Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 819: Watching…

Gu Fei looked at the person in front of him, this is really the guy who showed up as GM. Ye Xiaowu said he was a game worker, but his appearance in the game was a regular player account, he had a professional skills, and he would be killed and defeated. In front of him, Gu Fei sliced his sword directly past the body. At this time, he tried to use an appraisal technique, which was supposed to show the profession. The text displayed was GM264, and the grade display was level 1, except that there was no information. And the costume on this person also looks like game gear, but there's nothing under the appraisal.

“What did you just say?” Gu Fei asked.

“Yes, because of the current mixed war situation in Cloud City, coupled with the extraordinary efficiency of your wanted mission, Cloud City dungeons are about to be filled, and where will the players be transferred when the number exceeds? Failure of the system to respond in this regard may result in errors in the operation of the game. So, I'll have to ask you to wait.” GM264 has been patient and detailed again.

“Then expand the prison! If you tell me to stop, this cure won't cure Ben!” Gu Fei dissatisfied.

“I know, I know. Now the planning side has started setting this up, but we also need time! So please just pause for a moment.” GM264 says.

“I can just stop. Where are the others?” Gu Fei said.

“It's enough for you to pause, there's still some space in the dungeon to support the situation that's going on..." GM264 said.

“This is a mess. What about my continuous mission? We're all going to fail and start over?” Gu Fei is mainly talking about the continuous completion of the wanted tasks required to upgrade the boots of the wind. This is one of the hardest things to accomplish, and it can sometimes lead to the failure of a task because of some coincidence. For example, the target of the task just received, the PK value of Cha Cha Cha was washed out in one minute, and it was just offline... these are the situations of immortality. Gu Fei is now in a good time. At this time, the player fought hard. The PK value will only be more or less. Even less, it is unlikely that he will rush offline. This is the best time to improve the ranking of the boots in the wind chase. Speed is something Gu Fei likes very much.

GM264 tears filled, they were worried about possible errors in the whole game, but this man was telling them about his mission continuity. GM264 certainly understood the drunkenness before entering the game. The gaming company did not say anything to the outside world, but watched the operation of the game everyday, and knew that the player was unique in the current game. But now he kills this dilemma, so many people up and down the gaming company, but none of them anticipate this kind of problem, it's really that the way people play doesn't belong to humans...

Who would love a high-risk, low-paying job like this? Even a player who is extremely fond of PK should be an indiscriminate slayer as a street slayer. Such a violent man with a strong moral bondage, such contradictions are not common people can think of.

There's nothing scary about a person doing one thing once in a while, but doing one thing consistently and persistently can have different consequences. Gu Fei persisted in his quest, so he received a series of rewards. He joined the camp, held a wanted license, and then the wanted license was incredibly elevated in the unique prize of city war. Little by little, all the conditions were gathered on Gu Fei. He still insisted that the wanted task remain unshakeable, and rushed to the cloud city war eruption. Gu Fei's gorgeous wanted equipment, coupled with his perverted figure, finally challenged the system's vacuum.

Parallel world game operation is also fair, at this time, really despicable point, forcibly cut off Gu Fei's game, let him be a regular member of tens of millions of players, can't connect to the game somehow, and there is no wind. And the game company is sending GM to explain it to him, but it's pretty good.

“The continuity of the task is reassuring to you that we will fairly guarantee the interests of every player. I'm sure you can see our sincerity when I come out here to explain this to you.” GM264 is trying to communicate with Gu Fei.

Gu Fei nodded, and he could see the way the gaming company was doing. However, given that Gu Fei felt that he was completely irresponsible, he took it for granted that he was more concerned about the continuity of his mission, and asked: “How can I guarantee my mission? ”

“Uh? We're now helping you cancel all of your current unfinished tasks, regardless of failure, and when the dungeon problem is resolved, you will reclaim the task so that no task will fail due to your pause, causing your continuity to be compromised. Is that okay?” GM264 says.

“Oh, that's okay.” Gu Fei Ben is a reasonable person, and he is quite satisfied with the way the game company handles things today. As long as it makes sense, of course, he won't be unreasonable, let alone take the opportunity to make irrelevant demands.

GM264 completed the bargaining assignment, grew out of breath and smiled at Gu Feiduo: "Thank you for your support of our work. Our gaming companies always reward players who discover game BUG, you, even if you discover a game BUG! We'll get back to you when we're done. ”

“Oh, what reward?” Gu Fei was curious.

“Cash rewards.” GM264 laugh. Gaming companies don't give virtual in-game rewards in places like this, and of course, players are going to take the money and buy gold coins or rewards in games, which is another thing.

