Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 747: The Harmony Party is Here Again

Gu Fei regretted to learn on the channel that the other party had jumped out of the main city. As soon as he arrived at the North Gate, he saw several players rushing towards him. Before he could confirm his identity, a few people turned around and ran. Gu Fei naturally caught up with them unannounced. After that, he played with the shadow, and instead of standing under the door, he shrunk to the corner. As a result, people learned that the North Gate had his great god, and no one else would come. Mr. Han quickly made the decision to abandon the infiltration plan altogether, and everyone withdrew and jumped from the building.

However, the information he left about Xiao Lei Tavern made Sword Ghost a little confused. After talking to everyone, Gu Fei sent a message directly to ask Xiao Lei. Xiao Lei explained, roughly means that the bank was set up with the help of Han family, now they have withdrawn, but Xiao Lei has already set up his own set of classes, and then concentrated on the task, never delaying their work.

“Is it credible?” Gu Fei told everyone what Xiao Lei had said and asked.

Everyone shook their heads. Obviously, they didn't have much confidence in Han's character. They thought this was what he was up to again. Only the swordsmith nodded: “There's nothing wrong with him, as for Xiao Lei... I don't know. ”

“What do you mean?” Everyone asks.

“It means that this step will not be made by the son, but I don't know if Ray has any plans of his own.” Sword ghost said.

“Are you so sure?” Everyone asks.

“I'm sure the boy's plan for the little thunder tavern is over.” The Sword Ghost said.

The character of Sword Ghost obviously reassured everyone. Seeing how he ensured that there were no problems at all, he began to analyze Xiao Lei's problems.

“Ray, is everything all right?” Thunder is a good comrade in the eyes of a sword ghost, and I feel intuitively that Thunder should have no doubt.

“I hope so. Why don't you tell everyone to keep an eye out?” Jiannan Yu proposed.

“Hmm!” the swordsmith nodded, so the two clubs made announcements separately, the other party has been repelled, but there are still some remnants of the small thunder tavern, if there is any hostility to observe further, pay attention, but do not proactively provoke a cloud of conflict.

“Finally, this is over.” The Sword Ghost grew out of breath. The pressure is so great that the newly formed trade unions have been challenged. Even if it fails, it will not dissolve, but it will, after all, discredit the newly recruited fresh blood. In order for a company to grow, it must first make its members aware of the value of the association. Quite the opposite is evident that it has survived this level.

On the rebirth side of the purple crystal, July has begun to consult with Gu Fei about the aftermath. Previously, the situation was critical, so they temporarily abandoned the ideals of their pure girls' club, and now calm is restored. How to restore the rebirth purple crystal to its original appearance can be considered a technical challenge.

“Kick it all off?” Gu Fei is quite inhuman.

“It's not okay!” July sweats, recruits soldiers, after the war, kicks, a little less human.

“Oh, I thought you were going to!” Gu Fei said.

July was so depressing, did you look like such an inhuman person?

“I don't have a problem with this. Let's do it!” Gu Fei is the most irresponsible chairman in history.

July was no different, but it was only a good thing that the newly added male player was not wolfish as soon as the battle was over. If all he had been adding were those who were immortalized in a bunch of flowers, he would only be in a state of self-sacrifice in July.

On the very opposite side of the sky, the swordsmen and several leading figures will also negotiate to discuss the future development of the meeting. Since there will be two houses, Sword Ghost has set up a team to scratch in all the knowledgeable masters on both sides for channel meetings.

“Opportunity! Now that there is no competition among the club tasks in the Castle, this is a great opportunity for the class of clubs. Are we going to miss this opportunity?” Young-goo's idea.

“Even if there is competition, after all, there is always a time. In this period of urban war, despite such a special opportunity, I think the focus should be on urban war tasks.” Drifting seriously, he flew all the way here, not to help the very opposite sky will rush the ranks, there are city wars do not play this game, drifting strongly opposed.

