Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 763: Tasks, Tasks

Gu Fei, a ghost in darkness, shows up about once a minute on average. Every time you go out, you must take the life of a torch player. The players deliberately let the bloody warrior take the torch for durability, and Gu Fei showed no pressure. What happened to the warrior? It's just a few more spells to watch the fast pace of the attack, still like a second kill. It is the priests who are under a lot of pressure. Gu Fei is not a skill to kill directly in seconds, but a series of skills. No matter how fast, this still means that there is free time, but the priests cannot capture it. Every time the reply is applied, the target is white...

Come and go, five torch players have been hung up. Die so fast, you can't even give the torch to someone else before you die. At first, there were also people who claimed to use it as bait to induce thousands of miles to come drunk to kill, but because the fire put several, and they couldn't eat thousands of miles drunk which one to attack, so a little arrangement was made everywhere. As a result, the personnel were too scattered, and when the thousand miles drunk appeared, they were unable to effectively surround each other. When the flames flashed, not only did they hang up the torch man, but they also solved the three surrounding men. Those who came up with the idea shrunk silently and did not dare make any more noise.

As soon as the players counted, there were only six torches left, the light was dark and the crowd was miserable. Six men were surrounded by people, but they didn't dare to surround themselves too tightly. Otherwise, it would be troublesome for two range spells to come down. A bunch of people are now gathered together, not apart, not alone. The torch men were surrounded by fear of moving, and the search mission could not continue, and the players were anxious.

Outside the hole, members of the song were rushing toward the coordinates indicated by the backflow, but as they approached their destination, they quickly saw the same remarkable group of large troops. Of course, the other party also noticed that people who sing to alcohol, who can gather so many people, can undoubtedly only be the grand convention. Both sides recognized each other's club badges.

On wine as a song.

Colorful clouds.

“What a coincidence...” Both sides greeted the chairman in a hip-hop manner.

“Here comes the man who sings to booze! ”

“We met the man in the clouds! ”

In the dim pit, the upstream and Gu Xiaoxiao received this message almost simultaneously, and then simultaneously searched for each other's figure, gaze, and look at each other in the crowd.

Gu Xiaoqiao was quick, didn't like to bend, and said directly: “It's hard work to recruit large troops. ”

“Each other.” That's what the reflux says, but there's nothing about each other. Caiyunme has a task at hand, and recruiting people to come here can be said to be a task. When it comes to drinking, it's just to beat the soy sauce. At this time, we gathered the whole party will come. What kind of thoughts will it save?

The sword of no oath is halfway out, this guy, as long as Gu Xiaoqiao is present, 80% of his attention is on Gu Xiaoqiao. Gu Xiaoxiao's conversation with the upstream, Sword Without Oath of course noticed, immediately came together: “What is it? ”

“The battalion is here.” Gu Xiaoxiao said faintly.

“Oh, your people are here? So I don't have to come here anymore?” Sword Without Oath said, he also called people, but not like the backflow up there with evil thoughts, he called people early in the morning. He called for urgent assistance after a thousand miles of drunkenness haunted 200 of them without any help.

“No need. It's enough to have two songs on my side and one on the wine. I don't think I can fit any more here.” Gu Xiaoxiao said.

“The man who sings to wine is here too?” The Sword Without Oath frowned, and he was also the president of a generation of thought, and the source of confrontation from the backflow was long. Well put, the person who knows you best is often not your friend, but your opponent. This happens to the sword without oath and the sword without oath on top of the river. The sword without oath didn't figure out what the plan was to do on top of the river, but he was sure that this guy was definitely not trying to do anything good. At least, it was definitely inconsistent with what everyone wanted to achieve right now. The sword of no oath has always been more exhilarating in front of Gu Xiaozheng than Gu Xiaozheng, and immediately asked directly: “What the hell are you trying to do? ”

“Hmm? Nothing. I think it's tricky to get drunk for a thousand miles, so I sent someone to clean him up.” The upstream is calm, because all he has to do is clean up a thousand miles and get drunk, and nobody has a problem with that. It's just that after cleaning up a thousand miles of drunkenness, the other party's mission is disrupted, so the broken arrow will not reveal the mission information needed in the clouds, and he can't be blamed for that.

The sword with no oath of deep intent was not perceived yet, because all he understood was the upstream, and he had not given much thought to the original intentions of the people who broke the arrows. However, he did not understand the idea of breaking the arrow, but someone understood that Han's son had flown out in good time: “This has to start with breaking the arrow and their ticket. Their real intentions were just to stop the drunken mission, and to help us with the siege, they were just forced to make a choice. But killing a thousand miles drunk is obviously also a way to sabotage his mission. Imagine if this situation, by killing a thousand miles drunk, accomplished his purpose of sabotaging his mission, we would not be able to get on the hitchhike of the siege mission, right? ”

Mr. Han said that many people looked at the broken arrow together.

