Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 708: One Second Solidarity

“Solved you for no reason?” The trees look down on the sky a little unbelievable, there is no reason why the world hates you!

Indian wind helpless: “After all, Han's son was a singer of wine, so it was a matter of raising his hand to annihilate us...”

“Alas, this man has so many things to do!” The tree looked down to cry without tears, and he counted from beginning to end. I had no idea it was bamboo baskets playing with water. The benefits to be given to the impression tree have been given. It is natural that the responsibility for the failure of the mission due to such an event is not impressive. The investment tree can be said to have lost its foot from scratch. Based on his understanding of Chairman Gu Xiaoxiao's style of action in Caiyunmei, the industry would be afraid to take the task without hesitation, but the task was left there, and he didn't necessarily have a chance to get it back! Look at the souls beneath their trees, there aren't many people, and now there are people whose death caps have been kicked out of the city.

“Go check it out!” Ultimately, the tree looked down on the sky and could not give up. It recruited this pathetic Barbadian manpower and prepared to move in the direction of the lake on the outskirts of the clouds.

“Must have gone for nothing.” Printer said.

“You don't have to go, I'll talk to them.” Tree down says that the task is already in the wild, and the impression is not a mandatory task force, but a worthless guy for tree down. And because of the background of defection from the song when it comes to alcohol, this person will also attract the hatred of Han's son, no better than him.

As he marched that way, looking down at the sky, he connected his inner line in the clouds and asked about their actions on the shores of the lake on the outskirts of the cloud. If the task is taken by the people in the clouds, Tree is ready to do it again like buying the prints...

This cloud is obviously a fairly public meeting, there are no secrets in the meeting, and the insider returns are very detailed. Looking down the tree, the clouds did not shy away from receiving the task, but Han family member, in order to fight a thousand miles of drunkenness, sword ghost in the initiative, actually found a passing person to take the task as a song, the tree looking down the sky is quite speechless. The fragrance in one's eyes is only a slightly more valuable tool to use.

“Some talk…” the tree looked down into the sky and thought. Now, it's not very clear that Han's son is looking for this passers-by to carry out the task. It's really just for convenience, or to sing to alcohol or to recite old feelings. If it's just the former, there is more room for negotiation. It's just that this Han family member is a famous and difficult character in the rumors. Even if there is something to talk about, Tree down below feels the need to make a good comparison.

Perhaps there is no need to talk… the trees look down and suddenly think again. Thousands of miles of drunkenness has the ability to shovel the whole club of drunkenness songs. Naturally, the advantage of the clouds is the ambush in the dark, and Han's friend, Thousands of miles of drunkenness, understands him. If you get into contact with him for a thousand miles and get this message out to him, then borrow a knife to kill him, and you mess up the task...

The more I looked down at the trees, the more I thought it was a wonderful plan. The strength of a thousand miles of drunkenness was so strong that it could be exploited. Although he is familiar with Han's son, in turn, he is also familiar with Han's son when he is drunk for a thousand miles, so as long as the news is disclosed to him, the advantages of so-called familiarity are actually mutual.

It's just, where are we going to get drunk? The tree looked down at the world and immediately made contact with his own people in the song about wine and asked him if he had noticed his drunken whereabouts.

“He's gone, he's supposed to rendezvous with the immortals in the bushes, and I don't know what to do next.” Insider returns.

“Motherfucker...” Tree looked down and scolded, looking for people is the most painful thing in the game. Immortality in the flowers, such a despicable walk would naturally not waste his hands to arrange the insider. Not to mention the fact that this business can be so distinctive that it's really hard to find a dirty figure in one's own hands compared to a man in a flower bush.

The team that was supposed to go to the shores of Lake Cloud stayed halfway and wandered beneath the trees. All of a sudden a sharp man pointed at the road ahead and shouted, "Look who it is!!! ”

Everyone looked, a thousand miles drunk and two girls, walking in this direction.

“Wow, come on. God cares so much for me?” The trees looked down and excited. But think about yourself as a drunken character who has just been designed. This rush will not be directly destroyed by the other party! With this in mind, the tree looked down at the sky and dispatched two men, and decided to let them negotiate. All he had to do was get a thousand miles drunk to know that there was an arrangement on the shore of Yunxiao Lake, and he didn't have to do it himself.

The two players had no fear of listening to the Chairman's instructions. They had just been tortured back and forth in the Resurrection Camp by the people who used wine as a song. It was no different from the numbness that had already died. Therefore, they approached Gu Flying three people in a generous direction.

“There are two of them!” Of course Gu Fei noticed both of you very quickly.

“Looks like it's coming for us.” Gu Fei drew his sword.

“Don't worry, there may be something to say.” Spooky said.

“How do you know?” Gu Fei asked.

“I don't think it's possible for two people to come to you with an intent to fight.” Spooky said.

“Makes sense.” Gu Fei nodded.

The two people also came in front of the three people, nodded their heads and said hello, calling themselves "Brother Chili”.

