaned forward and might have been disrupted by their opponents. At this time, the other warrior has time and space to carry out the same skill collision, whether it is a cyclone or an assault. The collision will then be judged by the system, and it will definitely be cheaper to equip the two highly-attacked masters.

Mountain axe. They had broken arrows reminding them that they thought they were going to rush up and squeeze them. These guys are experts in the field, knowing that they're different from archers who break arrows, professionally specific skills, and that there's a way to break through this siege, so they're ready. But I didn't expect the results, but instead, I made a situation of hesitation and hesitation.

Heavenly fire wheel!

It was at this moment that the sky flashed red and the flaming fire wheels fell, and the mountain axe and others tried to hide, so that they finally discovered the purpose of the opponent. Their seemingly uncircumcised circle, though it can't do them any harm, was able to block their movement just now. They want to punch the mountain axe, the conventional method is useless, because your ordinary attack is ignored, people wave a punch, they hold you directly in the face and hug you after both hands. The two warriors next to the Axe think about the wolf that died in the morning, and it's a bit chilly at this time. The two men consciously chose not to be unharmed in battle and Jiannan Yu were in the same occupation. The two men fought together, but stood against the fire suit carrying out the spell.

The magician, powerless, will not be held by him even close to him, and can stop him from continuing to attack. The two warriors thought that their decision was very wise.

At first glance, the two fighters pointed at themselves and looked at Han's son.

He really hit me!!

The burning clothes surprised me. The staff swung, and suddenly a beacon of fire had been pulled out in front of him. The two warriors were rushing forward and bursting behind a firewall. At this time, the only way to stop is to “cancel the skill". This is the game operation of Zheng Jing Jing. How many players in the game are not playing well, let alone the two new uncle players in the game shortly? The two of them were too busy to even think about it. As a result, they crossed the firewall together, and the assault topped the pyrotechnic suit.

Fire coats flew, but were also bathed in white light.

The two fighters were on fire, but nobody took care of them.

The firecoat was well equipped, and the two fighters' assault was not enough to kill him in seconds. And the two fighters were generally equipped, wearing firecoats, and the firewalls were burned very painfully. More importantly, none of them have responded, and it is pitiful that the battle should continue after dragging this cruelty.

That is, while the two warriors suddenly hit the pyrotechnics, the unharmed ones suddenly shrunk the siege in great strides. Passionaire falls wherever it rises, and a horse shooting star rushes straight towards the axe. If it was just an ordinary character, the axe could be knocked out in three or two moves, but the Passion is not that easy to deal with. This came up as an invitation to battle, and the two of them immediately fought hard together. Although Gu Chong left him with a deep shadow, his psychological qualities from a professional soldier were too rigid, and even if he knew he was not his opponent, he would not be afraid. It's just that the previous momentum of extreme self-confidence was finally gone, and he was quite careful.

Another fighter became the focus of their siege unharmed. As they had expected, the fighter's skill also worked wonders to break the siege, and a bunch of people went up and he immediately threw one away. But I'm very embarrassed that there are six people here: Battle-Free, Sword Nanyou, Yugo, Invincible Lucky Star, Rice Shepherd, and Woodson! Surrounded by a man who could totally stay in his place, one was thrown away, and the other made up, the miserable comrade fighter could not escape. If you want to jump out of the circle with Feiyan, this just jumped together, the circles of the masters change, and it turns out like jumping from this plaid to another plaid, then one fist and one foot, so not depressing.

Fighters are not a life-heavy profession either, throwing away a few people and jumping a few laps, tragically becoming the first guy to hang up.

In addition to the two fighters, they rushed over together to grab Han's son and a thief and two knights. They won't be idle. The rivals they face are the most dreadful Gu Fei.

The three of them didn't lose too much to the Mountain Axe. They were all fighting with daggers and Gu Fei at this time. Though knights can use swords, they haven't practiced swordsmanship. They really don't know how to use swords, so they might as well use their own better daggers.

Fighting is happening all over the street, but it looks better here. Together, the three of them benefited and went in and out of order. If it was Gu Fei alone, he could kill quickly, but facing the three at once, he couldn't quickly resolve the battle.

Mr. Han's side looked a little angry. He couldn't help but yell: "What are you hiding from? If you get knifed, I will reply to you. ”

Gu Fei and the three veterans were very pleased that the battle was more regular. He stabbed himself out, constantly attacking somewhere, the other side would avoid, seek a gap to fight back. You want two rough fighters over there, this knife goes out and stabs them white. They don't care if you stab them in the heart or the liver. You say it's offensive?

This will remind Mr. Han loudly, but he wants Gu Fei to learn some scoundrels as well. As he could see, Gu Fei sometimes had to avoid some of the other's attacks, and his disfigurement changed the direction of his sword, which he could have cut off. Just do what he says and stab him! One by one, he did not stab, Gu Fei sword affixed to the person, singing, the world is quiet.

As a result, Gu Fei ignored him and continued to fight with people with an eye.

Mr. Han rolled his eyes and yelled "idiot!" Piece of shit! ”The others are sweaty. If it's all crap, what are they? Microbes?