“Oh, wait a minute.” Gu Fei looked at the GM264 and shouted in haste: “How long will it take to get it done? ”

“I'm not sure about this, and you can rest assured we'll be in touch with you the first time we take care of this.” GM264 said.

“What if I have to wash the PK in the meantime?” Gu Fei asked.

“Wash PK value?” GM264 Doubtful.

“Yeah! As you can see, Cloud City is in turmoil now. PK value is always inconvenient. It's almost 30 and I have to wash it. Now I can't do a wanted job. What should I do?” Gu Fei said.

The question GM264 was obviously unprepared, and after being stunned, he said: "You just can't work in Cloud City for a while, the other main city is fine. ”

“The other castles are very inconvenient..." Gu Fei said.

“This way, the chasing crest transfer function cannot cross the Castle, but we can fix it for you temporarily so that it can cross the Castle, so that's convenient, right?” GM264 says.

“Well... let's get it together first!” Gu Fei reluctantly accepted.

“Thank you again for your support of our work, GM number 264, and we have videotaped and recorded this conversation and would like to express any comments you may have at any time on the official homepage or via the 24-hour service hotline. Enjoy your game.” GM264 As soon as the last expression ended, it disappeared. Unlike the player, the downline and everything was white. People said nothing, it turned directly into air, very simple.

Gu Fei remembered something like that and opened the task list. If not, his unfinished tasks had been temporarily erased. Problem solved, restarting the task to continue the wanted, continuous records are still maintained, but I don't know when these people will solve the problem, now is a good time for the wanted task!

Gu Fei thought with regret that he had sent a message to Han's son: "The wanted mission cannot be done. ”


“GM called me and said that the dungeons in Cloud City were going to be full. If they burst, there was a chance that the game would run erroneously and I didn't know what the consequences would be.” Gu Fei said.

“Shit, really, you're not being ignored by some guy pretending to be a GM, are you? Was his name a gamekeeper or something?” Mr. Han asked.

“No, it's true.” Gu Fei describes the wonder and story of the GM264.

“So you've already said yes?” Mr Han said.

“Of course.”

“I'd love to see what would go wrong with this game, don't you call some people on a wanted mission?” Mr Han said.

As a result, the monitoring department of the game operation immediately blew up the pan and shouted around: "Attention, there is a dangerous man here, and there is a dangerous man here. ”

Gu Fei's crisis is very important. When he first started the crazy task of washing up nearly 400PK, the people in the monitoring department who noticed the situation here still joked that the dungeon was going to be filled, who thought that after Gu Fei upgraded the wind chase crest, he began to carry out the wanted task more efficiently and with more focus. At this time, the players who owned PK value in Cloud City also went wild, the number of players in the dungeon grew, and the face of the monitoring department gradually grew. After passing a simulated data test, it was discovered that this kind of dungeon would really be supported.

The message was quickly conveyed to the superiors and an emergency response plan was immediately put forward and started to be implemented. Instead of having the qualities, the game company and Gu Fei negotiated with each other face-to-face. If Gu Fei refuses the Gaming Company's request to continue, the Gaming Company will definitely not hesitate to forcibly disconnect him from the game, at which time the Gaming Company will take over the moral side without any further concern.

Gu Fei had agreed to the request in his dealings with GM264, but this did not allow the gaming company to relax its examination of him. Moreover, at this time, the level of surveillance is raised. Gu Fei's news and actions in the game are closely watched. Of course, he and Han's news is seen. When he sees Han's son, he is afraid of the world. Comrades in the surveillance department first messed up. Someone proposed to send GM to talk to Han's son immediately. But at the critical time, the leader calmed down and waved his hand: “The person is also under special surveillance, at the highest level. Watch his moves first. If he's just joking, send GM to find him. Isn't that a joke? ”

Everyone listened to the haste to praise the wise decision of the leadership, while carrying out the all-round, highest level surveillance of Mr. Han's words and actions. Someone immediately screamed, "This guy is going to do something, he's writing a message. ”

“What?” The leader thought that the person might be more likely to just say a random joke. At this time, it was also a big shock, rushing up and shouting: “Cut off his message first, GM? ”

“Wait. He erased it again.” Reported by subordinates.

“What did he write?” Lead the big step meteor toward surveillance this way.

“What he wrote about wanted assignments had a random prize for everyone to do.” The man reported.

“This lie may be a little childish, and he's probably rewording it, cutting off his message first, and keeping an eye on his intentions.” The leader said that he had arrived in front of Han's monitor, but saw that his face in front of the monitor was extremely ugly. He turned the monitor so that the leader could see the message written in Han's new book.

“Watching me? Ha-ha-ha, just kidding. ”

As soon as the leaders realized that something unusual might be going on here, they came together and saw the message that Han's son clearly wrote to them on the screen.