The soul under the tree didn't wear the club badge. The two people who came by really didn't recognize Gu Fei. Seeing that they really didn't seem to have any malice, he asked: "What's wrong with you two? ”

“Oh, there's some news to tell Brother Chili. ”

“What is it? ”

“in relation to your continuing task. ”

“My mission? ”

“Yes, Gilkino.” The two said.

“Who are you? ”

“We are the souls of the trees.” The two said.

“What are you guys up to?” As soon as Gu Fei heard from the other party, he immediately suspected that there was fraud, but there was nothing to be afraid of between the two people in the district. The surroundings didn't look like there was any ambush.

“Where and where our mission has failed.” The two said.

“Oh, how did that happen? ”

“Alas, those of us who received the mission followed Gilkino to the shore of Lake Cloud Suburbs, and as a result, there were other clubs there to ambush. After they destroyed us, where was the mission? But Giorgino is now a cabin over there, what our president means, since we don't have a chance to do this anymore, I want to make it convenient for you, he was going to send you an email, don't you want us to meet you right now?” Both of them were well conceived. Looking down at the sky, the tree is too good at using resources, while trying to kill people with a drunken knife for a thousand miles, while also trying to make him read his feelings.

“Oh, well!” Gu Fei said, "Thank you! ”

“You're welcome.” The two of them were busy, “we also recognised at the other party meeting, it was the people in Caiyun, and there was also a person who seemed to be your friend, the priest named Han's son. ”

“Well, I guess it's them too.” Gu Fei said.

“That's about it, Brother Qianli, be careful, let's go.” The two said.

“Oh, where are you going?” Gu Fei asked.

“Ah... go over there...” The two of them didn't have a clear place to go, and they didn't answer for a moment, so they said "over there.”

“Oh, over there, I'll walk you closer from the Resurrection Camp.” Gu Fei finished, pulled out the sword, flashing, white light, take the sword.

“You… what are you doing?” Yan Xiaozhu was surprised.

“Son, you're so naive, they just want to borrow a knife to kill people.” Gu Fei said.

“Well, obviously.” Sneaky nodded.

“Actually, it's just a normal situation, and I can't compete with the whole line!” Gu Fei said.

“What are you implying to me?” Spooky eyes.

“I don't mean your equipment. Even with your rings, under this prepared arrangement, it's too challenging to confront a thousand people. Just now, killing back a song about alcohol was created under a lot of conditions. Their command has a lot of mistakes. I'm afraid there won't be so many mistakes over there.” Gu Fei said.

“But that place by the cloud lake, the terrain is easy to use!” Spooky said.

“Well, let's just say that the resurrection camp is not far ahead.” Gu Fei and Xiaozhu Xiaozhu walked down this road because they were already ready to go offline. Although Gu Fei remained so restrained during the city war, and at that time he didn't know where to go to find Gilkino. He just wanted to go offline and talk about it tomorrow, but at this time he received this news and hesitated a little.

After sending two people to contact him, the others fled far away. At this time, the two people were vanished. One of them also withdrew from the city war. The tree looked down at the darkness and wiped a sweat. Fortunately, he did not go. If the president also withdrew from the city war, he wondered if he would withdraw with the whole row.

“Although the intent to borrow a knife to kill was revealed to him, he had to do the task after all, so long as we had the opportunity to touch the fish with water.” Looking down at the sky, the tree continued to take people to the shores of the lake on the outskirts of the clouds, and arranged them continuously along the way.

Gu Fei and the three of them then walked towards the Resurrection Camp. Looking ahead, the camp was in front of them. "Can you also go down the line in this camp? ”

“I don't know. Try it.” Gu Fei said that, as an adversary, it was not excessive to go down the line in this camp. Gu Fei was relatively close to greedy map here, so he was not allowed to walk into the city. There are a lot of players inside and outside the camp. Those who don't move will choose to be stationed in or around the resurrection camp. Gu Fei's presence here now is arrogant enough. In fact, a number of players of the club noticed him, some of them have also confirmed his identity, but Gu Fei's rumors of alcohol have become more and more horrible. When Gu Fei did not threaten them, these people dared not to piss off their torso and pretended not to see each other.

“Too arrogant...” She couldn't help but regret coming to the camp with Gu Fei. Now she and Yan Xiaozhu have also been exposed, now there is Gu Fei, so the players won't dare to move. What if Gu Fei isn't here? She and Yan Xiaozhu can't imagine the privilege of being treated like flying helpers.

“Here we are!" Gu Fei stepped into the resurrection camp and, speaking to both of them, heard a systematic prompt: Successfully occupying the enemy camp for five minutes, the camp would be abandoned.

“What is this?” While Gu Fei was studying it, the players around him suddenly became agitated because they also received a system prompt: Camp 3 was seized, the intruders were eliminated within five minutes, and the camp guards succeeded.

