Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 803 is Back

Drifting back. Actually, this guy's going to leave is what Gu Fei meant. At the time of the siege, a total of four of them broke through PK 20, Gu Fei, Sword Ghost, Drifting, Slim Waist Dance.

Gu Fei, who is often immersed in a wanted mission, knows at least that PK over 20 points can drop two levels even in prison. He was ready to put everyone in jail, but a two-tier loss would have been best avoided. So he gave the rafting news and asked him to leave the club for a while. Time was running out, and Gu Fei didn't have the courage to explain to the Swordsmen one by one, let alone what they would say on the Festival Channel.

Therefore, the drift walked away, and the skinny waist dancer and the reborn purple crystal man left safely. Gu Fei's wanted mission smoothly washed out the PK value. Only swordsmen, swordsmen can't quit. As chairman of the then very opposite sky, if he had also chosen to withdraw, very opposite sky, which had just been established, there would have been no cohesive action likely to dissolve on the spot. Even if there was no such problem, Gu Fei estimated that the swordsmen could not escape with their retreats, so he never told him about it.

In addition to this, Gu Fei once flashed like Mighty Heavenly Ming and Jiannan Yu. All of these masters may wish to withdraw first, because he also anticipated that as long as the meeting has not been dissolved, the other party will not stop. This battle will have to continue for a while. So many masters out there are very strong fighting forces.

It was only then that Gu Fei was afraid to do so. Because these people can be said to be the brackets that support the club, they will definitely not quit the club at this time. With them at the bottom, it's very counterproductive to be a long way from the bottom line of the 20-man dissolution. And once they all retreated, Gu Fei really had no confidence in the others. If all the masters ran away, they would soon fall apart, and the club would be just as hopeless.

These thoughts came to light in a flash, so he only gave drifting news to everyone. The drift is also counting its own losses at this time. I was a little hesitant. I didn't expect to think of this when I was a thousand miles drunk. It was quite surprising, but it was quite painful to withdraw from the meeting. Since there was no explanation, which led to the roar of the king's angels and others, there was no opportunity to explain later, and all these people went to jail.

Drifting back and forth, naturally took left handwriting love and right handwriting handsome, then took the transfer scroll away from Cloud City to wash the PK value temporarily. For more than 20 PK values, for players in general, and especially for short legs like drifting, washing up without the help of Wanted Assisted Props is not too easy, until now, just washed up, then flew back to Cloud City, and made contact with Gu Fei.

180 PK... The drift was spotted on the World Wanted List on the last assignment. At that time, the wanted mission was lively like an auction house, and some people weren't here at all, but heard that such a rocket-like PK maniac was constantly challenging the world record, and people came to witness the birth of it.

Besides, of course, it is inevitable to guess who this person is. The drift listened to a few random discussions. It seems too suspenseful. Eight or nine out of ten people consider it to be a thousand miles drunk. Of course, this is also true, it can only be a thousand miles drunk.

Gu Fei heard the drift say "information room”, his spirit immediately vibrated. He had the privilege of going through things in the library during city warfare missions. The players' materials do not record equipment, but ranks, professions, and clubs exist, where all members of the Black Alliance can indeed be turned over.

“You can pick up more tasks. When you see the coordinates, don't kill them in the city, but look for the out-of-town practice area. There are no guards to mess with. After killing them, go back to the main city and turn them over once! Damn, you're too easy to play with.” Drifting is a little envious, even though he has no taste in wanted missions.

“Good, that's it, you copy down the list of Black Alliance and Pastoral Club players right now, and I'll wait for you outside Cloud City.” Gu Fei said.

“...” the drift hit a chill, two lists of clubs, more than 2,000 names, find and copy, the drift feels really cheap! Why are you taking such a piece of shit?

Gu Fei began to flip the transmission scroll after he finished speaking. As he shouted, "Hey, come and help me see which coordinates are outside the cloud city. ”

After shouting, nobody answered, looking up, he and the drifting news had gone far, and nobody stayed and continued to care about his PK value. Gu Fei was depressed and rushed to catch up with him. He took a bunch of transmission reels and asked Han's son which one was in the wilderness of Cloud City.

“What are you doing?” Gu Fei and Drifting are private conversations, of course the others don't know about his plan yet.

“The drifting side can provide all the lists of known clubs, but it's better to wash them anyway than to lead them.” Gu Fei said.

“Oh, how would he know?” As Han asked, he had begun to think about the value of the toy.

“For the reasons of the camp, he has access to the information room of the Chamber of Deputies, where this information can be found.” Gu Fei said.

The neighbors are all ears up, what camp, what library, they're also game players, why is the gap so big? Why is it that people have been exposed to things they've never heard of, and they're still spinning around?

“That's good.” Mr. Han said he took Gu Fei's coordinates. This guy was obviously very talented at the coordinates. After a while, he pulled one out: “This! You're an idiot, and you've reserved a scroll of coordinates outside the city. ”

“Could be the corner of the pocket, forgot to take it out to use.” Gu Fei said.