There were several concurrent outbreaks, which were already happening in the blink of an eye. The two warriors who crossed the Peak Fire Town dragged their bodies and wanted to chase the suit. Fire coats ignore the qualities of flying. They have priests on their side. Fire wheels, fire trees and flames go straight to their heads and feet. The veterans were wary of losing their swords in close combat, forgetting that magicians can also use this shameful tactic. As a result, they hung up again in the attack of the burning suit, which destroyed them. The two were also very tragic and hung up three times during the day. It's a pretty amazing achievement to put in a regular player.

The battle was unharmed and the six of them killed a fighter, and it was amazing. At this time, they did not need their help to see the Hundred Centuries Sutrals Paddling the Mountain Axe. Although Gu Fei's side is one of three enemies, the wind has not fallen. This man has just been scolded by Han's son as an "idiot waste” and is likely to be emotionally unstable. If he flashes in his spinning circle when he goes up to help, everyone accidentally gets rubbed up, that's a big deal, you can't go up there.

So the last six of them went towards the Goddess of Aim.

Sniper is depressed at the moment!

He set the strategy for him and Old Thunder to pull the firepower, and the other seven went up to capture Han's son. I didn't know it was the other party's trap.

The other party knows better than him what the winner of this battle is, so Soho used Han's son as bait, and drove a mountain axe. Their impact was handled by the other party in a highly targeted manner, obviously planned beforehand. Look at the firecoat. One man killed two fighters, and the six of them killed a fighter without injury. That was the result of their tactical response to the attack.

The sniper gods had ten people, three of them had been hung up by now. The three people Gu Fei was dealing with would have died long ago if he hadn't refused to fight with the player scoundrel. This means that Gu Fei watched the situation under control. He had no threat at all. If the crisis really cared, he would not be so obsessed to refuse to play rogue. Now that the big picture is set, it's kind of an advertising time, so it's no big deal to arrange it yourself.

Ye Xiao Five or three people in the resurrection point could not have seen the battle outside behind the great rear. But the lookouts also knew how heavy it was, knowing that the three were related to the war outside, so they let the three of them go out. But outside the Reverend's College, glue is pulling the bow and waiting for the three of them! Swordsmen and Blackwater are not missing from the battlefield, and undoubtedly sneak in front of the college again.

The fact that the three of them went out was nothing but a repetition of the previous results. All three have judged the sniper gods that they have quickly killed at the front door of the college so that they can get closer. This is actually another way for the snipers to look for a chance. Since the winner is a priest, it is only natural to destroy the other priest, which is to save his own priest.

Unfortunately, the sniper didn't do it at all. With the deaths of the three previous people, the Hundred Centuries Scriptures of Sparkling Dragon Fist was banned, and the psychological shadow of the mountain axe was forced out again. This morning, a loyal and honest Kung Fu boy, the attack was also very harsh. As Gu Fei put it, the battle of the Mountain Axe is not as good as that of the Hundred Years of Scriptures. It can only be won weakly with a certain amount of strength. Now the psychological burden is getting heavier and the momentum is getting worse, but the more smooth the battle on the side of the Hundred Centuries is, the harder it is to open the mountain axe.

And this side of Gu Fei with one enemy and three, gradually came to the victory. This, in turn, is due to a kind of maladaptation of the three veterans. They fought and killed people on the battlefield. Life and death were instantaneous judgments. Few struggles took so long. Gu Fei is different, they are more skilled in kung fu, because there is no need for harsh tricks, plus the purpose of confirmation consultation, so they are generally not in a hurry to separate wins and losses, everyone fists and moves, and suddenly stops to chat for a few words is a regular conversation. After beating tired, stop for a cup of tea and have a snack, rest enough to continue. So as long as the strength is okay, it's possible for both of us to fight for a day.

This situation creates the current situation, the three men praying to kill each other, but they haven't even touched each other's side for so long, which is unheard of for the three of them. The emotions of the three of us will gradually become unstable. The emotions will influence the judgment. In turn, there will be a slight deviation in some hands. In Gu Fei's eyes, that is the loophole. This captures a loophole. In the past, in the passing of a sword, in the middle of a move, singing. This is also followed, fire, thunder, whatever it is that can be used to greet and kill one person.

With the old Thunder Thunder on the side of the sniper is a long-range attack on the profession. The battle they killed was unharmed and others were cleared of their short legs. They also had the principal money of a cyclone kite, but the other side had the support of a priest. Such a torment is a waste of time. The sniper had withdrawn his business and directed an attack towards Gu Fei and the Hundred Centuries of Jinglian. He wanted to rescue his brothers. The result was insight into the intentions, the battle was unharmed, and they were all killed, regardless of the three of them, turning back and torturing the few, surrounded by a gangster. Gu Fei is carrying a sword and sighs. He hasn't had enough!

At first glance, this was a terrible defeat, and the three of them really couldn't do anything. They were advised to retreat after the breaking of the arrow. The three of them were helplessly prepared to leave. The sniper archer moves advantageously and is very fearless. But old Lei Da Lei, though allergic, couldn't compare to Gu Fei. It's that they're as agile as they are when they invest in Century Spandex, and they're in trouble.

But the sniper knew that they had come back from the resurrection point to pick up the arrows, and could only go with their group. It should be okay to cover the retreat.

The sniper ran off with the two magicians, and their big and short legs had given up the chase, and Gu Fei didn't even move at this time. He had no deep resentment for the veterans. He had chased them from the tavern once enough, but he didn't think about it.

Baisheng spandex became the only one who jumped out to chase him, so he took a few steps back and looked at him one by one, lost his mind, and even stopped hurrying.

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