A group of people looked at each other, no one spoke, and the entire monitoring department had only the sound of computers running, squeaking.

And the words on the screen were still flashing, and the text in this line of news was erased, and people watched another string of words jump in front of them: Well, I'm going to go on and have a good day at work.

The face of a room is blurred and can only be described by biting teeth. The staff member sitting in front of the console struggled to restrain himself from destroying the account without slipping. All the people in the room have been thinking over and over again about how to fix this account for the players to get out of this breath. But the tragedy is that their professional qualities tell them not to do this, so they can only have addictions in their minds, and when they think about it, everyone is extraordinarily sad.

At the end of the day, the biggest winner was the leader. When he saw Han's son writing the message on the screen, he waved his hand again: “Uncut his message. ”

Staff were reluctant to do so.

“Is surveillance going on?” Someone asked.

A room full of contradictions. What if you're spying, and you're being molested? If you don't spy on him, what's this guy gonna do?

Leadership, however, is the face of business: "Keep watching. Players who know what's going on in the dungeon are being watched. ”

“I should have told you not to divulge secrets once and for all.” One man said.

“It's an emergency, and there's no place to think about it.” Another person said.

“But a thousand miles of drunkenness doesn't seem like so many things.” One said.

“But what about that guy? ”

“An animal.” One concludes, positively praised by all colleagues and applauded in the office.

In the game, Gu Fei is quite lonely at this time. The task cannot be done. PK bar, no objects can be found. Coupled with the counter-current upstream pretending to inadvertently say more, Gu Fei can still kill fewer targets. Especially no-one wears a bank badge at the moment. Gu Flying up to ask directly, and the players who have done the right thing are all in vain. How can you be honest? Turning a few laps, Gu Fei could recognize no player at all. You want the drift to help you! But this guy was determined not to serve Gu Fei anymore, pretending that the dead didn't return the news, and Gu Fei couldn't do anything about it.

Gu Fei is also just lonely. At this time, the most painful thing in the game is to go up against the current, get stuck in the wall by people on both sides. When the song is increasingly unsupported for alcohol, the player grades fall down. The weaker the player, the weaker the weaker, the higher the flow, the horizontal left and right are not a negotiable object. Finally, being forced to do nothing, the action will order the revival point not to come out...

When the song retreats, the small and medium-sized banks he covers will have no climate. They were hunted down too, but they didn't have to go back like they did for booze! I really can't hold on, rushing clothes are soft, for example, firmly stating to sword without oath that I must be on his side in the future. The sword of no oath was of course very useful for this loyalty, so he sold it to let them go. Gradually, the battle in Yunnan City became weaker and weaker. Outside the point of resurrection, there was already a lot of scolding, because it could not be fought completely, and it did not shrink completely in the point of resurrection.

Gu Fei turned around a few times to discover this situation, in a hurry, the problem in the dungeon has not yet been solved. Why is there a seedling for a ceasefire instead of a big war? Look at the time. It's been over an hour. What kind of work quality is this game company?

Gu Fei is angry! Yukiko Sakura and Lanyi arrived on foot from Moon Night City. The two guys said they were helping Gu Fei, but none of them contacted Gu Fei first, but they were looking for confusion and recklessness. The obscure recklessness is very incomprehensible, and the news comes to ask Gu Fei what kind of script these people come and go?

“Oh, back?” Gu Fei's mind is not here at this time.

“Well, here we are. What's your plan? ”

“Plan? Ask the guy.” Gu Fei said.

As a result, Mr. Han's message has arrived: “We can go clean up the garbage if there are a bunch of mutilators left. ”

“I've been around for a long time and I can't find my opponent.” Gu Fei said.

“Find? Why don't you ask the backflow, ask the sword without oath, and they'll all tell you very clearly.” Mr Han said.

“Yeah!” Gu Fei suddenly.

“At present, the song about alcohol seems to have been defeated and shrunk to the point of resurrection. Shepherd enemies in the clouds are organizing people, and it looks like they are preparing to lead wanted missions, killing them directly into the resurrection point and pulling them out.” Mr Han said.

“Wanted missions ready? ”

“Always. Except for you.” Han's son is very calm.

“Shit, so many people can't beat me. ”

“It seems so. Am I right?” Mr Han said.

“What, right?” Gu Fei wondered.

“I didn't show you that half.” Han said.

“What?” Gu Fei wondered.

One room staff member who continued to monitor was again in tears.

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The monthly ticket competition will be fierce this month! I saw it on the first day! Comrades need to help... (Unfinished, please go to for more chapters, support the author, support authentic reading!)