“Now that you've split up, you go back to Cloud City and continue to cause trouble for the club, I'll go to Moon and Night City and help them fight the studio for a while.” Mr Han said.

“Help or pick?” Gu Fei asked.

“Both." Han nodded and waved away. Gu Fei patted the reel, conveyed the formation, and flew back to Cloud City.

“PK value of 180 points, I wonder if someone will come to me for this task?” With this in mind, Gu Fei felt he could not help. He understood the strange thinking of the players. Whenever there were any visions, there was always an imaginative homelessness who fantasized about what kind of super task it was. I am amazed at the 180 PK value of the Ghost Cry, and no one will ever feel that there must be a super reward for completing this.

“But… 180 PK, if you really brush a task like this, the reward is really super.” Gu Fei, a frequently wanted mission, estimated for himself how much experience and financial reward he would have had if he had completed a 180-point PK target.

“Don't know if I can get it?” Gu Fei was infected with a lot of games, and there was some mythology. He wanted to search his name when he came out with a wanted license. He had already filled in two words and suddenly began to hesitate. What if this leads itself to a shameless system that sees itself as turning itself in and sends it straight to jail? 180 PK, 180 hours, 7 days and 5 hours. After thinking about it, Gu Fei chose to be cautious. Let's do this experiment at 1: 00 PK!

Gu Fei wandered around in the wild and waited for the drifting news. He thought it would take some time. He didn't want to sneak away for a while and received the drifting message. Turn it over and see a few names.

“Black?” Gu Fei asked.

“Well, I'm here to give you a message, so you can try and save time.” Drifting said.

“Well, by the way, copy the list again.” Gu Fei said.

“# ¥%... &” drifting thought he could get rid of himself manually by messaging. I didn't think Gu Fei would let him go. “I'm not Yuko.” The drifting tears filled the face thinking, while sending the left hand to love the right hand to write handsome two guys to do manual, the two were also dead-headed and very unspirited.

Drifting each message sent five names, then it was not addictive, changed ten, fifteen, twenty... Gu Fei tried one by one in the wanted license. Without the PK value, we tried white. With the PK value, we immediately entered the task list. Looking at the current coordinates compared to the wanted coordinates, we can also determine the distance and direction. Some in the city, naturally ignored first, outside the city, immediately began to move in that direction. The 40-level player's practice area, which is quite far from the main city, is not afraid of the guards catching up to this level, Gu Fei spiritually trembled, walking along the way and continuing to try the drifting message ID, taking on more and more wanted tasks arranged in the task list. As a result, before the goal was reached, a new Gu Fei discovered that the distance was very close to his own eyes. Gu Fei passed in the sitting direction, bypassing a small hillside, and immediately saw a group of people sweating and practicing in the rain.

Gu Fei immediately got big again. People are a team, they attack their targets themselves, and no one else will fail to help. This target PK value is just a little, but their team is nine people... wash a little PK value, and then 8 points PK value. Is this all over?

Run if you fight? There are archer thieves in the other team. This rank is usually faster than Gu Fei. If you don't know if you can catch up with them alive, kill them, or add a little more PK value, or it's a loss.

Gu Fei counted as the end of spitting blood, hesitating. The team noticed him when he stood here all the time. Seems very careful and careful, he flew closer and closer to Gu, finally a voice barked out: “Thousands of miles drunk!!” But as soon as I finished screaming, someone went to cover his mouth and pretended in panic that nothing had happened.

Gu Fei suddenly thought of a problem. The target is either the Black League or the Pastoral Cloud Club, so most of the grades he practiced with are also these two families. Although the PK value increases, it happens to be the punishment for these two families. And after someone breaks their name, the others are obviously panicking. It's not the two clubs. Why are you so scared to see yourself?

I have to say, Gu Fei's last thought is a little wishful. Not everyone who knew him would be a little nervous and scared when they met him. The player thinks he's a PK lunatic, and the PK value of 180 points doesn't explain it.

At this time, however, after analyzing the true faces of these people, Gu Fei did not retreat, said nothing, waved the sword and rushed. Those people were nervous long after they recognized Gu Fei and more people lost their voice. Nine? What is this, for a thousand miles of drunkenness, it's not a drinking dish, pretending not to know how to call for assistance, wait for someone to come and surround us together is the way to go. At this time, everyone on the team was complaining about the calm and loud guy, while hoping that Gu Fei didn't hear him. At this time, he wanted to move quietly without moving.

Thousands of miles of drunkenness have swung their swords. The Nines were too poor in combat. Wow, they ran away with one scream. Thieves and archers were especially fast. Running back and shouting: “Turn to zero, turn to zero! ”

The rest of his short legs exhaled blood. Running apart, chasing one more drunk a thousand miles, most people do have a chance to get away. But anyway, they will definitely be wiped out in the middle of their short legs, and those two guys with speed are not risky, and they're happy with the natural screaming that turns into zero.