Gu Fei walked in in in front of everyone. The player's reaction was not so slow, but at the same time, he immediately realized that the intruder was referring to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was somewhat confused because he was not the first to step back into the revival camp on the attacking side of the city. He confirmed that he had never been prompted by the system when he had come in. At the time, the guards of the system shouted that there had been treachery. With that in mind, Gu Fei's next look, there's no system guard! This camp is exactly what he misunderstood by the scourge, and the system guards were brushed away by the raucous resurrection of the club players.

It turns out that when all the system guards are destroyed, the camp will be seized in five minutes! Gu Fei undoubtedly triggered a new setup, but at this time, the siege player had already stared at him. The tricks and Yan Xiaozhu were neutral players, and he had not received any prompts. “What's wrong? ”

“Come on, let's go!!” At this important juncture, Gu Fei brazenly wanted to go offline. As a result, the system prompted the player to take responsibility for any losses caused by forced offline. Are you sure you want to go offline by force?

“I can't go down here!” Gu Fei's tears filled his face.

Players have been attacked just for a while. Experienced players realize that taking over a camp is likely to very much affect the defeat and defeat of the city. At this time, how dare you be polite to fly? This crowd is in full swing. Everyone finds that there are so many companions, more to quench their fears. Magic, arrows, and ranged attacks are always the quickest.

“Moving instantly!” Gu Fei pointed, people had moved out, looked back, and saw that the tricks and Yan Xiaozhu were all shining white. Looking at friends, the two were still lit, obviously they were unable to get off the line, but were killed by seconds. The city battle camp can be offline, but it is not a safe zone, so offline here is also a skill, it will be interrupted, tricks and Yan Xiaozhu both encountered this tragedy, but Gu Fei really failed to take care of her two.

It was just this move, but Gu Fei was out of the resurrection camp again. All players received a loud reminder from the system that the guard was successful! Guard successful!

Everyone's a little naughty, so why don't we just start over a thousand miles drunk? What am I gonna do with this guy? In case the scene lasted for just one second, when the crisis passed, everyone immediately and carefully counted their own interests, and began to hesitate to look at the flying hand.

This moment of hesitation has been given to Gu Aircraft. Suddenly, the player's position was not enough to be united. It was not a siege. Gu Fei looked at the space and drilled. However, some people wanted to deal with Gu Fei, but he could not be caught. Archers and magicians can still chase attacks, but standing in chaos will naturally hurt others. If it was the hometown club, it would be nice to say that hurting other clubs would inevitably give rise to some rhetorical strife, and there would be several clubs in the General Assembly. Few clubs in urban warfare could speak of solidarity. All hearts and minds lived in self-interest and solidarity, only for a second before the camp was to be abolished.

Of course, Gu Fei could not guess the player's complex and delicate thoughts. He felt that he was going to be surrounded, so he tried his best to get out of trouble. As a result, the player had a calm outlook, there was a hidden expectation that other banks would take the shot. After a thousand miles of drunkenness, there were honest pursuits, but he turned his hatred because he had accidentally injured others... So many conditions were better than when Zhao Yun got Cao Cao's “capture alive” on Long Slope, Gu Fei left the Resurrection Camp without the General Assembly, and pulled out a list of friends. At this time, his eyes and Yan Xiaozhu were black. He was reborn just now, obviously not regained as a target, and went offline peacefully.

Gu Fei slipped out of trouble, but there was another argument on the player's side of the club. He complained that he didn't do it. He didn't do his best. He complained that he didn't do his best. He was injured by mistake. He complained that he was hurt carefully. In short, it was messy and messy. Everyone was counting the others. No, the noise could be sent out hundreds of meters. Gu Fei's eyes were a little silly.

In such cases, only the Grand Convention can preside over the situation.

The system message to revive the encampment was received by all Siege Fair players. Even if there was no meeting in this camp, they were very concerned about what was happening here. When the book received the success of the guard, everyone was relieved, but they asked what was happening.

“This, I'm afraid, is the setting of the war in the city…” After asking the situation, the think tanks of the various chambers began to analyze, such as the reflection of the year.

“If all seven camps are overrun, then where are we going to come back from dead? And the neutral players, now with these resurrection points!” Someone's wondering.

“In that case, I'm afraid if we fail to attack the city, then the war will end and everything will be restored, and there will be a resurrection wherever it is.” Someone inferred.

“Shit, how did this happen?” The Presidents of the General Assembly are depressed. The siege has so far not improved, and its own resurrection camp has been counter-attacked by an opponent, causing a heartbeat. The problem is that the opponent is only two people now known, and this is what it will look like. This will also be a few powerful walks, what will it be? Besides, the guards of the system have always been the guards of the city. Will they fight back? If they fight back, their strength to survive in the camp for five minutes isn't that a big deal?

“Thousands of miles of drunkenness are too evil to let him be so arrogant, we should unite to fully suppress his guys!!!” It was suggested by the Chairman that the Cloud City Congress was being held again and that discussions were under way on the near-attack of the Resurrection Camp.

And the chairman who made this argument with sadness was just thrown into space by a thousand miles of drunken humiliation when the song chairman went up against the stream.

Recently started writing updates late, getting hotter and more alarmed... (to be continued, please visit for more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)