“Cough, I'll say something too.” Kennan said, “The battle of the city, although we are somehow in a position to defend the city and cause some trouble to the attacker, overall, I think the victory of the attacker is the end of the planned battle of the city. Win, get rewards, this has always been the iron law in online games, as a losing party, will we get rewards? Or do we just get a little consolation prize? I don't think anybody would be interested in the comfort prize kind of thing. ”

“That's right!” Yugo nodded his support immediately, "so it makes no sense to get involved in the club's task, we should seize the opportunity to upgrade the club and keep our eyes open for the longer term. ”

“That's not what I meant.” Kennan was busy.

“Huh?” Yu was confused.

“I mean, the task of guarding the city, we can't do it pointlessly, we have to do it with a view to defeating the attacking side of the city, looking for quality tasks.” Jinnan Yu said.

“Are you crazy?” Brother Yu was surprised. I didn't expect that Kennan Yu had also targeted to defeat the city. Isn't this typically the only attempt the guy would have made?

“Ha-ha-ha!” Drifting laughs, "I like your thoughts, Brother Kennan, we are few, but we are of high quality! I think the triangular combination of our methods of warfare makes it easy to look out of town, don't you, Kennan? ”

Kennan glanced at the drift and said: "My thoughts are based on reality, not this unrealistic fantasy. ”

“Ha-ha-ha!” This time the gods roar with laughter, "I love your thoughts, Brother Kennan, let the unrealistic fools go to hell! ”

“Grown-ups talk to children and don't interrupt.” Drifting said.

“My day, do you dare come and win with me!!” The royal gods danced.

“I'm waiting for you to come to the battlefield.” Drifting said.

“You wait!” The royal gods will depart immediately.

“Is this a battlefield?” The left hand beside the drift writes the love question.

“Kids, you're making fun of him. Seriously.” The drift said they were located 18,000 miles from the battlefield.

“Thousand miles. What do you think?” The Sword Ghost saw that everyone had their opinions, so he named Gu Fei.

“Thousands of miles of opinions?” Young-goo's tears are all over his face.

“Kill the Siege Square. I like the idea!” Gu Fei did say that. Jiannan Yu hurriedly corrected: “Not to destroy them, but to win, our goal is to win the defensive side of the city. ”

“Almost.” Gu Fei said.

“But our focus should be on tasks…” Kennan muttered weakly.

“Speaking of missions, Sword Ghost, Gilkino is dead! It was killed by a player. What do you want me to do about it?” Gu Fei said.

“How did the mission go on?" You asked me. Who published the mission? Ask who! ”The Sword Ghost said.

“Oh? I'll check it out.” Gu Fei said to go to the main hall.

“It's not easy to think of the castle now if you do your job, and the attackers will not relax their guard on the entrance and exit of the city gate.” Yu said.

“I have a transmission reel with twenty out-of-town coordinates.” Gu Fei announced.

“I want one, I want one, I want one!!” The screaming keeps going.

“A thousand gold a piece.” Gu Fei said.

“Shit!” The yelling kept happening.

“This is sponsored by Master Han!!” The gods roar in protest.

“Han's money is also money.” Gu Fei focuses on educating the gods of the heavens.

“The scroll will naturally be given to everyone when needed, so don't rob it.” Swordsmen appease the people.

“Mission!” Jiannan Yu proposed again. With Gu Fei's support, the voice of opposition was much lower. So, very contrary to the sky, the reinvigorated purple crystal together set up a goal to defeat the attacking side of the city. After the unrealistic approach in the eyes of most people, they began to act separately. It is also pointed out that major tasks must be discovered. They must be reported to the organization, and everyone must work together to accomplish them. They do not waste resources and do not cause the loss of the assets of the club.

All the players were busy living in the city, and Gu Fei came to the guard room again.

“Report, Gilkino is dead.” Gu Fei reports to the captain.

The guard captain grew angry and boxed heavily on his desk. Gu Fei thought he was about to come to NPC stormy reproach. How could he say, “Damn, you brutal bandits! ”

Gu Fei didn't react for a moment. It took him a moment to understand that the “brutal bandits” meant the bandits who attacked the city outside. But frankly, Gilkino, the NPC Gu Fei, did not feel that there was any temperament, he was helping the city guards, and on the other hand, there seemed to be no refusal to ask the attacking party. He's on both sides of the mission, and this guy is full of wallgrass. Now that the grass is dead, what happens to the mission?