Gu Fei did ignore the two fast running men and chased them straight to the squadron. The warriors shouted, "Unite your heart, hold on”. Others answered him, "Come on brothers," sneaking up and heading the farthest away from the warrior.

“You bastards, you bastards!” The warrior scolded.

“The senseless sacrifice is wasted, and today's retreat is to move forward even further tomorrow!” Those of you who left the warrior flashing read the words.

The warrior raised his sword in tears to meet Gu Fei. There was no wonderful process to fight. He was killed by Gu Fei in peace. Just to be resurrected, it turns out that it's not at the resurrection point, it's in prison.

“Wanted mission?” The warrior is really unexpected, trying to compare to level 2, prison is really uncomfortable. I turned my eyes and found a burglar sitting quietly in the corner of this cell. Life in jail is boring, only the players can communicate with each other to kill time. The warrior immediately went up and greeted him with the same opening remarks as his fellow inmates for many years: "How many hours, brother? ”

“39.” The other responded quietly.

“Ah...” the warrior opened his mouth, such a tall PK, definitely would not have turned himself in, mostly sent in. The warrior immediately thought of a man and went on to close: “Was he sent in drunk? ”

The other nodded.

The warrior immediately found a common language and began to yell at him for miles, but the man looked at him quietly and did not laugh or speak.

“Are you mad already?” The warrior thought silently, looked at the weirdo again, and quietly squatted aside.

After completing a mission, Gu Fei saw that everyone else had escaped. This is not what he envisioned. I just thought a mission would lead to a group of people dying to resist, and then it would take a little while, but it would be eight points. I didn't know these guys would just split up. If you're going after him again, you're going to get PK value. Is it or is it not?

Gu Fei was paradoxical, but after thinking about it, I felt that this opportunity to hit the other party can not be missed. This is not the time when the merciful hand soft meter is more PK value, kill, must kill!

Gu Fei thought about it and stared at a target. Short legs against Gu Fei, catching up was only a matter of time. The man couldn't get away with it. He paused depressingly. Gu Fei rushed to the front and asked: "Which club?” Gu Fei discovered that he was not wearing a bank badge.

“Pastoral cloud.” The other party replied.

“Withdrawal will not kill.” Gu Fei said.

The other side hesitated. And of course the players in the fight against the sky know that. This is teeth for teeth!

Withdrawal will not kill. After a slight hesitation, the man finally nodded and said: "It's gone. ”

“Oh, what's your name?” Gu Fei asked.

“Elephants tread.” The other side said.

“Oh, that's an interesting name.” Gu Fei smiled and flew quickly to give the drift a message: “The elephant stepped on it and searched the man. ”

The Grand Master of the Drifting Hall is now like a clerk. He is often sent by Gu Fei. He can't be angry, but he can't help but do it. He flipped through the materials he is looking at and replied: “Class 41 players, knights, Pastoral Cloud Club. What's the matter?”

“Or the Pastoral Club? ”



“Sure, what's wrong? ”

“Look again. ”

“What are you talking about?! ”


“What the hell is going on? ”

“He's dying. ”

“Oh.” The drift continues to bury its head.

“Childish, do you think you can fool me? You didn't back off.” Gu Fei criticized the elephant for stepping on it. He raised his sword and fell, killing it.

The elephant stomped to death without figuring it out. How did this guy suddenly know for sure that he was lying? There's a mole! Elephants rushed to report to the chairman, and someone in the bank was a treacherous molester, or had been bought.

“He sold me!!” Elephants tread and weep. "Otherwise I won't die. Chairman, you have to decide for me! ”

“Got it. Got it.” Shepherd enemies in the clouds were a little annoyed, and they were drunk enough to start attacking his actions. Is it a secret that there will be a mole? There were no ten or eight molesters in the club, and they were too ashamed to admit they were big clubs. It's just a very bad day, but it's been done so fast and efficiently, which surprises the shepherd enemies in the cloud. I remember that everyone from my club had joined the club a very bad day ago! Buy it, only buy it, those guys are rich! Shepherd in the cloud thinks.

“This guy, what do you want?” Black index fingers, etc. grow up and people have headaches again. They're tired of leaving Moon and Night City drunk for a thousand miles. But the player who received the PK-180 drunken task just found his coordinates back in Cloud City. The guy came back, and the crowd was still annoyed.

By this time, they've started organizing people to go around killing drunk people. I can't believe it was the other party who took the initiative.

“Did he expect us to rotate now? So you go out in the open and do it to us? ”

“If so, maybe he's not the only one back! ”

“Shit, get the wild practitioners together, don't disperse. ”

“Motherfucker, how can you play games like this?” The grudges are back.

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To get out, so update early! Cough, I feel like the latest updates are really good posture, the pattern is refurbished! Let's celebrate this fantastic chapter 800 with a few monthly tickets! (To be continued, please go to for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)