“Reversing boss, don't stare at me, I'm not after you, I'm just against that guy.” Han's son was very upset when he saw the reflux go up and stared at him, adding another sentence. With his wisdom, of course, he can guess what the upstream idea is. Although it has not been directly broken, the intent of the upstream idea is now the community, uncovering one of them, and the other cannot achieve its purpose.

“You bastard, how dare you do this? Just trying to use us to sabotage your drunken mission?” The sword without oath is angry.

“Not for me.” Breaking the arrow is calm, “it helps you. When you're drunk enough to complete the mission, is it you or me who are attacking the city? ”

Everybody snapped. And so to speak, this broken arrow and that red dust smile are obviously neutral players, but they are tirelessly trying to stir up a drunken mission. What is the spirit, what are these guys trying to do?

The players had a conversation, split God collectively, and Gu Fei seized the opportunity. However, because the fire torch players were all protected in the circle, Gu Fei had the opportunity to approach them for fear of not having a chance to evacuate, so this time he changed his mind and killed them directly in front of the players in the outer circle. The spell was thrown out of his mind.

“Shit!!” The players screamed and white printed a little face on them. At first glance, Gu Fei had a pretty good chance, and didn't rush away. The sword was like a dragon. He could fly four times and just seconds away. If he couldn't seconds away, he thought he would get hit by a second, the player held his head and the chairman was drinking. So he listened to the chairman. There was no harmony at all. You hit me and I hit you. After all the chaos finally calmed down, all realized a serious problem: “What about a thousand miles drunk? ”

“Gone? ”

“I didn't see it! ”

Players are running for their lives, and nobody notices where they are.

“No… are you mixed up with us?” Such a hypothesis has been put forward with great vigour.

“Badges, all shine badges!!” Sword Without Oath shouts, because of the complexity of its members, it is impossible to know each other, only through badges. Everyone held their chests high for recognition, and soon a shout came out of the crowd: "What badge are you? ”

“Isn't that me? He also asked." Gu Feiren's figure also brought a badge here to confuse, and he despised the player's eyesight. He was spotted at first sight, so he was killed with his sword. It was another round of bloody storm. The player was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do.

“Hey, you do something.” Gu Xiaoxiao is now more comfortable with Han's son. He took the initiative to ask him a plan. This guy has been very silent about a thousand miles of intoxicating attacks, not like his style.

But Han's son stalled: “I'm having a hard time right now. If you get rid of this guy, you're going to lose the job. Now we also need him to be tough enough to break the arrow and tell us what the mission is. But by the way, this guy forgets me every time he fights! He's not afraid of breaking arrows to kill like this, he's just afraid of the guy doing his job. This idiot, he's not going to be here, but he doesn't know what the mission is? ”

“Anyway, find a way to restrain him. Did you just watch him wipe us out?” Gu Xiaoxiao said.

“Frankly, there's nothing I can do.” Master Han said, "Look, I can't even see where you are right now. Where are you? ”

Master Han's kung fu of speaking suddenly belongs to the dark. Gu Fei did not forget the mission of extinguishing the torch during the mixed war, and the last few firemen were finally killed by him.

“Magic, Magic!!!” The players shout, it's the only thing they can light up. But skills are transient and gorgeous, and the light flashes away, completely irreplaceable to the role of the torch.

“Don't put it together, let's have some rhythm.” The players were desperate.

“Shit, why don't you guys come?” Players with a little lighting skills, such as magicians, priests, archers, etc. are very annoying.

How can you support a situation where you have a torch and you can't fly with it? All these professions go as lighting tools, players are worse combatants, Gu Fei Dong is cut off, completely like no one else.

“Did you find a place? Come in!!” Looking up against the current, these people are totally unable to fight and can only count on reinforcements.

“There are also people in the clouds.” Return to your men.

“So what happened? ”

“We are still discussing the question of who is advanced…" said the men.

“Shit!” cried Gu Xiaoxiao in the dark. "Take care of the President of the General Assembly, let's not argue who comes first, shall we? ”

Gu Xiaoxiao obviously knows the situation outside, but because he knows the backflow and does not have good intentions, he does not retreat: “Well, let's be advanced. ”

“One hundred per person.” Bargaining on the upstream.

“Reverse current Chairman! My men are coming in here to get drunk! It's similar to your purpose! Why do you have to?” Gu Xiaoxiao answered softly and firmly, poking at the other intentions of upstream.

“Gu Xiaoxiao, is it you who's nervous now? Don't forget, if they were all killed by a thousand miles of drunkenness, they would include your club's mission players. Can the mission continue?” Back to the top, he said.

Gu Xiaozhu, during the city war, death will cause the task to fail. Although most can be reclaimed, how can the people in the clouds know where to go for the task of forcibly intervening along the way? And the shut-off arrow that provided the mission information, he didn't approve of Caiyun to cooperate.

“Okay, 100 per person, we're advanced.” Gu Xiaoxiao had to give in.