“But it's okay.” The captain of the guard looks slow: “We just received new information and Gilkino's assistant showed up outside Cloud City, where he is. Get drunk and get in touch with him right away, maybe he'll give us the help we need instead of Gilkino. ”

The guard captain said he had passed a piece of paper. Gu Fei looked at a coordinate and was disappointed: “Looking for someone else? Do you have a battle mission? ”

“Go, for freedom!” The guard captain graciously shook his fists, and Gu Fei fled like a drummer for Gu Fei.

“Follow-up received.” Gu Fei sent a message without a scrutiny.

“Any follow-up? Yeah! What's in it?” The spirit of the Sword Ghost is vibrating, and with his years of internet intuition, he can feel that this task on the flying body is unusual. Timekeeping, continuous follow-up, two-way, parallel worlds symbolizing the difficulty of the task all appeared in Gu Fei's task, and the task publisher made it clear that it would be of great help to the city guard, much like they needed on the city guard side.

“Looking for someone, looking for someone else, looking for Gilkino's assistant.” Gu Fei said.

“Then go!” The Sword Ghost said.

“Anyone else want to go?” Gu Fei asked.

“Me!” raised her hand, the girl was not interested in her own search task, she preferred to pick up an off-the-shelf gangster.

“The task is not necessarily as simple as finding someone, perhaps there will be a more difficult battle, equipped with a full team?” The Sword Ghost said so.

Therefore, Jiannan Yu, drifting, tricky eyes, falling and so on took the initiative to invite you.

“Self-weight without speed.” Gu Fei said.

He was very lucky and cursed. Gu Fei couldn't move. He wanted to be a little faster and didn't want to drag a group of short legs to run.

“Not even the priest?” Sword Ghost Reminder.

“What's the pastor for?” Gu Fei asked back.

Falling swore never to give Gu Fei back his blood.

“Mighty!!” Gu Fei called.

“Wait, I still have a duel.” The gods roar.

“Whatever the duel, you'll believe it. Come quickly.” Gu Flying scolded. Therefore, the royal gods shouted at the drifting, and the drifting had to shut down the channel to communicate privately with the crowd.

“Sword Ghost, what about you? ”

“I'd rather stay in town!” The Sword Ghost is a serious and good chairman, who wants to stay in town to lead the excavation mission together.

“Bamboo.” Gu Fei searched again.

“Huh, ignore you.” Yan Xiaozhu's sister was just despised by Gu Fei and triggered a joint reaction.

“Glue.” Gu Fei also specializes in mastery.

Glue is implied by the intimidation of Jiannan Yu, who does not pretend to be dead.

“Yanashita.” Gu Fei thought of another one.

No response, Yanagishita is not on this channel, this is a team of knowledgeable experts, Yanagishita little girl was not added.

Gu Fei was about to say hello to the Born Again Purple Crystal Channel. Finally, someone took the initiative: “Go ahead! ”

Gu Feixin, looking at the name again, is Xi Xiaotian, pretending not to see: “Is anyone else going? ”

Xiaotian was half dead. Whole channel people were basically offended by Gu Fei.

“Come on, just the four of you!” The Sword Ghost can't keep watching.

“Meet me in Central Square!” Gu Fei was helpless, no one really responded to him anymore. Nobody cared about the rebirth purple crystal. Gu Fei saw it fall over there and said something.

In town, everyone gets back busy. Outside the city, Han's son led the people to jump from the city walls in all directions, and immediately fell to death to revive the resurrection camp outside the city.

“Thank you.” When Han's son came out of the camp, he was meeting Gu Xiaoxiao.

“Failed.” Master Han shook his head.

“At least stall those guys for a while. All walks of life don't have to worry, but the war in the city was a good one.” Gu Xiaoxiao said.

“Nice? Didn't the Northeast Camp get busted?” Mr Han said.