Nor does it measure up against the current, just a reminder: "Light more torches. ”

“That's what you say.” Gu Xiaoxiao said, sending a message to Wings: “How are you? Don't hang up. ”

“It's hard, Chairman...” Wings replied, currently hanging up is completely a matter of luck, as long as you get drunk for a thousand miles, you must hang up.

“Run away, our people will be here soon.” Gu Xiaoxiao said.

“I know, everyone knows...” Wings said. At this time, the players no longer have the spirit of "coming together", they are all running around in the dark, making them intoxicated and unable to capture.

“Everybody insist, the team will be here soon!!” The backflow echoes in the darkness, giving people the confidence to persevere.

“Reverse current, it's not good to talk out loud.” A sounding gentle voice appeared backflow up close to the left, backflow up to give himself a mouth on the spot, what a fucking bitch! Is this the time to play good-looking, calm down, play leadership? Everybody stay quiet and pretend they don't exist. You're still screaming with your voice. Look, why don't you call the wolf?

Gu Fei's audio recognition is specially trained, and the average person is certainly not a grade. Back to the top of his voice, immediately attracted him. Even if the player is a common goal in his eyes, it is more accomplished when the adult chops it. Gu Fei listened to the sounds and arrows rushed forward, and it was obvious that the upstream flow was far off in this regard. He heard Gu Fei's speech and didn't know which way it was. He fled after searching in a random direction. Then he ran a few steps and hit a full circle.

“Come on, get drunk!” Grab this man up against the stream and let him go.

“It's me. Are you excited?” Gu Fei asked.

The backflow scared the hell out of me, scolded my luck so much, ran away, and proactively collided with this guy.

“To be with you!” He yelled up against the river and started the spell to blow himself up with Gu Fei.

“Can you even use idioms?” Gu Fei slapped, interrupted the spell and turned the backflow upside down.

“Shoot me!!!” Epic shouts are made up against the current, and the coordinates are sent to the members of the bank through messages. But it's dark. What happens when you know the coordinates? All of a sudden, the players suddenly saw a fireball rise, and in the light they could see the wolf walking up and down the street. The players' eyes are wet, Chairman Reverse Stream. Is that your plan? If you sacrifice yourself, you'd rather die than send a signal indicating the location of a thousand miles drunk, we will never fail your hopes!

It's not just the magician, it's even the archer, and it's all pointing to the area that the fireball illuminates.

“Wait, he's gone!!” Chasing up against the currents is another shout, but it's already late. Attacks have been launched, and the noise has flooded the backflow cry. The arrow fell gracefully in an arc, and the spell emitted a different light in the darkness. The white light was elevated in the eyes that people worshipped, and he left a last word: “Thousand miles drunk, your father!!! ”

Of course Gu Fei is not dead. At that time, the reflux was turned upside down. How can you release the spell when you have time? After shouting an epic shout, Gu Fei replied softly to him: "I will complete you.” Then a fireball trick was set in the sky, moving away in an instant, allowing him to go up against the river and enjoy the fruit of his cry.

“Thousands of miles. Drunk?” All players are still working on it!

“I don't think I see any other white light.” Someone said.

“Alas, too bad.” Thousands of sentiments for the upward gloom of the current.

“Thousands of miles of drunkenness…” After emotion, is constant fear.

Fear lasted a long time, until the world suddenly lit up. Light on the heads of the people, all heads up, the holes where they came in, the light appeared dangling, all excited, they cheered, waved, and greeted the guy who brought them light.

The route down Gu Xiaoxiao gave instructions, and the tragedy of dumplings did not occur. The people who came in were almost people with a torch, the soldiers split two ways, one left and one right along the steps, the fire winded into a fire dragon, circled down, the cave was getting brighter and brighter, the players who survived in the dark measured the surroundings, they didn't know where they were going.

The players who entered the fish instantly arrived on the ground, followed by a constant army, and a pile of torches completely lit up the space. The space, it's just called a space, it's not decorated, it's not arranged, it's just a hole in the hole, and the pipes in the middle, they're all for water delivery, and there's spots of rust on them, and there's some strange signs of corrosion.

And the players had forgotten the task by now, and in the light, everyone was looking for a thousand miles to get drunk. Where is that horrible guy now?

No, not at all!

The bottom floors have been lit up like daylight, it's empty, there's no cover to hide, players sweep around at once, but there's no such thing as a thousand-mile drunk figure.

“Thousands of miles drunk?” The players whispered.

“Was he accidentally killed?” Somebody thinks.

“Did someone attack him?” The answer is difficult to implement, and anyone who gets drunk in a thousand miles will subconsciously make a little resistance, but since it will soon hang up, whether it works or not is unknown. Almost everyone said they might have hit a thousand miles drunk after people asked at the party.

“What do you think?” Gu Xiaoqiao asked Han's son.

“Comrade Old Fashioned, it's time for the mission.” Mr Han said to the broken arrow. (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)