“Well, that's also a consequence of earlier mistakes, which will happen sooner or later.” Gu Xiaoxiao said.

“You can look back.” Han said.

Gu Xiaoqiao smiled: “Someone has been waiting for you. ”

“Oh, who?” Master Han had an accident.

“Right over there.” Gu Xiaoxiao pointed finger and took Han's son with him.

Beneath the big tree by the camp, the two leaned against the tree as if they were riding in the cold. Far away, we saw Han's figure and all walked together to greet him.

“It's you.” Han's son frowned.

“Yeah, long time no see. The war was wonderful.” The two are, of course, Ye Xiao Wu and the broken arrow.

“How can I help you?” Mr. Han asked.

“I hear you mercenaries seem to have different positions this time?” Ye Xiaowu smiled.

“Heard?” The Han man glanced at Gu Xiaoxiao, and Gu Xiaoxiao shrugged his shoulders, indicating that she had said nothing.

“So what?” Mr. Han asked.

“Oh, this more intuitive sensation of a thousand miles of drunken imbalance, huh?” Ye Xiaowu said.

“So what? ”

“Uneven, of course, requires proper harmony!” Ye Xiaowu said.

“Oh, you're busy.” Master Han said he was leaving when he turned around.

“Wait!” Ye Xiaowuyi rushed after him.

Master Han frowned at him: “You are such a nagging person. I'm telling you, our position has always been one-to-one, in the game. You're the only one who stands in the way of our game, okay? ”

“As long as there is a thousand miles of drunkenness, there is no level playing field.” Ye Xiaowu said.

“With your GM mess, there's no fair environment, is there?” Mr Han said.

“GM?” Gu Xiaoxiao wondered.

“This is it.” Master Han pointed to the finger.

“Why is GM in the game?” Gu Xiaoxiao was greatly surprised.

“I'm not GM...” Ye Xiaowu is depressed, don't say he has left, even before he left, his position is not commensurate with a low-level character like GM. But in the eyes of the average player, GM is the god of the game, as if they were in charge of everything in the game.

“Come and see, there's GM!” Master Han shouted.

“GM?” countless players heard the term, more excited and excited than the super BOSS. Mr. Han's clear gesture pointed to Ye Xiao Five, and the players rushed to see Ye Xiao Five inhumanely.

“Is this GM? Tsk, you're so low! ”

“Not so well equipped, either? ”

“I'm not GM, I'm a regular player.” Ye Xiao Five went mad.

Players don't believe that legendary GM can take on any form in the game, including, of course, a player.

“GM, how about two big moves? ”

“GM, I'm suddenly 20 gold coins short, help me see where I'm going! ”

“GM, please point me in the eye and tell me where the big task is! ”

Players prayed to GM, almost burning incense.

“I am not GM!!!” Ye Xiao Five repeatedly stressed, but no one believed him. One of the people watching walked one wave after another. The breaking arrows surrendered next to each other and calmly stood aside to surround the party, at least better than being surrounded.

“Out of the way! Make way!” At last, a big man arrives. The president of the four major clubs, after leaving the cabbage fields, was like glue and paint never separated again. At this time, I heard that GM appeared in the east direction of the city and rushed to watch it together. As chairman, the idea of the four is very profound. Cloud City has a strange force of city watchmen, GM has appeared, are you ready to wipe out this BUG?

Sword Without Oath, Reverse Flow Up, Shepherd Enemy in the Cloud, Black Index Finger. Four people squeezed into the crowd and stood together in front of Ye Xiao Five. After the appearance of the four congresses, the disturbance in the crowd was finally slightly lighter, Ye Xiaowu repeated with impatience: "I am not GM. ”

“Then who are you? Why does everybody say you are?” The sword without oath asks.

“It's Han's boy, the guy tricked me.” Ye Xiao Five said.

“Oh...” The four people who had been fooled by Han's son instantly resonated.

First thing in July, call monthly ticket fire support. The fighting this month will be exceptionally heavy, with an urgent need for large quantities of ammunition. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)